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What makes your day great?

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Today looks to be a great day for me!! :) House is clean, laundry is done & I do not need to go to the store or anywhere!! My favorite channel (SciFi) is not showing any thing of intrest to me but AMC has "Close Encounters" followed by "Planet of the Apes" Now I don't really watch them as I have seen them about 100 times But I love those movies!! I told the family to speak to the answering machine and I will pick up if I know it's them (too great of a day to talk to salepeople) I even have one of MY favorite dinners on tap for tonite!! I can work on whatever I want!!I have a baby quilt for a patten on the LA. I have two new patterns almost complete. This afternoon I plan to put my feet up and complete a binding!! All this in a toasty warm house (it's -22 outside) with my trusty hounds next to me all day!! My serinity wil come to an abrupt end about 4:15 (kids get home from from school) & DH gets home about 5:30. But with a great day like today it's all good...yes even the kids and their squabbling!! What constitutes a great day for you??


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Well getting some of my quilt completed, finishing a design in Autosketch and I too spring cleaned this week so I could think. When I get my personal stuff out of order it throws me for a loop and I cannot concentrate. So everything is in order and I\'m going to create all week. With everything in order I can focus finally.

Going to cook something wonderful this afternoon. Yea that\'s right. Grammie is going to see how this "Stove/Oven" works finally. lololol

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For me it seems to be much more personal. I can breathe well today, I don\'t have low back pain, hands have eased up, and I\'ve a quilt I\'m having a ball with on Penny. Hubby is being compatible, too. Neck pain I can ignore or ice down.

God is Good!


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Well, this morning I went out & picked coffee for an hour, got a nice basket full while the weather was a little cool. Then I had a fresh-picked grapefruit and a mango shake, with a tree-ripened mango, for breakfast. Then a swim in the ocean & now I am ready to quilt. I really do live in Paradise!:cool:

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Catherine--your day sounds delicious!

I made coffee this morning (Millstone), had an orange from the grocery store (it was organic though!) couldn\'t swim--we have slushy rain today and my mini-pond has a rime of ice on it, but I just loaded a pretty top, have the designs figured out, the heat turned on in the studio, and I\'m ready to go!

Come visit me in the summer and I\'ll come see you about March!!!!

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Your day sounds heavenly.

It is so cold here that they cancelled school tomorrow. Which my kids are so happy about. Now if they would just go to sleep. I have a terrible heater system in my quilt room (in the garage) so I have decided to catch up on some sewing on the DSM and to give the LA a break. I get chilled to the bone and can\'t warm up if I try quilting too long. Besides tax season is just around the corner, better work on that too. Hope to have a great day sewing on some projects tomorrow that will make it great day.


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Fabric, yes, fabric. My husband will send me to the fabric store whenever I seem blue. Hmmm...it just occurred to me I just may become an actress <smile>.

And my dogs make me (us) so very happy. Nothing better than coming home from a stressful/non-fulfilling job and have those wagging tails greet you at the door.


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