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Easy Beginner Pantographs

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You know what I recommend..............Find the most curly, swirly, dence panto you can find and practice using that one. Put some muslin on and go over it 2 or 3 times....... use different thread each time. 1st time use lite thread and then darker and then darkest so you can see how you have improved.

You will then find that doing other pantos are much easier.

Good Luck


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That is a great idea Tish. I wish that I had done it that way when I started.

I cut off a piece (1 repeat) of the panto and then stuck it in my purse. Everytime I had a spare minute I drug it out and finger-traced the pattern to train my brain. I still do that with a new panto now. My very first attempt was very wobbly. :P

I think that I avoided pantos with parallel lines, too because you can really see mistakes on those type of patterns. :oYou get good only with practice, and not necessarily behind the machine. Finger tracing or copying the pattern onto newspaper for practice really gave me an idea of all the nuances of the pattern. Of course, you can\'t use the newpaper patterns but I didn\'t want to waste good paper to practice. 3 different threads on muslin would be a good confidence builder, too.:)

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Victoria, I just went on the site for quiltscomplete.com and wow do they have alot of pantos. Nice the way they\'re organized by size, but it\'s easy enough to pick out the ones that would probably be more difficult. Longarm supplies.com also has nice pantos and they do have a very nice beginner package put together. Tish, I love your idea with the different threads. I\'ve done something similar to that, I make different rows to practice and hopefully by the bottom row there\'s improvement. DB

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I remember when I started that I stayed away from anything that had to look like something. Like a heart has to look like a heart and when you first start out - it may not. I liked the flowery ones or roses or something that if you don\'t stay perfectly on the line (which of course you will) it doesn\'t matter. Easier than rounded hearts. Good luck to you.

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Hi everyone

Hey thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and expertise! I will look up the pantos recommended and thank you, Tish, for the great idea of restitching for practise sake.

I got discouraged when I recently loaded a fairly dense pattern thinking "Oh this pantograph stuff will be a snap" Well the only thing that snapped was my confidence. The curves looked like every-which angled C\'s, the feathers like tortured claws. UGH! :mad:

How silly of me to assume that this would be easy. It gives me new respect for those who prefer to do panto\'s.

So I guess it\'s back to PPP with Tish\'s recommendation and a more humbled try...and maybe a glass of wine to smooth out the angles :D

Thanks again for your help!

Pat Kk

Pat Kk

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