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Karen McTavish on Simply Quilts

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Maybe the writers strike brought that show out of storage!

That was what....6 or 7 years ago! Maybe longer....

I was shocked when I heard it re-ran today.

When I went on Simply Quilts - I made a decision to dread my hair immediately after the show.

You know, you have to go down there on your own dime, and its nerve racking and you have a makeup person, a wardrobe person, and a green room, a dressing room -etc.(I lived in the woods in Northern Minnesota at the time, and was just starting to teach nationally) ....to make a long story short, was so happy to get out of there. My producer was so nervous - she started to make me panic. But in the end, she shook my hand so hard, because she was so happy it went well. It was her very first show she ever produced.

The camera guys said "What the H*LL is that ??!!" - pointing to the APQS longarm we had shipped in for the show and I could hear the response - "...some kinky quilter thing".

So no, the longarm wasnt warmly welcomed when we arrived...but it is NOW!!! I didnt even have cable TV when I did that show....never really knew what "Simply Quilts" was until my Mom said ...its kinda of a big deal.

I was told years later, that Cheryl Uribe got me that gig thru Alex Alanderson - So she is the real reason I have dreads.

Thanks Cheryl!! I havent combed my hair in a very long time, because of you!!! hahahahaha!


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Karen, I love the look of the dreadlocks on you. You are a super stunning beauty, anyway I think you look younger today because of two things (well, maybe three things) 1) Comfortable with who you are, and in love with your man; 2) That little Stormy boy keeps you on your toes, and 3) You are a freebird. Fly on freebird! and continue to make those pretty quilty things for us to enjoy.

Mary Beth, hey it\'s only hair so why not give it a try? ;)

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I had a kind of dreadlock thing when I was a kid. I was only brusing the top part of my hair, not all the way through...so the back became a tangle of knots. My mom took me down and had my hair cut into a pixie...you are probably too young to know what that is...but let\'s just say it was very short. So there went any self confidence I may have had...I was tall, skinny, buck teeth, and boy hair. That taught me to brush my hair. I just don\'t think I could do it on purpose.

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Oh Mary Beth, me too. Every year I would get my hair long and every single summer without exception my mother cut it--herself--into a pixie. To this day that word conjures up horrible memories. The last thing my mother did when I left her home at 15 was take me down and have my hair cut off. Then I got on a train to go live with my dad. There I was, 15, returning to my childhood friends, with no hair. Talk about traumatized! ROFLOL.

And you are right, is Karen not just gorgeous. Inside and out. Wow, we are so lucky to have such amazing women to look to for inspiration.

Nancy Jo;)

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Hey...I just happened to catch that episode with Karen today too...You could see how \'unlike\' that was of Karen to be all painted up the way the makeup person did it...Karen..you look WAY WAY WAY better now that you are being true to yourself. You are one knockout chicka ....Stay real...I love ya like that.

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I saw that show today it was done in 2003. It was great. Only problem was one minute I am watching intently the next Alex is saying goodbye. Must have dozed off for a minute. I am so mad at my self. I do that all the time. Get the kids on the bus and sit to watch SQ and fall asleep and wake up when it is over. I am not a morning person, so getting up at 6:30 am with the kids is no fun.

Karen I never would have guessed it was you, but somewhere I heard your voice and knew right away it was you. In your pics here you look so different, so beautiful. And how do you look younger now 5 years later? Hope that happens to me some day.


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I was able to catch that show too. I had seen that show when it first aired then a week ago I saw Karen on a video doing LA instruction on microstippling and McTavishing. You looked so different I wouldn\'t have believed it was you except I\'dknow that voice anywhere. Very distinctive and sexy! Yeah I like the "new hair" too.

I have to tell you what my husband said while we were watching the show. "When your name is both a noun and a verb you have arrived!" I was LOL and almost ROF. You don\'t know him, obviously, but he doesn\'t come up with that kind of comment very often.

Hey gals, I had a pixie too and I hated it as well. I also had a Sasoon when we lived in Germany. It was the latest in style and I thought it was great. My husband said I looked like Peter Pan! So much for really short hair cuts in this lifetime.

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Okay - I got one for you. Remember the "SHAG" cut?

My mom cut my hair into a "SHAG" cut....ALWAYS, until I was in the 6th grade. She said its her favorite hair style on me.

Its now known forever, as the MULLET....

Once again, tricked by my mother.

Freaking Mullet wearing Karen McTavish.

So, I did it to my daughter when she was 3...and she\'s yet to forgive me for it. God I wish I had a photo to post of that!

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I hope I am not the only one that wanted Go-Go boots. I was also the only one in my crowd who did not have them. And the Shag, OMG I forgot about that one. Had one and only one. Grew it out in the and never again. I too have longer hair ever since. Almost as long as Karen\'s most of the time, but just below the shoulders lately.

Mary Beth, what you started. This is hilarious. Oh and the hot pants. Yikes. I wore my skirts so short in high school I could barely sit down. There was certainly nothing of fabric to sit on. Those chairs were cold. Micro mini plus some! One day the principal was walking behind me and asked if I could get the skirt any shorter. I volunteered to try. He just glared. Ah, the teenage smart mouth. Of course, I still have it. LOL

Now I wear my Harley shirts, jeans, boots, whatever and don\'t worry about what anyone says. You go girls!

Nancy Jo

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I LOVE Roseanne Rosannadanna!!!!! The comedic world really lost out when Gilda Radner died.

I, too, had the dreaded pixie. My mother still has my first grade picture of me in what she terms "the cutest haircut in the world" YIKES.

I always wanted to have a "Farrah Fawcett", but my hair never grew long enough :( Mom never would let me. SO, when I grew up, I grew it REALLY LONG and had spiral perms. so there, mom.


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Well I \'ve gotta say I kind of liked the Pixie too; but in those days I had hair down to my waist, Hippie-style. Short now, because I swim every day. Karen in a Mullet, that I am having trouble even imagining! However, don\'t any of you complain about your mother\'s hairdressing skills unless, like me, you were subjected to the Poodle! That was in the early \'50\'s, & was kind of like an Afro for white girls, though the curls were probably meant to be looser. It involved a lot of chemicals that are probably banned today, and the moms smoked while they were doing it. It\'s a wonder the house didn\'t blow up!

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