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How is everyone in IOWA? The news this morning was filled with weather/tornado/dam level reports from your area. Does anyone have family or friends at the Boy Scout camp that was hit with the tornado? My heart, thoughts and prayers are with each of you.

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It was definitely a wild night in Iowa. Please keep the families of the scouts in your prayers!! I live about 90 miles from the Boy Scout Ranch. We were under tornado warnings two times last night but only had heavy rain, wind and a little hail here. In the middle of the storm, my youngest grandson had 3 major seizures and had to be rushed to the hospital. I am waiting to hear the report from the neurologist now. He is only 2 years old. Please keep a good thought for my little Jaxon.


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Carroll got hit pretty hard last night with high winds. Trees and power lines down. We don\'t have any phone service yet here at the factory. A boy from my town was at the camp last night and the boys killed were in the same shelter as he was. His mother told us this morning that Daniel has some cuts and was battered some. He and another boy actually performed CPR on one of the boys that died. Pretty tramatic for a 13 year old! We have quite a bit of flooding all around us.

Take care,

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Jon and I are here in Carroll and we all had to take shelter at the hotel last night. The storm was awesome to watch and the winds alone sounded like rolling thounder. It came and went and came and went again and then it was gone. It is going to start up again later this afternoon but right now the sun is working hard at coming out... so for now it\'s back to work for everyone and we\'ll all just wait and see what happens later today.:cool: Here in Carroll they are working hard to get the phone lines back up and running but we have internet so that might be the way to go if you are looking for service help today. Hope everyone is well that is in the areas around us that were hit much worst!!!

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No 13 year old should go through something like that. I just feel so bad for those kids that had to go through this without their parents. It must have just been horrible. This is something that will stay with them forever, I will be praying for them.

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I\'m in Omaha where we have had way too many severe sotrms lately. We had tornados earlier this week that destroyed several houses. Then severe storms last night with hail that broke my son\'s sky light but that is so unimportant compared to the Boy Scout tragedy last night. My heart aches for the families that lost their precious boys and for the boys who will never forget their experience. I\'m praying for their healing.

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Mark, I\'m so sorry to hear about the tragedy at the Boy Scout Camp. I pray for complete healing for the survivors and all of the families involved. What a nightmare.

I\'ll also keep all of you in Iowa in my prayers. My parents live in NE Iowa and their little town is cut off due to flooding. My parents house is dry so far, but all around them is water and devastation. My Dad has lived his entire 70+ years in that area and he\'s never seen anything like it. So sad for everyone.

Hope things get back on track soon in your neck of the woods.

Sue Kelly

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I will certainly keep all the flood victims, storm victims, and the Boy Scouts and their families in prayer.

We also need to pray for Emergency workers, from Medivac pilots and crew to police, amublance, emergency room and even emergency houseing, etc. workers, that they stay safe and healthy to do the jobs the victims so badly need.

Mark, if you hear of anything we can provide to help out,, please do so.. can\'t send much $$$, though I know just a few can help some..

Having had a son die, and seen some horrific sights in my life, my heart aches for all..


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Hi Everyone,

I live in Iowa, La Poprte City to be exact. We are between Waterloo and Cedar rapids on the cedar River. I cannot evern express the devestation in our area. They are saying it is the 500 year flood. Last night we had another 3 inches of rain and in Austin, Mn, they received 4 inches and that is where our rain comes from.

We have a fram here and it is 100% un der water. Most of our buildings are not. We have several employees and they are all home today trying to keep the water out of their bastements. Nearly every one we know has some water damage of some kind...if they can even get to their homes.

I have taken lost of pictures. I do not have time to post them for you as I don\'t want to take the time to figure out how to do it. If someone else will do it, I can send them to you.

Diana Spence

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Des Moines did fairly well last night. Only 1.25 inches of rain. The river is flooding more areas of the city today and mandatory evacuations are in place for some neighborhoods. Police are going from door to door to get people out of their houses.

The news this morning said they may have to turn off the electrical to downtown fairly soon. Evidently the system is housed downtown and has been safe so far. There is growing concern that the water will reach it sometime today.


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I live in Southern Iowa and we are soaking wet, but no flooding so far. Luckily we live on a hilltop, but our bottom area is like a huge lake due to two streams. This morning when I came to work, the water was about 6-8" below the bridge. I phoned DH and said to keep an eye on it so I could get home before it goes over the bridge and road. We have lived in this house for 11 years and the past two weeks we have been in our old farmhouse basement 4 times. It isn\'t the nicest place to be, but in a storm it is great shelter. Our dogs even go with us and we put blankets on the floor for them and they tend to sleep through all the ruckus. We could be much worse and I thank the Lord that we have been spared so far. This has been the craziest spring I can remember! Yes, many prayers go out to the boy\'s families who died at the scout camp. Mark, don\'t let any of those precious machines get wet!!!! Maybe a flood sale???

Everyone stay safe and be cautious!


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I live in Cedar Rapids, and things are very critical at this time. My family and I are not directly affected at our homes and don\'t expect to be. The downtown area is flooded and some places there is over 15 feet of water in businesses.

C.R. is divided from the NW to The SE by a river. It is running over all but 1 bridge connecting the two halves. That bridge is closed to all but emergency traffic. Since it is the "Avenue of the Saints" ( interstate from St. Louis to the twin cities, Minn/St.Paul) a lot of traffic has to go around C.R. Some parts of the same interstate are closed farther north in the state.

It rained another 2 inches early this morning (Thursday) and is again thundering and lightening and dumping rain. People who have relocated to some shelters are being moved to other shelters on higher ground. The Police Department has evacualted from their building and set up at safer sites. Ham radio operators are working at the law shelter and all hospitals and shelters to try and maintain communication. My husband hasn\'t been called in yet.

It is strange some situations that develop in these conditions. They are vacating several jails and are talking on TV about the problems of keeping some prisoners apart. Grudges and future testimony by other prisoners and violent individuals have to get special consideration. Good Grief!!

People in the countryside are trapped because of rural roads flooding and county bridges being washed out. Interstate 80 which is a MAJOR interstate across the country is soon to be closed for a 30 mile stretch east of Iowa City. In Iowa City to the south, The University of Iowa is spread out on two sides of the river and is really taking a hit.

And the rain just keeps pouring down and down and down........ And water needs to be rationed to our homes!

In my 65 years in Iowa I have never seen such rain and tornado activity. I worked the 500 year 1993 flood for Iowa State University, but this one beats it by intensity if not area covered. Every year we have 1 chance in 500 of such weather, but the 1993 and 2008 ones are too darned close and too many for my lifetime.

Shanna Cellman

Cedar Rapids

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The storms did come up this way last night too. The sirens were going off like crazy! Thankfully the storms kind of split-up and parts went off in different directions from us.

I felt so sad hearing the news about the Boy Scouts. Such a terrible thing for so many young boys and men to see and deal with. I will again pray for them, their families and friends.

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My DH is from Iowa, and we were just there over the weekend. Last night when he was watching the news they showed Cedar Rapids. He could not believe it. Says he as never seen it that way in his whole life. DMIL called last night and said that DH\'s uncle who lives in CR had to be evacuated from his home. DH was surprised by that since he doesn\'t live any where near water. That didn\'t matter....his basement was full and water was chest high in his house. He has lost everything. He is an elderly man and didn\'t want to leave. The police had to make him leave. It is all just too sad.

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I\'m still praying for all the weather victims especially you ladies and gentlemen in CR. I was hoping to hear good news this morning but the news stations stated that things are just getting worse. Please, please let us know if there\'s anything we can do? Here in Va Beach, when the tornado went through Suffolk all the local shops collected quilts to give out to those who lost everything. Everyone please continue praying for these folks.

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Thinking of everyone affected by the floods and tornadoes. Here\'s hoping your weather settles down soon. I wish there was more we could do, but for the moment sending thoughts and strength from here in Australia to those in Iowa suffering at the moment. I did a quick trip to the USA with my son about 5 years ago, visiting the John Deere factories in Waterloo and Moline. We flew out of Cedar Rapids, the only quilt shop I got to see in the States was a little quilt shop in Cedar Rapids, very hard to imagine that all that beautiful country is now flooding.

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