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He Scared Me AGAIN!!!

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Thank you ALL for being here for me......and right now I am having a good cry. It wasn't 45 min. after I posted what had been happening with Rick, the door bell rang and it was our neighbor brining Rick home. We live on a golf course in Norfolk and they were making up a league game when he went down again!!! He had just teed-off and was standing there with the other guys waiting for one of them to finish hitting his tee shot and down he went. Scared the bajeebers out of them too!! He was as gray and a person can get and his heart rate was at only 60 after being home 30 min. I kept telling him we HAVE to go to the emergency room......something is wrong here. I don't want you having a stroke or a heart attack on me. After fighting me on this for an hour and a half .......guess what I WON!!!:)

They put monitors on him and hooked him up to everything else and watched him like I did and I didn't like what I was seeing. So they decided to keep him for the night and that was at 11:00 last night.

Today they are doing a lot of tests and they will tomorrow too.....the last I heard today they are going to keep Rick maybe till Thurs. and running all kinds of tests. They said last night his heart rate dropped into the 40's a couple of times.......this is NOT good!!!

Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts I think of all of you a lot and you are like family too. Rick will appreciate this and he already knows how much we support each other no matter what the circumstances are. Hugs to everyone of you and God bless you too!


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Renae - Both you and your DH Rick are on my prayer list. The best place for him right now is right where he is. Hopefully, they will figure out exactly what treatment is needed for what his body is doing. May you rest in His peace during this very stressful time.

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It was good that he was in the hospital when his heart rate dropped down to 40 last night. He's where he needs to be right now so the doctors can figure out what will make him feel better. The warning signs are there for a reason and the doctors will get to the bottom of it.

Will continue to keep the both of you in my prayers.

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Like everybody has said, he is where he needs to be! Norfolk has some good hospitals and I'm sure there are lots of good docs in that area. I lived in Quantico for 6 years. He is a stubborn one isn't he? Prior military by any chance? I have one of those! Having a good cry doesn't hurt either. I'll keep you in my prayers.


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Guest Linda S

Oh Renae! I'm so sorry. I'm no big fan of hospitals, but it's good to know he's there where they can keep an eye on him. I hope they get him fixed up soon.


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He is in the right place now until they can get this sorted out and get him fixed up to come home. He is so lucky that he was with friends on the golf course. God is keeping an eye on your Rick. You are both in my prayers.

And you have my house number (don't use the cell, I broke it), you know I'm on Pacific time so if you need somebody to talk to and it's midnight there, it's only 9PM on this coast.

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Like one of the others I am new and don't know you and there is a term that you might ask the doctors about and research - TIA. Temporary Ischemic Attack(sp).

Basically it is a small piece of plaque that moves around. When it gets stuck in a tiny place it causes problems.

(not a doctor and don't play one on TV). Had a friend die from this.

Of course I hope you know it is all in God's hands and there is always a way through. You and your DH are in my prayers also.

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We are all praying for y'all. Thank God you kept pushing this last time, he's exactly where he needs to be and this can get handled right away! And I know there is a Dr there who will know exactly what to do, how to do it, and how to get it across to DH in no uncertain terms what is going on and what he has to do next and how important it is to not delay!

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Renae, just about everthing has been said. Good for you for insisting that he go to urgent care. In hind sight, some of the guys he was with should have called 911 no matter what your hubby said. Passing out on the golf course is not a normal thing to do. He is in the right place. You need to take care of yourself because you will have to be strong for him too. You are in all of our prayers.


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