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Soon to Be Fulltimer. I hope I don't starve!

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Well ladies I have made up my mind to be a Fulltime Quilter by the 1st of the year. I am ready. I suppose if the quilting slows down for any reason I'm a licensed realtor and can work my own schedule if I so desire to. So I have a plan and a backup plan so there it is. I have my husband's blessing and those that like my quilting so hopfully I can be off for Christmas and never work another Holiday or graveyard or miss a family event for the rest of my life. lol

Most of those that know me think I have lost my mind to give up what is a very desirable job in my community and that I'm making a big mistake. I guess I'm going to have to prove them wrong.

I'm scared and yet so excited I just have to share it before I burst!!!! It's a big decision for me and well I feel so happy about it. Many have been watching and listening and have finally given up as I have chickened out a few times. Kinda like the little boy who cried wolf. lol


Thanks to all of you for your help and support. I really appreciate you all and I just love this chat room. I look forward to reading it each day. You've been very encouraging to me as a beginner and I cannot say thank you enough.

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Good for you, you are never going to know if you don't try!

Knowing you, you are going to be a ball of fire, burning the candles at both ends quilting your heart out!

I quit a "dream" job years ago, (but not my "dream") & am very thankful that I followed my heart.

"Live like you're dying & quilt your heart out girl"!

Happy for you!!

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You know if we humans listened to all the nay-sayers in this world, we'd still be living in caves and striking stones together to start a fire.

To me, I currently do have a dream job with my employer. I've worked here for over 10 years, and if I had my way, I'd make this job my "retirement home." I make an excellent salary, and I have fantastic bennies, and I work with the best folks I could ever want. I am so very, very lucky. It couldn't ask for anything better with my employer, and I know it, but I gotta tell you, that lately there has been a voice inside of me that says... "Shana, if you ever decide that you need a change, or something happens, you could always just stay home and quilt..." Oh, that would be nice! And that little voice has spoken to me a few times. ;)

To me, success is not defined by the standard that others set for us, or what everyone else says is the "norm" and what we're supposed to do (like a bunch of lemmings). Success is defined by what makes us happy in the deepest part of our own heart. That is success. Follow your heart, Tammie, and you will be happy and you will be a success in your own right. You go girl!

Grammie, All I can say is...

She's the sweet Grammie Tammie from Beaumont, Texas...

"Go Grammie Go Grammie Go Grammie GO!"



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Good luck... I too will be venturing into full time quilting in January. My last day at UPS is January 5, after 32 years of going to work each and every morning.... I get to stay home and plan my own day.

My son and his girlfriend made me a website. We have to get it hosted yet, but she is going to check on that and get it going soon.

It is... www.ivycornerquilting.com

Give it a couple of weeks and hopefully we can start using it.

Good luck Grammie.. and good luck to me also.

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Why in the world with your talent, would you even remotely think that you won't be successful. People who have never ventured out of their box, they are the failures....just stepping out with the courage to try makes you a successful.

Beside, with just one phone conversation, I could tell that you are ready to kick some hinny and take some names later....you have the best support system behind you (your family), not to mention us....you even sorta stumble, and those of us who can pick you up will certainly do our best. It won't be just a short time that you more than likely will be on the other side teaching us how to do it....so you just go girl.

My best wishes on your happy "Walk-A-Way" Day.....Let us know the day and we will help you celebrate. My walking away day was the best in my life and I am going on 8 years. I'm proof it can be done and with success.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

You know if we humans listened to all the nay-sayers in this world, we'd still be living in caves and striking stones together to start a fire.

To me, success is not defined by the standard that others set for us, or what everyone else says is the "norm" and what we're supposed to do (like a bunch of lemmings). Success is defined by what makes us happy in the deepest part of our own heart. That is success. Follow your heart, Tammie, and you will be happy and you will be a success in your own right. You go girl!

Shana, I couldn't have said it better! As many of you have read, I had to ignore a lot of naysayers to proceed and get my Millie. Was monetary thoughts of buyers regret last night and then went down and played with my beast. The thoughts quickly passed!

Tammie, I am jealous but extremely excited for you! Hey, if it doesn't work out, you can always get another job!

There is a funny post on another populate web site where a woman posted a thread called "Will Quilt for Food". She even had a picture taken of herself holding up a cardboard sign. Very funny! :P

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