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Hi Liam,

Sorry to hear you have been working yourself so hard, and suffering lots of headaches following a car accident, followed by depression. I so hope that your current meds help with both and you are able to enjoy your quilting again.

I too am still suffering back pain every day since a car accident almost a year ago now, I hope I am not still suffering in another year like you are now.

Take care,


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Happy to see you back, Liam! I'm climbing out of that hole myself right now. I've had health issues since last July myself so I know how you feel. But there is an end! I'm scheduled for surgery this Tuesday to reconnect a colonostomy I had to have last November. I'm having anxiety issues because the original problem landed me in the hospital for a month, and then physical rehab home for another month. I'm so glad your Dr's are getting all the meds right for you. It's a big thing when they don't work right.

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Glad to meet you Laim. I am new to my Lenni and to the forum. What a great group we have here. I understand about accidents and things that continue on as a result and end up tipping a person into depression. You are right to just take one day at a time and only deal with what is on your plate for today. Best wishes.

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