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Karen McTavish on Simply Quilts

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remember garter belts - not the sexy ones, but the utilitarian kind that held up my first pair of seamed hose.... You didn\'t want your seams crooked. and princess waist dresses... now, those were attractive.... (not) and pillbox hats, and gloves.... Dad wouldn\'t take us out unless we were dressed up.

They went to a lot of formal dances, for their ball room dance club. Mom had this green strapless formal. I always wished I could be sooooo pretty. She\'s 87 and still beautiful.

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I had pretty much all that stuff too but, thankfully, do not have many pictures of it.

I have to confess, though, I think I did inflict a Pixie cut on a child -- but only after she had tried to dread it herself, with bubble gum. I think it was the same child who ADORED her electric blue fake-fur overcoat, which she wore with the white go-go boots. She was only in second grade, so can be forgiven. I am only thankful she is not a quilter, so probably will not be reading this.

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I grew up with naturally curly hair when straight hair was in and used to tape my bangs down with that pink hair tape to try and get them to straighten out even a little bit. My brother even tried it a couple times as he has the same curls! (Wish I had a picture of that!)

In case anyone is still reading the thread for the original subject, I was able to view Karen\'s appearance online. Here is a copy of the link, but if it doesn\'t work, just go to Simply Quilts on HGTV and search Karen McTavish in the SQ videos.

Karen, your hair looked great, but I like the dreads better!



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I have been laughing though this whole thread. I too had a pixie when I was younger, later I had a "Sassoon" which was named after Vidal Sassoon and was a wedge type hair cut. In high school I let it grow out and used the juice can rollers. Does anyone remember "Spoolies"? They were these little rubber rollers. I remember using them when I was in grade school after the pixie grew out a little? I also had white go go boots and tent dresses. Remember those? They made you look 9 months pregnant when you weren\'t.


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Hey, Linda, on Fon\'s & Porter...the show quilt Marilyn had with the background fill of clamshell...did you see that? I loved it and can\'t find a closeup picture of it anywhere to try to practice. I drew it out while watching the show, but I want to see the real deal. Going to look back at my previous MQS pictures and see if I can find it.

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O.k. I came into this post late and I read backwards! I started with the last entry and worked forward. If you think its funny reading them in order try it backwards. I too was a \'70s girl...rember David Cassidy?? I had sooooooo many pics of him on my walls I had to disrobe in the bathroom!! What I find kind of ironic is all through my youth I thought I was so fat!! Recently while going thru pictures to use at my father\'s funeral I saw pics of me and what the h*** was I thinking???? I was HOT!!! Oh....to go back for just a little while....

Sewhappy ( the artist formerly known as SEWHOT);) LOL

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Love it Mary Beth!

How about these?

No self respecting hippy chick would seen without her

recycled "Jeans Bootie Purse", you know the ones you wore out & your parents wouldn’t let you wear them anymore!:P

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Hang on to that 70\'s stuff, they are making a come back. I went shopping with my 16 yr old DD and could not believe the styles. Talk about a blast from the past.

And of course the dear pixie nightmare. I have been debating on posting my sweet do. I so remember going in and Mom telling her to give me a pixie. Name sounded ok but when they let me see myself, I screamed and cried and gathered all my hair up and begged them to glue it back on. Mom never had me to get a pixie again. But I\'ve had the shag, farrah, tony tennel, a symectrical(sp), punk, mullet, to my rear several times and now its still long, middle back, but hopefully never another pixie.

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Kenna & Mary Beth - I had a girlfriend in High School that also was tall and had legs that started just below her boobs and her nick name was "High Pockets". Saw her at a class reunion and she still is beautiful. And yes I remember the spoolies.... hadn\'t thought of those in ages. But you could pincurl your hair in these things and they would stay in thru the night so that you didn\'t wake up in a pile of bobbi pins on your pillow. I remember my hippy days, and thought I was soooo coooool wearing my hip hugger bell bottom pants with the fringed belt. In fact I was wearing just that when I met my DH. I had just retired my red hot pants, white stretchy boots and wide white belt and a shirt that had red, white & blue stars on it. Boy, it makes you stop and say "What was I thinkin?" This whole thread has been a great trip down memory lane. Thanks ladies.

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Yes, I had lots of pixie cuts with the crooked bangs...worst memory though ~ when I was sixteen my mom gave me and my looong hair a home-perm. Halfway through I asked if she was sure she had done this before...her reply ~ no, but I\'ve seen it done!!! Oh, no!!!! Well, it took her so long to get it done that the first side was in a lot longer than the other so I had way tighter curls on that side. Hey...it is true, you CAN laugh about these things years later!!! (but not when you still 16!)

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:cool: Patty Jo, I was not going to admit to any of those things, but yep, I too had the foam rollers. They made my hair go in ringlets though and I hated that. Juice cans and those huge brush rollers. Remember the special little combs with tiny teeth that would make your hair rat up really big? Hot pants, red, white, blue, etc. Oh man. Fringed purse. How bout the hippie bags? You know, the woven bags that looked like a rug with handles? And then there were the jeans that we split the bell bottoms on and added in even more by putting fabric or denim with flowers on it in. Or added the woven edging around the bottom of the bells. And those platform shoes. OMG, the first time in my life I was over 5 feet tall. Ironed hair, straight as a board. Thick eyeliner. I Only had to use the garter belt for about a year before panty hose made the debut. Ok, this gets really personal, but in the days before sticky back feminine products remember those....... I\'ll stop there, but that was REALLY bad.

Can anyone else picture Linda A. kickboxing? Somehow I can completely picture that one. What a bundle of energy. Well, I am supposed to be working. See many of you next weekend. Can\'t wait!!!

Nancy Jo :D

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Nancy Jo,

I had the High Pockets nickname! Oh, and didn\'t use blue eyeshadow, mine was usually green! Have to say Cher was a big influence since I was tall and thin. Ironed my hair...which was naturally curly so I avoided spoolies and I was so tall that I stayed away from platforms! Did we have fun or what!:D

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Nancy Jo, don\'t really want to remember the feminine product thing, but eeeeuuuuwww!

I did have the platforms, and for some reason people thought I was really tall! LOL So, when they saw me in tennis shoes they were surprised at how short I was!

I wore the blue eyeshadow, with the black liner AND white liner. another eeeeeuuuuwwww!

But I\'ll bet none of you have a photo where you look like Alfred E. Newman! My 7th grade photo is the spitting image of the Mad genious!

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I was already taller than any boy I knew so I didn\'t wear platforms. I did have a pair of higher healed, you know the rope wrapped heal thing, when I was a senior in HS. I really had the Cher thing going on. My hair is thick anyway, and black (or was) so when it is long it pulls the curl down so I didn\'t have to iron, or roll on Minute Maid cans :) I just blow dry and go. I was so skinny...oh, I long for just some of that back :D I remember Erma Bombeck saying that she would love to be thin...not thin enough to hang a purse on her hip bones, just thin enough to know she had hip bones :D

I grew up in Springfield, MO, close to Branson. My dad was in construction and knew a lot of builders in Branson during the building boom of the 70\'s and 80\'s. One guy was building a pyramid in Branson (of all things) and wanted me to be an eqyptian queen at the pyramid. I would have rather died!!

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