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Gerry in Duncan is getting better

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Sorry I've been away for so long, :) I've missed you all very much,:( but I've been trying to cope with a bout of depression, a lovely combination of "Seasonal Defective Disorder" with a Menopause kicker, :(

The meds the Doc. gave are starting to work, but may take a few more weeks to fully kick in.

In the mean time call me "Ms. Fuzz Head", I've been unable to Focus my brain on anything, & I can't sleep at night, so I land up napping half the day away, just barely able to do a few quilts, & keep my kids feed, never mind house work, laundry, dishes ect. ect.

Also my DH will be away for the next 18 months, (6 of those months he will be in Afghanistan) so I am to be a single Mom, & have so much more to do this summer & the next, I may not be able to log-on as much I have in the past,

Thank you to those who have made contact with me, but not to worry, I'm down but not out, I've had this before (without the Menopause) & will be fit as a fiddle in a few weeks.

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Gerry, God bless you. You are not alone in this. I get depressed (thankfully not on meds at this point) when the sun doesn't shine for months at a time, and there are life issues added to that. But you are doing what you need to do. Please stay in touch here often, and we will be able to walk through it with you, ok?

Sure would love your input on my project before I go down to So. Cal. for the week. Hop on over to my border color question, would ya? Please?

Winter comes to an end, remember. I'm with Shana, when I get moving life seems so much better, even in winter. Wish we lived close so we could walk together or something. You get a walking buddy there, and I'll get one here, and we can pretend it's you and me, ok? (Of course, that just assumes you WANT me for your walking buddy, LOL!!)

Take care of yourself. The world needs you quilting!

P.S. Also meant to say I'll be praying for your DH too. May blessings attend his every move.

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Oh Gerry,

I'm so sorry about all that is going on right now. You are pretty much getting hammered, huh? I battle with depression, too, but have gotton better about it in the last few years since I figured out that's what it was. We are here for you, a very good support group I must say, and we love you and miss your contributions. I miss not hearing about how you are progressing as a newbie, it shows me what I have to look forward to and that it CAN be done! Take care of yourself, love on your family and most important: let them love you back!

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My method of turning off getting depressed in this Oregon rainy weather is when I start feeling blue is to go to the tanning salon once a week.... You would not believe what that 10 minutes will do to your demeanor. I feel alive when I leave there!!! I actually have a friend who went to her doctor because she was feeling down and he told her to go and tan just for that very same reason!

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Originally posted by Melody


My method of turning off getting depressed in this Oregon rainy weather is when I start feeling blue is to go to the tanning salon once a week.... You would not believe what that 10 minutes will do to your demeanor. I feel alive when I leave there!!! I actually have a friend who went to her doctor because she was feeling down and he told her to go and tan just for that very same reason!

Melody, I agree with you that the tanning bed is a good solution, as long as you don't over-do it with the tanning frequency. For those who suffer from SAD, we also have these little lights that sit on the desk at work (has full spectrum bulbs in there) and you turn them on for about 30 minutes each day and that really helps cut down on the blues.

Up here during Alaska winters where I live we don't have the gray rainy days, but we do have long dark days. Around January is when I'm really ready to hop on a plane to Hawaii or Mexico (didn't go this year cuz of my foot). My solution for beating SAD...a trip to a warm, sunny beach. It is there that I keep "my toes in the sand and a beer in my hand." :cool: Works wonders! :)

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Gerry, So glad you are back. Was getting concerned. Had Mother and now sister who suffer with depression. Keep in touch with us when you can. we are all praying for you and your DH. Also, those boys. Know depression is tough and difficult to deal with. Know we are all pulling for you. Missed reading your postings and know when you have time we will look for them. Take care and God bless.


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Hay I hadn't thought of going to a tanning salon, great idea, I'm going to try it, when the kids get back to school. next week :)

I just know it would help me, I love getting a tan, & I love the sun, I feel better when I have a little brown, & I look better too..;)

Thanks for the hint, Melody :cool:

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Good to know you are alright. I know depression tough to weather through. I have a dear friend who is bi-polar and she has had some rough times. Hadn't thought of a tanning salon...I think I will suggest this to her too...cuz sometimes the meds aren't totally controlling her depression.

Take care, Gerry

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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Thanks for the tips about the tanning salon, everybody. Never been there, never planned to, but maybe I should if it helps. Some of these rainy days are nice, but so very many of them just when you were thinking they'd stop for a while.... that's what gets me down. So I'll have to look into the tanning salon down the road after all.

Good luck, everyone!

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My husband has bi-polar, and to many other illnesses to go into to, just remember to take your meds, take time for you and go your own pace. If your interested in a support group or to find up to date info goto nami.org, this is wonderful site.

and if any of you are family members or friends of someone w/ mental illness you should take the Family to family class, I teach it and it is great.

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Hi Gerry,

I always look forward to reading your posts.

Have you thought about taking a day and going shopping -- for anything, whether you need it or not. Sometimes just getting out in my car alone, turning on some music, and then buying something new helps for awhile.

I know it's not a complete fix, but it can help for a little while.

Sometimes, I don't even find anything to buy, but walking through the mall can be exhiliarating...and of course lunch at the food court while watching others go buy can be entertaining as well.

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When I worried about post-partem (sp?) depression way back when, my doctor told me to push the vitamin B6 and the magnesium. Worked great. When the PMS kicks in I fall back on those. Sorry, can't remember the amounts, I just use a good health food store version now, and of course, you need to check compatibility with any other meds, but they work like a charm.

And remember to take those deep yoga breaths, too. I didn't realize how much I shallow breath and how much deep breathing sooths the nerves until recently.

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Yep.... Know about the not doing the tanning too much.....after all don't want the wrinkles showing up too early!!!!! LOL!!My husband and I go just once a week for ten minutes and it does WONDERS!!! Who'd a thought ten minutes would make so much difference!

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I know how you feel, we moved a couple of years ago to Ohio and I didn't work here so I was alone and the winters are so dreary that I was depressed alot. Tanning beds do help and just doing lunch with a friend on occasion helps as well. I finally met several other transplants to the state who were staying home and having a hard time adjusting so we started a DWC group (depressed wives club) which has since been renamed the Margarita Mommas! We do lunch and a movie once a month and get together for dinner on birthdays and enjoy a margarita with the girls. Our group has grown from 3 to 5 at this point and it does help to know there are others out there who struggle from time to time. Keep your chin up and know that we all care how you are doing. Janet:)

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