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Oregon is just BEAUTIFUL

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Wow I love this state. This is my first visit and I\'m in AWE of it\'s beauty.Going to do some touring hopfully by the end of next week once we get our WORK done. I just have to see more.

I love this place.

SuzyQ and I are working hard on some ideas we have had for sometime and she is going to certify me to Teach Autosketch using her Course Book and Material. I cannot say enough about how impressed I am with all she had done to update this Book. So much more information and the illistrations in her Updated book are just something you have to see for yourself. More tools to use and WOW the design possibilities once you have this information are endless.

Although I use lots of fun Software programs I find the more I learn about Autosketch the more I use it and LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

We have some designs that we are going to be putting out soon also. I have waiting so long and thought I would never get R DONE. lol

To all of you in Oregon "I LOVE YOUR STATE" and everywhere I go the people are so nice and thoughtful.

Hugs and Happy Day to you


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I love it also, If you are in the city you will find the people are very nice also. And no it doesn\'t rain all the time. Even the desert in Eastern OR is beautiful in it own way. I would never move. Hope the rest of your stay is great and you get to explore a little


Portland OR

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Where the heck are you now? I\'m in Portland if you want to come and visit. I\'m sure I could point out some lovely quilt shops to viist. I think it\'s gorgeous here too. Texas is nice, I spent 6 months in Galveston for my internship. I still believe that on the 8th day God made Oregon.


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If you get near Junction City just north of Eugene, be sure and stop by Quilters Junction Not a huge shop, but very friendly and knowledgeable people.. Love their fabrics, the whole shop. Several great shops up in the Salem Area and on up towards Portland, Oregon City, That whole area... I\'m homesick!


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LOL, yes, the Pacific Northwest is beautiful country and friendly. I just hope you don\'t get catch in the big wet and windy winter storm that seems to be blowing in from the Pacific. It\'s times like these that you need a hard hat not the rain hat. ;)

I like the start of winters here, usually. It\'s just the 5-6 months of gray and rain that I find boring. However, there isn\'t really any other place I\'d rather live...except maybe Hawaii! :D

Welcome, enjoy your stay and stay dry!

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Hi Grammie - I hope you brought your big girl boots to get through all the rain water and you might want to tie a rock or too around your ankles to help you not get blown away. It\'s going to be a rainy/windy ride for a day or so.

Here in Salem, it blowing and rainy, - another Oregon Adventure that you get to see!!! I love storms. If I could have gotten to the coast to sit in a dry condo to watch the ocean, I would have. :)

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I love Oregon too - - in fact my recently retired husband and I are seriously considering relocating from Colorado. We think we\'re tired of no oxygen and no humidity, but don\'t know if there\'s a serious downside. Right now we\'re in Hawaii, as it\'s also on our shortlist for homesites. For all of you ducks, what, if anything, does the humidity do to your machines. I understand that the humidity should be good for my threads, but are there other things I need to prepare for - - like rust?


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why in heaven\'s name would you want to stick to the subject? By the way, any national news on the "Storm of the Century" as it has been referred to by our local newscasters. Poor guys and gals who are low man on the totem pole and are out at the coast on a really nasty day. Here in Portland, it\'s been really rainy, but certainly no huge storm. However, it\'s a great day to stay inside and quilt. (or go to work, and that\'s where I am.)


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Grace, Thanks for the info on Quilters Junction. Spent several days sitting in Coburg a few years ago.. lol, bet you know why.. We moved from OR 2 years ago.. guess life is moving on out there, though my memory and knowledge of it is stuck.


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NOT sneaking, perfectly obvious.

Yes, rust is a problem in areas of high humidity. All pins will, eventually, rust, so you don\'t want to leave a pin (or a needle) in anything longer than necessary. Best not to leave them overnight. New pins have a coating which is supposed to prevent this, but it eventually wears off. Keep your machine well oiled, & don\'t leave any sewing machine without cleaning & oiling it regularly, whether you are using it regularly or not. Fabric mildews like crazy. It\'s worth it!

That was on a topic, wasn\'t it?

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Thanks everyone. Yes it has been raining but still I\'m enjoying myself. Been inside as a result so I\'m really hoping to spend some time out and about as the weather permits.

Yes indeed patty I have my boots. lolol

I just have another week so We hope to make a trip into Portland and take a few days for some fun stuff

Have a great week everyone. I will be putting my pics all together once I\'m back home and will be sure and share the good ones with. you.

Jim I do indeed love my home state of Texas but I must say after all the places I\'ve traveled this state is really nice. I love the weather despite the rain. Just awesome morning temps No bugs and humidity. Loving that. lolol

PS. Some of you gals are too funny. lolol

Also I am in Grants Pass so I\'m not sure (but I will check my map) how far I am from all of you commenting from Oregon. lol

Hugs Grammie

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Guest Linda S

You\'re way down south Tammie - a couple hours south of Eugene, and I\'m two hours south of Portland, where most of the gals are. Enjoy our beautiful state and come back to visit often!


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