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Vacuum for the studio

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I too, smiled as I read this post, yesterday and today.  I definitely am NOT a tread tosser.  When I am working on a custom quilt that puts me at the front of the machine for quite awhile, I put the tray from my QZ over the bars and place all my threads there after cutting.  If I'm working from the back of the machine and burying threads on the front, I cut and walk to the trash can.  I have carpet and don't want thread stuck in the fibers.  I like Kristina's motto.  I also tried Eleanor Burns method of tossing extra fabric over my shoulder after it was cut, and that was a disturbing process also.  Way to much cleanup for me!  

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I got a Hoky non-electric sweeper for the quilt cave. So even if I miss the can and threads end up on the floor, no big deal. And I don't have to worry about the threads wrapping around the roller brush on the Kirby. Works great in the camp trailer, too! In fact, I ordered a second one just to keep in the trailer.

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This is such a fun topic to read and I've been giggling over the fact that some of us are really thread-clippings obsessed and others are free and easy and don't mind threads droppings! Debbie, I'm with you, the Eleanor Burns style of throwing fabric (or thread) would just be the undoing of me. Even when my knees are hurting, I walk the extra distance to put thread clippings in my little plastic garbage cans that I have in three places near my frame. And like Kristina mentioned, it's good exercise -- I'm already overweight and hate to exercise so this is as close as I'm getting to a workout. I'm so bad with my thread obsession that I can't even stand the thought of putting them on batting pieces or in pockets in an apron. They must go directly into the little plastic garbage can! 

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im afraid that i am also a tosser....  i have a sweeping brush that i use which picks the thread mountain up and then i hoover up the strays....  i might try a smock though as i get so many holes in my clothes from the carriage.

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I have been a toilet brush user ever since I got my Millie in 2007.  I am a tosser as well but sometimes in the spring put some out for the birds building nests.


The brush picks up 90% of the threads and I follow up with the Dyson.  The floor has industrial type carpet (like what you would find in a Drs. office).

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Love this topic, I didn't realize it would generate so many funny comments! LOL


I've tried saving my threads and placing them in an appropriate spot, but my arms are outta control and continue to swing wildly to the left and back of me!!!    I think I need to find an apron or lab coat now and see if that makes any difference in my awful awful habits.   :-)


I did find something that I forgot I had-   a rubber 'broom'   called the Sweepa.  it has rubber bristles on it and you sweep up the threads.  I'm going to see how well it does over the next while and report back.  So far, so good!

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