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Just Had to Say NO!!

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Sorry for the first post, don't know how I hit send? Anyway, I have a quilt to do and it's a monster 130 x130 but it is just drop your teeth beautiful, the customer brought batting in six rolls, it is home made wool batting I would have to baste all the pieces together. When I got out the first bag and opened it, it had a lot of black wool spots maybe the size of dimes and smaller, then I found straw, I stopped looking at the wool and looked at my hands and they were full of lanolin! I called the customer and explained I couldn't use the wool she brought, I would use commercially made wool batt. The quilt was made by a friend of hers who is in her 80's and no longer can hand quilt, her appliqué is just amazing!!! I hope I can do this quilt justice! Every piece of fabric in the appliqué is fussy cut! The background for the appliqué is white and I was afraid the dark wool spots would show through and I had no idea what the lanolin would eventually do to the quilt, I will be on this project until the end if the year I think.:D

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Guest Linda S

Good call, Shar. Chances are the lanolin would have made spots on the quilt and it sounds like the batt would have bunched on washing. Can't wait to see the quilt with your lovely quilting on it.

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You made a good call, Shar. Besides the lanolin and black spots, I don't know how you could have effectively pieced the raw batts into 130" plus square and keep it all together for quilting. I don't think there is any batting that will be big enough for this monster and you (or someone;)) will be piecing some batting in any case.

I also would love to see some photos of the top--it sounds yummy!

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Yep, good call!

My aunt lived in WVa and each spring we would go down and shear her sheep and us kids had to take the wool down to the creek and wash it out then spread it out on the lawn to dry. That is what she used for her batting. She would go to the shop that made mens wool suits and get their scraps for the many crazy quilts she made.

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Thaks everyone for the support, I knew in my heart it was the right call, but I felt bad the customer had invested all that money and didn't know what she was getting. I have the "store bought" batting all pieced and loaded.... now to just to figure out what to quilt..... I'll post pictures once I am started and can't change my mind.

Heidi: Did you post pictures?

Patty Jo: LOL I can't seem to even figure out what to do with this one, let alone help you! You are so clever with designs I'm sure you will do a fantasitc job!

Dave: That is a monster!!! Pretty soon we will be asking for 16 foot tables if this continues!

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