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I'm new and think I have done webshots for u all to see but may not have done it properly...!

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Hi all!

I'm pretty new and awfully keen. I have set up a webshots thingy and hopefully pasted it in the right place so anyone can have a look. I've had my Milli since the summer and love freehand but can't draw. Haven't a clue how to do pantos - too wobbly. No idea how the Hartley fence works will have to get a book! I covet the ability to do feathers and proper McTavishing but so far I'm getting away with my doodling.

Lots to learn and looking fwd to my birthday treat trip to Paducah '08!

Best wishes, quilters,

LINZI in Scotland x

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Hi! and Welcome! Love your quilts.

I am very new, as well- just got my Milli about 2 weeks ago.

Coming to this chat board has given me a goldmine of information. Everyone here is so nice and supportive!

I am very blessed to have gotten this wonderful machine, and I am going to the Houston Quilt Festival for the first time this year!! I hope to meet some of you there!

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Hi Rita, Suzanne, rcck00, Jen and Linzi

Welcome to all of you. I\'ve been on this site for a few months now but don\'t have my machine yet, awaiting delivery. You lucky people, however, have your machines already. I am so jealous.

Linzi you have been busy and your quilts look amazing. Incidentally I will be up in your neck of the woods next week, staying near Loch Lomond before leaving for the Houston quilt show.

Hope to hear lots more from you all as you become more acquainted with your machines.


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Thanks for all your good wishes and nice comments on the quilts. Not all have been done on the Milli - just the silk shawl, ugly orange and blue, girlie one, ocean waves, drunkards path...

It\'s lush here cos the climate is cool and quite damp! We are having great autumn weather this week - crisp and bright with lovely colours. I used to hang quilts on the kids\' zip slide but the pig run is now in the way so they have to get hung on a goalpost or a picnic table or even the farmer\'s gate!

Can anyone explain why my signature is just a line of computer gobbledegook?

Best wishes,


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Hi LINZI. Thats quite a bunch of quilts! I didn\'t look at all of them but I especially like; Tartan4shop, Hopscotch on line and bflyline.

When it comes to Pantographs. I roll mine out and trace over them with my finger first - then, I trace them one or two times with the laser light ( machine not running), then I go away for half an hour or more. After that I come back, and if I feel comfortable with the pattern I start the machine and make the first pass. It is like early years in school and learning to color inside the lines.

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