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trapunto baseball quilt done!

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On Thanksgiving Day my daughter informed me that her fiance needed a quilt for Christmas because "she would share everything except her quilts." I had made "them" a christmas quilt which I gave them early and I guess he is being a quilt hog! Well my daughter didn\'t appreciate that so I went out and picked out fabrics. He is an avid Yankee\'s fan. I found Yankee fleece for the backing and decided on a baseball theme. I decided to trapunto the NY Yankee symbol in the snowball blocks. I did it my way...I traced the designs on freezer paper and then lightly ironed it onto Quilters Poly Puff. I then stapled through the freezer paper through 2 pieces of poly puff. I had to do this to compress the poly puff to cut. I cut out the shape. Then I glued the shape on the back of the quilt using Elmers Washable glue. Then finally I layered my quilt. Originally I was not going to use batting since I had the fleece but the dark fleece showed through the white so I used Hobbs 80/20. I just love the way this came out. I wouldn\'t use this method for a Karen McT style trapunto but for bigget designs it works wonderfully!



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Well, dang girl...there you go again...! Right on! :)

PS: I love baseball. On our way back to Boston from Watertown (to catch our flight home) this past October, we stopped in Cooperstown for a quick visit through the hall of fame museum. OMG! That is a spectaularly beautiful little town. I really enjoy taking the country roads rather than the Interstate. So pretty there! I told DH he could buy me a little farmhouse in that area. LOL!

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Yep, it is just too beautiful to give to your daughters bf... I think it belongs on my blue sofa.. would really go quite well.. LOL..

Heidi, if he doesn\'t love it, send him down here with the baseball bat and I\'ll make sure he does..

You did a beautiful job.. WTG big time!


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What a beautiful quilt. I too am a Yankee fan, have been since I watched baseball with my father...so, that gives me an idea to use for quilting. Never thought about doing trapunto...now my mind is moving...kinda scary!!!

Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Wonderful 2008

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Hester and Teresa lol I hadn\'t thought about me as a future mil much less negative mil jokes...thats funny! I think my daughter will make sure he knows how much love and care goes into a quilt. I don\'t think his mother makes anything handmade. He is an only child and used to getting whatever he wants. He is good to my daughter and she loves him so thats what counts! My daughter laughs everytime she makes a meal we referred to as "a poor mans meal" and he loves it she tells him she should have grown up a poor boy! It is pretty funny! I\'m sure he\'ll love it. My daughter may be stealing his quilt!


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Hey Irene,

It is Tennesse Waltz and I used Eleanor Burn\'s rulers to make it. I did the 9" squares. I drafted it in EQ since I didn\'t buy the book so if you have EQ I\'ll be happy to forward the pattern. The rulers make it so much easier to do. The last quilt I hand quilted is the same pattern and the rulers hadn\'t been developed yet. This was much easier and I did it in a week.


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I showed my sister your pictures of the quilt. She was very impressed and was interested in how you did it. She thinks that I should do something with trapunto too--for her of course. She also noted that the pattern, Tennessee Waltz, was the pattern book that I had just purchased. I got the ruler too. I hope my quilt turns out as wonderful as yours did.


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I\'m sure your quilt will turn out beautiful too! I did this trapunto differenly than the normal way I would do it. For intricate designs I would use water soluble thread, stitch around the design and then trim away the excess batting. In this case the design was very simple so I just cut them out and then glued them to the back of the quilt using water soluble glue (Elmer\'s washable). That worked great. Feel free to email if you have questions.


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