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Great pictures!!! Thanks for sharing. Oh, boy - what fun everyone is having.

Now I\'m going to bombard you with questions. Who is in the first picture with Mary Beth? The next picture is Karen McTavish, then Myrna, then Sue Paton, then a picture with four lovely ladies. I see Grammy Tammie and Tracey, but who are the two with them? Then Loes & Theo, then Shana with someone - who? Then Shana, Tracey, then Grammie, Grammie and Barb.

Can someone fillin the blanks for me so I can get a visual of the "Who\'s Who" crowd? Thanks

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The first picture of me and a student in the Dawn Cavanaugh\'s class on Monday. I don\'t know the lady\'s name, she just followed me around the classroom talking to me. I was a "Teacher\'s Pet"...I mean "Angel" ;)

Bonnie did not come, but we will get her here next year!!

Nancy Jo....there is a reason that I didn\'t do a close up on my avatar...I don\'t like to have my picture taken....or posted!!:D

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Sandra, the quilter in front of Tammie (the rock star) in the 4-gal photo is Deb Figved. And the one in the back I am not sure of but she is the digitizer teacher.

Bonnie did not come this year, maybe next year. But there was a lurker named Bonnie who came. Lots of lurkers as a matter of fact. Hey, you lurkers, introduce yourselves. ;)

Shopping Frenzy update Some vendors still have rulers despite the fact that Donna (Sam\'s Mom, aka the Ruler Queen) and Mary Beth ("That wasn\'t me that bought all those rulers") shopped for rulers yesterday.:P And Bob Purcell seems to have a bigger booth for Superior Thread this year and yet it is still wall-to-wall with quilters lining up to get those goodies. I think that maybe Bob needs to get a bouncer and a velvet rope. :D

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Well, Bonnie, I was talking about you, but evidently there are more Bonnie\'s. So we should just all have a "Bonnie Good Time" trying to sort you all out. ;) Maybe you will soon be like all the Linda\'s on the site. You\'ll have to start using your last initial.

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Okay...fixed the name issue. I have to agree that the "Bonnie\'s" have invaded. when I joined I was the only one....;) I didn\'t know that there were that many of us. I was almost 30 before I ever met another one, and here in NY they are everywhere.

PattyJo...I have to agree, the lady next to Mary Beth...could be a sister....who knew. They say that we have twins...this one could qualify that\'s for sure...

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Thanks for all the pics. It was like being there. Well, almost.

Hey, ya know, with the avatars being the way they are we could walk right past one of you beautiful ladies and never know it. No fair posting pictures that don\'t look like you do now.

Sheri B......I love your hair cut!! Few gals could wear that style but you look great! Bet it\'s really easy to care for.

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Looks like everyones having a ball! Great to see what folks look like in real life too, thanks for sharing :)

I wonder how long its gonna take me to save up for a MQS trip? Worth saving for me thinks.

So then....Whats New? Did anyone discover anything wonderful that we simply can\'t live without?

I\'m sitting here picturing row upon row of beautiful thread in every colour imaginable!

What were the best buys at the show?



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Sheri B......I love your hair cut!! Few gals could wear that style but you look great! Bet it\'s really easy to care for.

Marlette, Thanks! And, yes it is easy to care for.

I know, I need to update my AVATAR!!!! I\'m gett\'n hassled big time, but I had just had my daughter cut my hair 2 days before I left for K.C.

I am soo ready for summer!

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