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Towa Guages

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If you have them, do you think they were worth the purchase price? I switch from Glide, to So Fine, to Rainbows, to Lava etc. I just started using Superior's pre-wound bobbin thread. I did a test sample for tension and thought everything looked great. I didn't notice a problem when I looked with mirror and flashlight. But when I had advanced far enough to see the backing I had eyelashes on the curves, which weren't all that tight. I finished the quilt and put it in the clothes dryer with a damp towel. That helped a lot. But I'm wondering now if I had Towa Guages and made charts of threads and batting types if I could avoid the problem in the future.

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No matter what process you use, you will still have issues at some point.  I have a TOWA and I used it faithfully when I first started quilting.  I have not used it in several years now.   I use the "pull the thread until the bobbin case moves to it's side but doesn't come off my hand" method.   Over the years I have found out, that for the way I quilt, I needed my bobbins to be much looser then what Superior suggests on their charts.


There are a lot of variable that go into tension.  So one tool is not going to solve all issues.  Does the TOWA work?  Yes it does.  Will I revert back to using it?  Probably not.  But I am not going to get rid of it either.  I think that anything that helps you feel confident is probably worth the cost.   

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I used it diligently at first, then when I got it right I would do the drop test. Now I just drop test. I use it to check for bad bobbins and cases. I think it was worth the investment. Even with prewounds you get one that isn't quite right once in a while. I don't usually have to tweak my bobbin tension when I change threads just top tension. Having said that there are occasions when I do.


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I'm a fan and recommend the gauge to every new quilter, to eliminate tension problems from the beginning. I use mine for every bobbin. I use pre-wounds almost exclusively but do have a turbo winder which I love. I set just about every bobbin for the same tension since I have the top tension figured by "feel". My only exception is invisible threads, which get a much looser top tension and a corresponding loosening of the bobbin tension to match.

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I'm with Linda on this.  I have a Towa, I use Magna-Glide pre-wound bobbins, and I still check each and every bobbin I put in the machine.  You never know what will happen while your bobbins are being wound - a slowing or a wobble could affect each one, so I check.  Sometimes I'll go five or six bobbins without having to adjust tension, and then one will be quite a bit different, so I never get complacent about it.  I'd rather spend a few seconds to check than a few hours to rip out something I could have prevented in the beginning.  A Towa is one of the best investments you can make.

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I got a Towa bobbin tension gauge for about $70 when I bought my machine. I use it for every bobbin. It was a good investment. I also bought the (Superior brand) top thread tension gauge(older version). I haven't had much luck with it. Superior now has a new improved top tension gauge for about $100. Fortunately I've figured out the top thread tension on my own by look and feel and don't need a top tension gauge anymore.

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I am fairly new ....and I had the same problem you did....looked fine on top...looked fine on the bottom.....but when I rolled the quilt...eyelashes of the top thread and railroading of the bobbin thread on bottom...I keep working on the tension...turns out the problem was that the top thread was out of the metal hook guide right before the spring in the tension assembly....so that little wire spring couldn't do it's job...so when I put the thread back in the guide...the next quilt was just fine...no more problems....I think the other thing that can happen with this wire spring is that it just gets worn out...so I am trying to remember that for when the next time happens.....Lin

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I'll start by saying I'm a cheepskate ;)  so I was more than a little skeptical about spending so much on a little tool.  But I did it, and would buy one again!  I use it for every bobbin, every time I put a new one in.  I would encourage you to make the purchase.


Just yesterday it helped me detect a slightly warped bobbin before I tried sewing with it.  Might not have created a disaster, but certainly would have caused some headaches, and might have taken awhile to notice that it was a little warped.  I pitched the bobbin in the garbage and grabbed a new one - crisis averted :)

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I'm a TOWA lover. LindaStellar mentioned using it with every bobbin change quite a while ago, and since following her recommendation, I have had virtually zero problems with tension … unless it was "operator error" caused! LOL That having been said, I still use my bobbin camera with every quilt so I can monitor what's happening on the underside of the quilt at a quick glance.

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How do you find the top tension by feel?

(Grrr spell check)



Thread the top thread and apply Sewer's Aid if that's part of your routine. Pull the thread through the needle and towards the back. Watch what the U-shaped wire on the tension assembly does. When at rest, that spring should be pointing at 10 o'clock when looking straight on. Pulling the thread will deflect the spring down. My sweet spot is when the spring deflects from 10 o'clock to 8 o'clock ( or 11 to 9, depending on where your spring rests). Loosen or tighten the tensioner knob until a pull on the thread gives you the right deflection. This setting and the Towa test putting my bobbin tension at 17-18 and I'm a happy stitcher.

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