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What' with the Fons & Porter APQS ad??

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I got to sit with a cup of tea and look thru my new magazines last nite....Came across another APQS ad featuring Fons & Porter (I love them) It has a COMPLETED quilt on the frame, binding and all!! I find this as bad as those ladies who were using knitting needles for their quilted toilet paper! Now I know with all the problems in the world this is minor- I guess I needed a little something funny and lighthearted to get riled up about!!


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Funny you should mention that huge faux pas with the knitting needles.... I sold advertising for 18 years, and would have been axed for a campaign like that! Good heavens - didn\' they research it? My point is that unfortunately, the "media" thinks we\'re all stupid... it\'s like an entire subculture and for some reason they think that whatever they show or tell us we will "believe"! It\'s appalling! I could rant on and on then about the "news media" too, but that might take up tooooo much room.

Needless to say, I haven\'t seen the ad yet but I would and do notice those things... my paycheck used to depend on accuracy.

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I noticed the finished quilt as well and thought, "why did they do that", the edges already have the binding, don\'t they? I must admit it concerned me because only semi to experienced quilters probably read that magazine, so a new quilter probably wouldn\'t buy it regularly. And even a semi new quilter would notice that and wonder about the finished edges.

As for the old ad with the ladies "knitting" instead of quilting, I did noticed they fixed it like 2 weeks later! Must have been no actual quilters on that cartoon.

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The very first ads were incorrect also. They had a quilted quilt rolled up on the top fabric roller going to the pick-up roller with Liz and Marianne sitting at the machine ready to quilt. DUH, it was already quilted!

I really think APQS should take a little more time setting up the machines for these ads.

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Guest Linda S

Nearly all of the ads have the quilt on the machine wrong, no thread in the machine, etc. The photos are all staged and not staged well as we experienced gals know. Of course, if you\'re looking at buying your first quilting machine, you\'re not going to notice this stuff.


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Even if you are not an experinced quilter (Tho the magazine wants to attract all levels) I would think they would do the ad correctly. What about "Truth in advertising"? I would think that the "stars" of the ad would say something about it would\'nt you? Now I have to go back and look at the other LA ads and see if Gammel and others think that we are stupid also-LOL


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Hey folks, IT\'S ADVERTISING!!!!!! This represents the Dream World of Perfection. They show a gorgeous top, perfectly pieced with world-class quilting to show "what could be". There is no batting hanging off the ends, no chalk or pen marks, no thread tails and no seam ripper in sight! Send yer money...this could be you! It is something to smile about and no insult to those of us in the trenches.

On the opening page or this forum APQS has a photo of a neat-as-a-pin studio full of lovely quilts hanging and stacked around with a nicely dressed and coifed quilter smiling as she toils away.

My studio is a mess--as usual--and if I didn\'t have a pick-up in 45 minutes it would stay that way until I do have a pick-up. We know the truth. Anybody wanna share photos of what it really looks like in your space right now with no clean up? I\'ll take a before photo now and promise to post if someone else does the same. What a challenge!!!!

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"It\'s Advertising" LOL! Linda, you crack me up! :P

Seriously, I tend to get a chuckle from the TV commercials where the big Chevy or Ford trucks are climbing over giant boulders and slashing through mud and 4-wheeling over the backcountry trails and if you look closely, there is not a speck of dust, nor spot of mud or dirt on those trucks! Perfectly shiney and clean. Huh? That ain\'t right!

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How about the yummy looking fast food commercials? If you really buy one of "those" it looks nothing like the picture! And it sure doesn\'t taste anything like the picture looks either.;)

The one that always gets me though is when they show some woman doing something strenuous in her 5 inch high heels. WHAT??? Geez, I can\'t even walk in heels!

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Well, I guess I\'m just blind because I\'ve never noticed the finished quilt in the APQS ads. I\'m always so busy looking for where they used the patches from George\'s shirts that I guess I\'ve never looked close enough at the quilts on the machine. I\'m going to have to go through some of my old magazines so I can find the ads and take a look.

Boy, am I embarrassed!

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