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I am in Maryland at my parents\' house, but I have been watching this on the television and thinking of you all. I\'m so glad that you are safe. I pray that the damage to your homes and businesses is not very bad.

Judi, I was watching the weather and hoping those tornadoes would miss your house. Glad you and the kids and hubby are safe.

Please let me know if I can do anything to help anybody.

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Hi Claudia!! Things are starting to improve here in Des Moines. However, in one neighborhood this morning was flooded when a levy gave way. Flooded a bunch of brand new houses.

Cedar Rapids is east of Des Moines and the flooding there is beyond comprehension. 400+ city blocks under 15 feet of water. It\'s unbelievable.

My house is pretty high and away from the river so I\'m staying dry. There was some flash flooding last week that was a few miles away. There are also some houses in my neighborhood in the low lying areas that have flooded basements.

Good new is that no major rainfall is forcasted for the next 7 days. So we can finally start to dry out a bit!!


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I am finaly able to get on the internet!! I live in Vinton Iowa and our town is trying to get back to normal. It flooded here pretty bad, the fire station, the sheriffs dept, flooded our power plant and the elec. distribution site was all but destroyed and then alot of homes as well. When you see sheriffs dept boats beached up on the County Courthouse lawn and a jet ski going down Third Street, you know its bad! Portable generators from the Minnneapolis area (I believe) were police escorted here and we have temporary power. We have no idea when we will have full power restored. There is a ban on running air conditioning units but God has been merciful and sent beautiful cool low humidity weather our way! We have had some rain a few days ago, but its been fairly dry for a couple of days. The entire town pulled together in true Iowa fashion and they were amazing! While sand bagging my son was wearing his "Luther" college shirt and he evidentally was in the background on MSNBC!! Although we didn\'t have power and I didn\'t get to see it! LOL Then the National Guard came and they were amazing! Bagging sand was like the carnival had come to town, everyone was there! The evening news was here alot and they commented on just how many of our young people were there working so hard, I was proud that my kids were there helping too. Our road to leave town to the north was totally washed away in places and partially washed away in lots of places. I380 just opened fully today. It is just devastating in Cedar Rapids, my dad lives in the CR area and last week they said told it could take as long as three hours to get from the south side of town to the north side. Evidentally between the site seers and the traffic in combination with many exit ramps under water it was just a four lane parking lot for the most part. Then at one point it closed completely and then one lane in either directions were opened by the DOT for emergency travel. I80 is completely opened as of yesterday. We live in a higher elevation area of town and didn\'t take on any water in our home, but so many people did, it was heartbreaking to see. My boys helped move some elderly folks from our church to higher ground, their place was one of the first to be flooded as they live right on the river. My cousin that lives in La Porte City woke up the other morning to loud creaking noises, after he fully got awake he jumped out of bed to run down to the basement cause he could he hear rushing water, about half way down the steps he stopped and could see light where his house was being lifted off its foundation! The Cedar River has never been in places it was this year for so many people! When ever I feel like I might have a pity party I just look around and can easily see someone much worse off than myself. My home is still standing, no water in the basement and we are all safe. I just say God is good, even in the bad God is still good!

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I have so many more photos, but you all are probably tired of seeing me post! LOL I hooked up the battery backup (that I bought for my computer) to my quilting machine and I can quilt without the worry of losing power suddenly and accidentally tearing a hole in a customer quilt if the needle were in the down position as the power went out.

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I\'m glad to see you are alright! What a mess you all are enduring. Thought and prayers are going out to you all. I guess our waters will rise...since yours are finally receeding. We are expecting our rivers to crest today I think.

My brother-in-law lives in Belle Plaine and works in Victor....what is usually a 20 mile drive (or so) now takes 80 miles. He has to go all over the place to get to work every day. My DH suggested he park a boat in a ditch so he can just motor boat to work.

I cannot imagine the mess there will be to clean up when all of this is said and done. Hopefully the heat and humidity will hold off, keep your fingers crossed!!

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Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Sue, I don\'t think that Carroll was affected by the water. Mark posted earlier in this thread.

The smell when you go near where the flood waters are is like being in the worlds biggest bait shop! It is B A D! Plus as the flood water leaves an area, it leaves fish behind that can\'t get out and they are dieing there and it\'s awful and it\'s rank!

They have put a message out now for all the residents of our town, no water/sewer usage for any purpose! I bought another four cases of water the other day, so we have plenty of drinking water...we just can\'t use the potty! Ugh

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What an awful thing to deal with, Iowa has had some horrible weather this year!:(

Heidi has sent me some pictures of the carnage, in addition to all of this, crops are ruined "if" they were planted before the flood.

So very sorry that you all have to deal with this, let us know if we can help in any way, my heart goes out to you all.;)

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