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Post # 1000

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I am sew happy! My neighbor is now a quilter-she has been "playing" with peicing (her words) for awhile but she is now SERIOUS. I told her she is now ADDICTED! She had her husband redo the guest room into her sewing room. She showed it to me last month and it was so cute! So neat & organized, with labeled drawers, thread organized by color & stacked nice & neat, fabric folded pretty and a few new patterns she wanted to make-she showed my the ones in order of her preference.

Anyway, last nite she stopped me while I was mowing to invite me over to help her with some steps she did'nt understand. I walked in and all I could do was smile! I told her she was now a quilter!!! The very cute magazine worthy sewing room was ...well...a mess:P:P

She had 3 projects going at once -that's why she was confused-She was reading the wrong pattern for the project she was working on at that moment:P:P:P We laughed so hard it hurt! I am still giggeling about it!

It is wonderfull knowing she is right next door! We can visit ANYTIME we see the lights on and go over barefoot & in jammies if we need to!!


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LOL When I first started to read your post and you were talking about how neat and organized her room was, I said to myself, "No, she's not a quilter yet." It seems she has made the transition! How fun.

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