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The Incredible Shrinking Quilter

Guest Linda S

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It\'s great when that puffy feeling goes away. Now you can buy so much clothing off the rack. How liberating!

I took off 30 pound from April to now and have been in a stall since the Houston show. I cut out most sugar, wheat, and increased by exercise. Figured that if I didn\'t do it by myself then I wouldn\'t be able to keep it off. What kind of eating program training comes with the surgery you did Linda?

Glad you have had such great success.


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Well, you certainly cannot describe yourself as fluffy ever again.

The new you looks so good. I am so happy that you are enjoying your new energy. Dropping the extra weight has so many health benefits, too. A friend had the surgery and got his diabetis under control and no longer has sleep apnea. Just looking at you, I can see you are happier. Way to go, girlfriend.:P

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Guest Linda S

Thanks again. Vicki - I eat mostly protein. Not the Atkins protein, plus don\'t give too much thought to the fat diet, but a bit more sensible. I generally eat things like cottage cheese with fruit, fish, yogurt, soup, cheese, etc. I can\'t eat rice or pasta because it swells in the stomach and my stomach is only about 1 oz. I can\'t eat sugar either, as it causes what is known as "dumping". Normally, when you eat sugar, it is processed by the duodenum, at the bottom of your stomach, before it goes into your intestines. Now, if I eat sugar, that part of my stomach is bypassed and the sugar goes directly into my intestines unprocessed. It will make me lightheaded, nauseated, sweaty, etc. I\'ve been told this is extremely unpleasant, so I have not been tempted to eat sugar ever since the surgery.

Linda - I had pre-diabetes, rising blood pressure, and sleep apnea before surgery. It\'s all gone now. I feel so much healthier and I really love that everyone says I look younger! I have no regrets at all for doing this.


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Just getting caught up on things here & WOW woman!

You are a "HOTTIE!"

I always thought you were a pretty gal, but it is nice to know that you have so much to look forward to with all of the health benefits!:):D;)

Keep up the great work, we are here to cheer you on!!!

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You are a WONDERFUL PERSON. Your happiness about yourself is just gleaming. That is what is important. You really do look just beautiful. Congratulations on Joining the

"Hottie" list as some have put it. lol

Very Happy for you and being healthy and feeling good about it is everything. You should be so proud of yourself.

Hugs and Happiness to ya always,

Grammie Tammie

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AMAZING!!! which surgery did you have? I should do that.

Originally posted by Linda S

Yes, I had much to be thankful for this year. As many of you know, I had weight loss surgery in July. It is now exactly four months and things have changed a bit. Here\'s the old me and the new me!


I feel so much better!


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Ooops! Sorry, I\'m a Forum newby and I missed the whole page above thinking it was the first page and that I had read it all, till now. Meanwhile someone had already asked the same questions and gotten an answer :)

I\'m better at quilting than at forums I guess lol and I\'m only learning to quilt, so please be patient with me :D

Originally posted by bluedrakes

AMAZING!!! which surgery did you have? I should do that.

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