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NQR prayer request

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I'd like to ask you all to pray for my neighbors, Debbie and Brian Rivers. On Sat. their 17 yr old daughter was killed in a tragic car crash that took the lives of two kids. Two other kids are in the hospital. It was a drunk driver that hit them and they were less than a mile from home, litterally in our back yard. Our development runs right along the highway and a short trip through the woods will get you right on the highway where they died. My community just pulled together for a candle light vigil and it was so moving. I watched from home since my husband wasn't here and I didn't want to go alone. There were 8,000 - 10,000 people who attended and the local news carried it live, the whole thing! I live in a very large community and sometimes you wonder if you are just a little person in a big world but these two kids have pulled their entire community together. Rival schools are showing support in a way I've never seen. It is just amazing. I sit here and wish that we could be like this all the time and not just when there is a tragedy.

Please pray for the families as they bury their children. Tomorrow is Deanna's wake and the funeral is Thursday. The other boy, Chris, will be buried on Sat. My heart aches for my neighbors. We were more aquaintances, my children are much older than theirs but I've watch the kids in the neighborhood grow up, but as a mother I can only imagine the pain they are in. The last time I saw Deanna was Halloween night and we talked more than we have probably the last 3 years. She was always smiling and always friendly. Usually I'd just wave as she drove by. Our street was new and they are one of the original occupants just like us. I think they built their home about 6 months after we moved in, we were the 2nd house on the street. I've watched all the little kids grow up, there were 31 in 18 homes! My kids were already in College when we moved here. Deanna was just 8 when they moved in.

Also keep the two kids in your prayers that are healing. The boy, Matt, was Deanna's boyfriend and the girl, Bailey, was the other boy, Chris', girlfriend. They have a long road to recovery ahead of them. If anybody cares to read about the crash you can find more here but please keep them all in your prayers.


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Please pray for them. I had Deanna in my second grade class and she was a sweetheart. This is a tragedy. These young people had so much to look forward with college plans in place. Tomorrow at Deanna's wake is going to be so hard. Thank you so much for your prayers for these kids.

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So sad to see this happen. I have added them to my prayers along with a dear friend's son who was a passenger in a vehicle this morning that went off the road and rolled several times. He is in critical condition and a close friend of his was killed. They were both passengers, too. My thoughts and prayers to the families of these young kids, Heidi.

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Oh how sad this news in and just before Christmas too, It makes the holidays so very hard every year when someone dies at this time of the year. My heart goes out to each and every family and yes the entire neighborhood of mothers and fathers that see these precious children grow from babies into teens and into parents themselves. I have lived in my neighborhood for 22 years and although we were not the first owner of the house we have been in the house longer than most of the other neighbors that are left. I have seen kids grow up and get married and have their own children. Seems most of us are now grandparents and the neighborhoods are full of young children again visiting on holidays and weekends. A neighborhood really does come together for these life changing events and we do all wonder why we cant always be as community minded. Keeping you and your neighbors in my prayers.

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I'm sitting waiting for Charlotte to get here so we can go to the Wake. I just watched 3 limo's leave and it just tore my heart out. Just seems so senseless. All this happened because some 22 year old had to drive aggressively and was probably drunk, they are still waiting for results but he tested positive for alcohol at the scene. Nobody knows why these kinds of things happen and when they will happen but I sure wish people would not get behind the wheel if they've been drinking. One foolish mistake and so many lives effected.

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