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Problem SOLVED!!!

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So I am quilting in my studio today- my almost 3 year old son is playing in his "cubby" with Superman on the TV and a box full of toys. He\'s chillin out while I quilt.

I\'m thinking - this is so awesome. He\'s keeping busy and I can actually have "guilt free" quilting. This is the life!!! I love my job.....

I am quilting at a good pace, when suddenly my machine will not MOVE.


I can not move the head in any direction.

I immediately think, ok...what did I do.

I look to see if my channel locks are on....nope, not on.

I check for threads in the wheels, nope. No threads.

I remember someone saying something a second ago...something like "Mama I help!"....then silence, and he\'s back to the TV again.

Then it occurs to me to walk around to the back of the machine. The cause of my machine problems?

A rather large robotic Dinosaur is stuck in between my carriage and head....."helping me".

Thought I would share.


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Oh, No! I can\'t believe your first thought was that you had done something wrong. Here I was feeling so cocky that when my thread \'broke\' the other day, rather than thinking I had done something wrong, I thought, \'oh, my bobbin must be out!\' And it was!! Caroline

(By the way, do you all in the frozen North have to put heater blocks on your Millies to start them up? :P )

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Oh what a handsome helper! Well, I don\'t know about the dino, but it\'s driver is divine.:D

It\'s still Spidey and Dino days here, w/a splash of babydolls thrown in for good measure. I can relate to the rare "guilt free" moments. Though, when I\'m on a customer quilt I can use that as a bit leverage to buy myself cooperation. When it\'s my stuff..... well I\'m on my own. :P

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He is so cute...and I remember when he was at our machine quilters guild meeting....wow, he is growing! His daddy was holding him then and he was just a baby....look at him now!! Yes, enjoy him, they grow up too fast. I know you have a daughter, and you watched her grow up, but I think you were a single mom and when you are a single mom sometimes you miss the fun part about them growing up. Sometimes life is just too hard to enjoy them.

And it\'s good that he is helping mom....maybe your quilting will start looking more like mine now :D

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Good to know that nothing was truly wrong. I was waiting for you to find the machine unplugged because it was causing "snow" on the tv!! That\'s what my son would like to do (he\'s 24, so now knows better!).

Just watch out for when he gets next to the scissors. My grandson (4) cut the cord to my daughter\'s grinding motor for our business needles. He didn\'t want her to work so he could watch his movies on her little tv at her work area. Needless to say, he had his movies taken away for a bit.

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What a baby doll Karen! :cool:

I remember when you found out you were pregnant & "what am I going to do with a baby" set in. Ya just love em to pieces & life with little Storm has been a joy for you guys, just look at how happy that kid is!;)

I know I crawl to bed every night, but its all good, wouldn’t have it any other way.

By the way, I remember when my Thomas was about Storms age, & he helped me by spraying basting glue in my hook assembly!!!:mad: After all mom was always spraying a can of something in the machine!

These are the stories & memories that we cherish when they are all grown up. And Grandparents love the "revenge"! :P

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