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help! Talked with the customer

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I had to frog a quilt. Only had two rows in it but the stitching on the back wasn't up to par. So I pulled it off and frogged it. Took me many many hours.....very small stitches. SR needed an adjustment.


Here's the problem. Today while quilting it I discovered a very very small hole in the quilt top (of course I found it after I had it quilted). The hole is right at a point, guess that is why I noticed it.

If I would have found it before, I would have cut a small piece of fabric from the seam, and fused it. Can't do that now, short of frogging again and I really don't want to do that. The hole is on a cream fabric, with a cream batting.

What do I do to fix the problem. I will of course tell my customer.

What would be the right discount to offer my customer, for my mistake.

Not that this should matter at all, but this is a scrap quilt for herself. At least it wasn't meant to be a gift for someone.....my one saving grace.

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Okay, first I will say that I have not tried this before, but..... If I had that problem I would think about taking a very small snip of similar colored fabric and with maybe a small crochet hook poking the snippet into the hole and working it under the hole and adding a drop or two of fray check to the opening. How does that sound for a quilting McGiver trick instead of duck tape? LOL

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What about using BoNash? It's a product made for these types of circumstances. I haven't used it yet, but was very impressed with their demo at Houston last year, and bought some. It allows you to 'fuse' the hole with some of their powder and it really appears to work very well. You can't tell the repair, and it doesn't change the hand of the fabric or yellow over time.

I would like to know if anyone else has used this product? It's only a matter of time before I give it a try myself :)

Debbie in Austin

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Thanks for all of the suggestions. To answer some of the questions.

The hole really is more of a, very small, slit less than an eighth of an inch. It is so small that I did not see it until I had the sandwich stretched across the bars. And then really only saw it because my stitching on my pantograph, had a point right next to it.

I have to believe that I probably did it while frogging the original stitching out of the quilt. (those dreaded 2 rows that did not have perfect stitches)

I think two well placed stitches will cover the tear, I just worry about fray. Had I seen it before I loaded the quilt I would have just used some fusable web, lined up the two sides and been done with it.

After I am done with the quilt, I will take a picture and try to post it here.

Thank you all for the suggestions. I know that I am going to use several of them.

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The quilt is off the LA. I had I not put a big red sticky flag on the spot I probably would not have found it again. Looks much smaller now. Actually you wouldn't see it at all except it looks like a fabric pill at that spot right now.

Last night I experimented with Fray check, on a small 12 inch practice piece of fabric that had the 3 layers. It dried well and I put a couple of tacking stitches across the damaged area this morning.

I called the customer this morning and told her what had happened, and how I would like to fix it. She laughed at me and said " I totally know how that happens, I do it all the time! I sure hope you haven't lost any sleep over this."

I told her that I would fix it today and that the quilt would be ready for pick up tomorrow. She asked if she could pick it up Monday and drop off three more for me.

I'm going to order some of that Bo Nash. I watched the You tube video's of it yesterday then googled it to see where I might find it. It was suppose to be available at Kmart, Joanne's and Hancocks.....but must only be the online stores because there wasn't any to be found at my local stores.

I want to thank you all for the suggestions! BTW I did give her 10% off the quilting also.

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Dear Deb: You are too hard on yourself. I've made many of this same kind of quilt and use them well. After a few washings, and kids, and (gasp!) cat naps, some of my quilts get a small boo boo. I just do as my grandma, and perhaps her grandma , did. I take a few mending, neat, nice, Stitches....with matching thread, hopefully a thin perhaps silk weight. it still looks like a Quilt :cool:

I'm glad you are quilting for a nice reasonable person. She sounds like a person we would all like to know!! :D;)


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