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Mary Beth, when this is all over and the dust has settled and a new baby is snuggled in....you are more than welcome to come hide at my house for a few days....great views...lots to see and a few neat quilt stores to share with you.

And I promise you that I won't make you watch the Hallmark movie of the month with me....I don' t think I have enough tissues to go around. Me too, I'm such a mush mouth....

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How is Jen today? Hope she had a restful evening and night. I have been thinking about her husband and how helpless he feels to do much to help his bride. My husband and I didn't go thru what they are going thru, but I know how my husband felt when I was going thru procedures and getting poked and prodded all the time. He wanted to knock some of those doctors out! I'm keeping them close in my prayers.

My 17 year old daughter and I took the new owners/advanced beg. classes with Dawn at APQS in Des Moine and had the best time! We came home and just loved all the new stuff she had us doing on white boards. She is a great teacher and a very sweet person. I hope that one day I will be as good at quilting as she is.

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This is how it seems to go. Yesterday was not good, Jen was in tears most of the time; didn't feel well; threw up; still didn't feel well; her arm was swelling where they put a new pic-line in; just a bad day. Today I called to see how she is, she is feeling a little better and is getting ready to go to work!! Probably won't make it all day, but needs the money. Since she has been off so much with this, they are hurting financially. My family have all banned together to help them, so it will be okay, but she feels bad about that too. I told her that is what family is for. She has enough to worry about without thinking about bills.

Charles, Jen's DH, is a trooper. When she is to tired at night to stay awake, he stays up and waits until her IV bag is ready to be changed, then he changes everything out, gets her meds hooked up, and then he goes to bed. Sometimes she is sound asleep when he does all this and she doesn't even know it. He may be an alright SIL :)

Dawn is inspiring don't ya think. I know everytime I have a class with her I come home thinking, 'I can do this!!' And yes, she is about the sweetest person ever...

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Charles sounds like a wonderfully caring and loving husband. In November when they are looking down at the little bundle of their love, these days are going to be but a distant memory. Then the real job begins! LOL

It really awesome that the family is rallying around them and doing whatever they can to help Jen & Charles. You are right, that is what family is for.

My niece is in Lees Summit and I am wondering if you belong to a guild or a quilting club that might take her in? She has been quilting off and on for a number of years and wants to get involved more into the QOV (her husband is a marine stationed there in KC.) and she feels like she wants to help in that capacity. She is going to be at MQS with me for the shopping days.

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I spoke to soon...I was afraid of that.

Jen tried to get ready for work but got standing water in her tubes to her pic-line. She knows an RN so went to her house to get her help. While there the RN took her blood pressure and it was 40/70 it came up some, but not enough for the RN to let her drive. Sooo, I left work went and got her, took her home, and she is waiting for the doctor to call. I think if they would give her some potassium it would help, but as I have said before, I am not a medical professional.

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Good God Jen must have the strength of a bull...to be still standing with a BP of 40/70 WOW....most people would be flat on the floor and wondering how they got there. So glad she had a RN friend close by.

Well, all I can say is once this is over she will be so glad to be back to normal that she won't know what hit her.

Here's hoping for a better afternoon....and a daily squeeze.

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She said that when it happened she felt like she was a gonner. The RN/friend said that she lost all color and looked terrible. She is having shortness of breath, don't know what that is all about. Whew, what next? We have both decided it could be a lot worse, but when you are going through it, it's hard to realize that fact.

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Maybe the shortness of breath is do to a panic attack since you said Jen thought she was a gonner when it was happening.

Try to get her to relax (easy to say & harder to do I know)

but maybe it would help if she can focus on something other than finances, and all of the troubles that she is going through. Does she have a favorite movie? Maybe that would help distract her if not for just a little while.

Can she keep down chicken broth? during the times she can't seem to keep solids down?

I will be praying some more for Jen.

Hang in there Mary Beth.


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Mary Beth, I wish I was closer to you. If I was I would sit with Jen so you could go have a day at the spa and relax. I know you must be exhausted. Please tell Jen she is in our thoughts and prayers. Would you mind if we added her name to our prayer list? And the baby's name too?

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Hi Mary Beth,

I have been a certified nurse midwife and a womens' health care nurse practitioner for a long time. It certainly sounds like your daughter has hyperemesis. It is a miserable thing to go through, that's for sure, but one thing to hold on to-babies seem to do just fine when their mother is sick like this. It doesn't make sense, but it's true. The outcomes of this condition are very good. It sounds like her care providers are making sure that she remains hydrated and that she gets enough calories through IV therapy.

When she reaches the point where she can get around, she might look into Yoga. Many women say that is the one thing they do that gives them some relief. It may be worth a try.

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Please add her name to any and all prayer lists...

Her name is Jennifer Miller, baby ?? - if it is a girl Callie Elizabeth (my middle name is Elizabeth - she knows how to score!!), the boy's name is still up for grabs.

Chicken broth sometimes works, not always.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I sat at the hospital while they were changing the location of the pic-line...I fell asleep in the waiting room - I never do that. I was hoping I didn't snore...and I checked for drool...I was good :D

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well we know where Jen gets her strength from, from her mom. Please take some time for yourself as soon as you can. My poor dil was the just the same with our Montana and I think by the 5th or 6th month she ended up doing fine and the baby was fine and smart as a whip.

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Oh Mary Beth,

I'm so glad to put a name to everyone who needs our prayers right now. Praying for "Jennifer and her husband", and "Mary Beth and her husband" doesn't seem right.

You tell that girl to get back to bed, that attempting to go to work will not help the financial situation if she has to go back to the hosp. I know that God is watching over all of you, and that he will provide what is necessary.

Let us know what we can do to help, besides pray that is.


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Thank you for the reassurance. Just watching her, it is as if her body is fighting the pregnancy, that sound strange when I say it, but that is what it seems like. I have found a few children that their moms had hyperemesis and they are healthy children, so I have been holding on to that, and ignoring the articles on the internet.

She was here today so I could "babysit" at my house and take care of her better. She started to become nauseous so I had her breathe slowly through her nose and hold it a second and then blow out through her mouth. I did it with her and I think that relaxed her some - everything stayed where it was suppose to anyway. I don't know anything about Yoga, but our gym has a Yoga-Mama class and if she ever gets better I am signing her up - I thought it would help her.

Thank you for all the well wishes. I have told Jen you all are with her on this and have relayed some of the stories. She likes hearing about you all.

Oh, almost forgot this...my mind is like Jello these days.

Jen and Charles just left to go to the ER. I left the room and came back and she had tears streaming down her face...yep Bonnie, I almost lost it too! I told her maybe she should go to the ER, if she needs potassium or whatever they would know that and get her what she needs. Plus, her arm is still hurting from the pic-line they put in on Tuesday. They are suppose to call as soon as they know something.

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Mary Beth,

I've been following this with so much sympathy for your daughter. I'm wondering if I had the same thing when I was carrying my daughter. She was born in '73. I was 18, far from my family and no one to help me with questions to ask, etc, and my Dr was not very talkative. In fact when they asked me what kind of anesthesia (sp) I wanted at delivery I just said ether because it was all I knew of! At that point I really couldn't think anymore anyway, I just wanted it over with. They didn't tell me there were other options. I was horribly sick from 3 months on. I was pretty much ok as long as I didn't move. If I went to get up I would immediately start throwing up. We had a mobile home & I had a path, get out of bed - run to the bathroom - throw up for awhile - run to the kitchen- throw up for awhile - run to the couch and lay back down, al the while carrying my little emergency trash can with me. The Dr gave me some kind of pill which helped a little and then gave me suppositories which I could at least keep down :D so I was able to eat enough to gain 30+ lbs but still could not move around much because it just made me nauseous and I would keep dodging for the nearest sink or toilet. I finally just resigned myself to not fight it. Like you said it was as if my body was fighting the pregancy, or I was allergic to the baby or something, like my body was wanting me to go in one direction and I was trying to force it to go another and the body was cheating to win the battle! I knew as long as I was still and settled I was ok, if I moved around too much I'd just blow! Like motion sickness maybe? When I stopped struggling against it and just went with what my body demanded it got better some. There were times here and there when I was able to get up and do things around the house and when feeling good stopped I stopped too. This seemed to work. I never had more than a few hours go by that I wasn't throwing up or felt like I was going to at any moment, I never did get far from my little trash can, but I wasn't so unendingly miserable and because of that neither was my DH! There was no way I could work in that condition so I just didn't. I could always find another job and the finances would get better once all this stopped, this wasn't going to last forever, and all I had to do was get through it, get the baby here, and go on with life. It finally stopped about 2 weeks before my due date, about the same time my FIL died because I was able to go to the funeral and had been worried about that. It made enough of an impact on me that I made sure I never got pregnant again! My daughter was perfectly healthy, and so was I.

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Sounds pretty familiar. Glad to hear there was a positive outcome. Not sure they knew too much about hyperemesis in '73, seems like they learn something new every day.

Just a little update -

Jen and Charles went to ER yesterday about 5:30 or so. As soon as she got there and told them what was going on they went right to work on her...she said there was absolutly no down time.

They removed the pic-line because she had a clot, which I guess they are famous for. Then they had to do a CT scan and tell her the risks to the baby, but she had to have it because they thought the shortness of breath could be a blood clot on her lungs. Thank the Good Lord, there was no clot there. However, they put a heart monitor on her and her heart rate would drop very low and they would all come running. They moved her to a room to monitor her blood becasue there is a very high level of carbon dioxide; oxygen level is fine.

I am on my way to the hospital now because I want to be there when the doctor gets there so I can ask questions that she may not think of.

I've posted a picture of Jen so you can put a face with a name.


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