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My own fault, I guess. A mini-rant

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Sometimes people get in the way of your plans! Isn't that the truth. What is the saying about life is what happens while you are busy making plans?

Anyway, my customers blind-sided me this month. I have three (3!!) who have yet to bring me their quilts scheduled in February. I was scrambling to get all my January quilts finished because I lost 8 days of quilting when we had no power, but by the first week in February I was back on track. I had called or talked to everyone who hadn't yet delivered their top and all was good. Talked to one at guild and she would have it for me in three days. One said she was getting borders ready and would have it as soon as possible. I got an email this morning from the last one and she will drop it off Friday afternoon. No way can I get three done in 5 days, not with the day job and the fact that none of these three have shown up with their tops......

Here's my plan--I will be able to quilt the next one I get in my hands. But the other two will be bumped. My decision is where to bump them to. I can offer to work "overtime" in March--which means cutting into my precious, almost non-existent family/fun time--with a rush charge. Or bump them to the next available spot--in June. (I'll soften the blow by offering to quilt theirs earlier if time or a cancellation permits.)

You can rest assured, all my March customers have either dropped off or are scheduled to do so before the end of this month. It makes me wonder if I've been too laid-back and easy with my dear customers. I've had quilts dropped off deep into the scheduled month, but never three at once.

I'll let you know how this plays out. I guess I'm miffed that my time doesn't seem to be valued.......And mad at myself for not being firmer and thus appearing more professional?:o

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I am in awe that you can schedule your quilts and get them done in a timely manner. Sorry you had 3 customers drop the ball and cause you grief.

Let's just say...I know what it means when life gets in the way! I have had the same quilt on the frame for a month! not good. And...I am getting paid for it...well maybe. I didn't think it would take this long to do. I can't even remember what I said I would quilt it for. Practice I am thinking!!

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Oh Kristina! Life didn't just get in your way--it tried to body-slam you!

Your grace under fire is an example to us all. My little whine about being derailed by a customer quirk or two pales in comparison. I hope the kids are heading for more normalcy and I think of you and them often. You will love to get back to quilting I'm sure because it means the family is well and happy.

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I do my schedules much like you do, although I think you probably quilt more quilts in a month than I do. I find it harder and harder to keep up with it, maybe because I'm getting so much custom work and it is just hard to tell exactly how long those will take. I do it much the same way when they don't bring them. In fact these days I'm almost over-joyed when they tell me they can't be ready because then I get some me time! I've been a bit out of sorts since the holidays and for the first time behind on my list. You know what I've decided to be honest with my customers and let them what is going on and I simply tell them right now there are no promises. If they don't want to wait I'm ok with that. I just need that right now. So I guess what I'm tell you my friend is it is OK to be firm with your business.

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

....... I guess I'm miffed that my time doesn't seem to be valued.......And mad at myself for not being firmer and thus appearing more professional?:o

Yes, your time should be valued. I'm sure they value your time, but yeah their time is valuable too. And they screwed up, or time slipped away from them.

Yes, I'm sure they didn't mean to mess up your schedule.

Yes, it's their fault they didn't meet their end of the commitment date and caused your schedule to be juggled and rearranged.

No, you should not be mad at yourself for not being firmer.

No, you don't appear to be unprofessional.

No, you don't need to give up your already precious family time.

In the big scheme of things, these are just quilts. It's not the end of the world. We all live in a wonderful country where we live nearly carelessly, and so we take so many simple things for granted. Yep, we get mad or upset at the inconveniences that we have every day, such as: 1) the red lights and the traffic jams we encounter while driving our nice cars to our jobs where we get paid a nice salary. 2) We get mad because we have to stand in long lines at the grocery store to get the lovely delicious foods we get to pick from. 3) We get upset because our quilt isn't going to be quilted on the date we wanted it to be done because we didn't get the quilt to the longarm quilter in time because we were too busy watching a movie last night, and the night before, sitting on our comfortable couch in our nice warm home. Yeah. Life is rough. Yeah, time slipped away from us and we forgot about our quilt we were supposed to get to Linda in February.

Yeah, we've got it pretty rough.

Some people in this world don't know when their next meal will be. Nor do they have a bed to sleep on, or a quilt to cuddle under to stay warm.

If these people get upset I'd want to say "It's just a stupid quilt get over it already!"

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Guest Linda S

My clients' quilts are not officially on the schedule until they are in my possession. If they don't have it here by the month they want me to do it, I'll do someone else's in line instead.

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I'm just now starting to get enough business that I need to start thinking about stuff like this. I got two women calling on the same day, and just about panicked before I thought to tell one of them she was in line, and it could possible be a month before I got to it. She was OK with that! She said, "well at least your not a year behind"!? I knew a lot of our quilters were backed up, but really? a year?

Oh, well, good for me huh? I just need to get myself organinzed and figure out a schedule that works with my work schedule and allows family time. Hubby is getting a little perturbed about the family time.:D

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Like Linda, I don't schedule in quilts until they bring them to me, my customers normally ring up, make an appointment, bring the quilt in the next few days, and I quilt it within then next few weeks, but that being said, most of my work are pantos, and I only have an approximate maximum of 12 in at any one time... so I don't have the huge custom work that puts me over schedule....

That way, if there is a problem with one, I can move onto the next.

Although, if I got to the stage where I had 20 quilts or more then I would probably need to reconsider my practice.

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I agree with Lyn...they can wait another turn in line on your merry go round. You shouldn't have to suffer because they didn't meet the predetermined schedule, but then again, I've been known to work all hours of the night to get someone's quilt done due to this same situation. Of course this IS my only job now so I don't have to worry about getting up to go to another job the next day.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Linda, and it's okay to rant when you need to. We can take it. ;)

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I know scheduling can be a real PITA. I had a customer call me in December to reserve space for three pantos in January. I blocked out the entire month for her. I still haven't received them. I saw her at Guild on Tuesday and she said she will have one ready for me in a few days and will need it asap. Well, my machine is on an UPS truck on the way to Carroll, Iowa for a spa treatment. She wasn't happy that I can't meet her deadline and she is taking it to another longarmer who is computerized and will have it done the same day. What can I say???

Linda, you are so patient and understanding and always go the "extra mile" for people, so now it is your turn to relax and do what you can without getting stressed over your decision.

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Originally posted by sandradarlington

I blocked out the entire month for her......She wasn't happy that I can't meet her deadline...

OK,....so you waited over a month for her to give you the quilts and now she says she's taking them to someone ese. OK! :)


Oh I forgot! Forgive me. It is all about them isn't it??? ;)

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It is kind of crazy how they treat us. They would not do this for a doctor appointment, manicure, etc. But for some reason they think we are not a business. I say put them at the bottom of the list, they missed their appointment. Therefore they have to reschedule for the next available opening

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I have some really wonderful customers and some not so wonderful "it's really all about me" types. I had one that was down right NASTY, but overall, I enjoy working with customers. I love getting their tops and love turning them into completed quilts so they don't wind up as UFOs.. Most of them are very sweet and appreciate what I do for them. Several have given me tips ranging from extra cash to a beautiful hand made (by my customer) candle. One gal who doesn't have very much money, bartered to fix my husband's computer (she works for the Geek Squad at Best Buys) for a Batman throw quilt for her 4 year old son. But, it seems that most of us have a few customers that stress us out big time!

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