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Hi Mary Beth,

I hope things improve for your daughter?.it can be a long 9 months with out the nausea.

Here is a little story that may help you?.A few years ago after having a baby a I found that I had absolutely no short term memory?( baby brain) it got so bad that I thought that I was loosing it ! I had to write everything down and just try to remember to look at my list. I was working a ?real job? at the time. A friend of mine suggested that I consider seeing her Specialized Kinesiologist; she had been going to her for 20 years. I was desperate to try anything to gain back my memory. I got on the 4 month wait list to book my appointment 6 months from then.

It was be best thing I ever did for my health. I not only got my memory back but I can now control my hormones and just recently we are working on getting pregnant again. We chatted about how you feel like crap the first trimester. I have the mind set that I will enjoy the entire 9 months with out the nausea. My Kinesiologist felt that morning sickness can be attributed to the body purging toxins from the liver to in preparation for hosting the baby. This makes perfect sense to me. The body an incredible thing, it knows what to do. Sometimes we need someone to teach us how to listen. There are natural things you can do to help your body eliminate the toxins. If you can find a Specialized Kinesiologist in your area, it is worth consideration.

Originally I was not a believer in holistic and alternate medical advice but I have to say, my Kinesiologist is the first person I would see if I had a health concern of any kind. I am very in tune with my body, mind and spirit now and can tell right away if things get off track. The first visit can feel a bit hokey, but if you believe it does work.

I found this link to a US association; http://www.tfhka.org (have a look under ?find a member?)

Please note it is a SPECILIZED Kinesiologist, I would suggest one that does touch for healing TFH.

I hope your daughter finds some peace with her pregnancy.


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Yes, that is what Jen has...and I think it was on Dr. Phil not long ago but I missed it.

Her doctor told her to eat whatever she wants to including ice cream, whatever she wants. She reminded him that she is lactose intolerant and he said, "so take a pill" he wasn't being rude, he just knows she has to get some nourishment. I will be baby sitting tomorrow, she is coming over while her DH does some finish work to thier kitchen, I'm going to try to get something down her.

Karen, I think there are some good things happening in hostilc medicine, not sure I could get her to go for it, but what you said makes perfect sense to me too. She has a terrible diet, so there could be some truth to that.

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We are keeping food down today - woo hoo!!

There was a problem with the company that does the IV and the other company that did the med pack and the insurance - so the insuarnce company insistat they change companies - can you believe it. So a nurse from the new company came out last night at 9:30 and hooked Jen up to new IV's and a med that she takes from a drip bag only one time a day for nausea. So far so good. She ate a whole turkey sandwich, and has drank some Insure and she has only felt queasy once. Today is a good day. Hopefully we are on an upswing.

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She is not feeling too hot today. She ate oatmeal for breakfast, but that didn't last long. She has been eating popcicles - I just think anything that goes and and stays there is a good thing. She is going to get her DH to bring her over to our house to get a phone cord. The medical people call her cell phone because it is close and she can keep it with her, but she has gone over her minutes, and with her not working the stress of bills are starting to get to them. I tried to get her to let me bring it to her, but she thinks she needs to get up and around. We will see. At least she was able to eat yesterday and keep it down.

Thank you for asking.

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Jen went to the doctor yesterday and has gained 5 pounds since Friday when she was there. Some due to the IV fluids, but some due to the food she kept down. Yippee....Her doctor was very happy about that. She was taken off the pump that administers the nausea medication and they gave it too her in a concentrated dose, stronger than they give chemo patients. It made her very wierd/sleepy. And she could only get it one time a day, so if she became sick, too bad-so sad. Today she goes back to the 24/7 pump. At least with it, if she get nauseated she can call them and they will approve a "demand dose", kind of an extra umph to help her. She looks much better, color in her cheeks. And she sounds more like Jen, kind of spunky. We are now officially at 14 weeks - whoo hoo....in the old days we went by months so I have no idea how many more weeks we have, but it is something like 6 months ;)

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Mary Beth:

I read this each day to see how Jen is doing. I'm so glad to hear that she might be doing better! It's so hard when our child is miserable or sick. I think it's harder on the parent almost, than the child! Are you holding up ok?


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I'm fine. But like you said, it is hard to see you child go through a difficult time. I just want to do something to help her and there isn't anything I can do except hand her a cold wash cloth and a glass of water. I guess that is something.

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Mary Beth, I've been watching this too. My own son (12) has been having problems, and there is nothing in the world I wouldn't do if I only knew what. Fortunately a neurologist told us he doesn't have a tumor or some horrible disease, but nervous problems. And he gave a us some things we can do to help him. I think there is no torture invented by tyrants as excrutiating as watching your child suffer and feeling powerless to stop it.

I can also tell you from a daughter's point of view that your merely being there is helping your daughter. Imagine going through that alone yourself, and you know what I mean. Often my own mom has done just that for me in some circumstance, and afterward I knew that's what kept me going. You're helping, mom, neverfear. ;)

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Mary Beth,

I know that I don't need to say that there are so many people praying for Jen and all that she is going through, cause I know you know that. But, our Heavenly Father is listening to the prayers of people from all around the world that frequent this forum and read about Jen, and when prayers go up...blessings come down.

I was the child in a situation not the same as Jen's, but my Mom was always there for me and it meant so much! Just having her in the same room was a big comfort to me. There is just something about the mother-daughter relationship that is so very precious.

Keeping you all close at heart ~Kathy~

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Mary Beth;

When I was hospitalized for the 6 1/2 weeks when I had my twins, I was in Arizona & my mom was in Florida. My mom also felt powerless but she helped me get through it by calling me every day (long distance) to see how I was doing and to lift my spirits. Let me tell you from experience there is no substitue for a mom's love, and knowing that she's there for help, support or even a shoulder to cry on when things are rough.

Keep doing what you are doing for Jen because it is making a difference. :)


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She just called and asked me to meet her at the hospital...evidently her pic-line is stopped up or clogged....why me....I'm not medically inclined!! :P I'm really glad she is calling me. We went through the regular girl stuff when she turned 14. They can be the sweetest people in the world and then they have their 14th birthday and all ..you know what breaks loose. Anyway, we have had a rocky time from 14 to about 23, then she started coming out of it. Now she just calls me a goof every now and then - well just about ever day...but it beats what she could be calling me. She is a good person, just been through a lot, makes you a little tough.

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Well, her nurse came out to redress her pic-line thing, and said that her blood pressure was very, very low. This is probably because she is dehydrated, even though she is hooked up to fluids, she still needs to drink. The nurse said that her blood pressure is always low, but today it is alarmingly low, and the nurse didn't like that. She is suppose to stay immobile today at least until this bag of fluids are empty. I am going to her house when I get off at 1 pm. I was at Wal-Mart when she called so I have a trunk load of bottled water, Gator Aid, Ensure, and some Kashi granola bars (she liked them and kept them down). I am going to get her to drink something while I am there.

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You're a good mom, Mary Beth :)

With mother's day just around the corner the reminder of what all of us mom's go through to bring new life into this world which creates that special bond between mother and child no matter how old the child gets or how much stress, turmoil the child creates during the adolescent years the instincts to protect and love that child is stronger each year.

I am sure Jen really appriciates the support and strength you have given her through these past few months...it will make her a wonderful mom since she has such a good example to follow.


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Mary Beth you and Jen will be in my prayers this day. Having a healthy pregnant daughter I can only imagine the pain you have some days. She is so blessed to have you close by. Please do all you can to take care of yourself too.

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Even though her baby is not due till November, I bought her a Mother's Day card today. I found it at Wal-Mart and it had this tiny baby, with it's hands up by it's mouth, as in prayer, and the card read like the baby was saying a prayer thanking God for his beautiful mom...she's gonna cry!

When I was pregnant the first time, my son was due a week before Mother's day and born a week after Mother's day...my dumb ex-husband wouldn't buy my a card, because I wasn't a mom yet!! That's why he is my ex-husband!!

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Dang it....I need to remember bring a box of tissues to my computer space.....man Mary Beth I'm bawling over this as well. And I can't even blame it on Menopause....been there done that...over it.

What a sweet card....and a sweet thought to bring a teary smile onto Jen's face. Wish you had been my mom.....my mom would have been like your X.... So there you have it.

Give her my daily squeeze....and prayers as well.

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I knew there was something special about you!!

Oh, by the way, I'm gonna be a little late on your birthday block. I've tried to figure out one that I thought would look good with all of your colors, and keep ending up unhappy with I come up with. Do you want all of the colors together or just several special ones? Do you have a favorite block?

Sorry, Mary Beth, I forgot where I was! I'm in the wrong spot.

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Mary Beth & Jennifer - you will both be in my prayers also. I know that God is full of mercy & grace and I will be praying for both of those things plus other attriubtes the only He knows that you need. I have so appreciated the prayers of all of you for my DH Bill. And please know that we can feel the prayers even in the most difficult of times so I hope this is to encouragment for you also. May His mighty hand hold on to you both tightly as you go through this stressful time.


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I have been thinking of you the past 2 days, just wondering how you are doing. Thank you for your words of encouragement. There are good days and then bad - today in not bad, just not good.


My son was due on the 10th but didn't arrive until the 20th, he will be 29 years old...I was 12 when he was born :P You know how us Ozark hillbillies are!!


My mom was not a sympathetic person either. She doesn't cry and doesn't want anyone else to....I swear I was adopted. I hate Hallmark Hall of Fame movies...cause you don't get a break...you cry through the movie, ya cry through the commercials. And by the way, I keep kleenex right next to the computer for stories just like Garrett's!

Thank you girls so much for letting me vent some of this stuff here about Jen. I am gonna get on a plane one day and come meet every one of you.

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