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Did Dawn's rosebud ever get demo'd?

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I'm thinking that Dawn is still working on it. I'm sure she is still in the recovery stage from her surgery. I have the class notes and my own sketches, but I would not feel right making them public. The information I have came from Dawn's class, I think if she wants to make public the directions for the rose and rose bud, that is going to be up to her.

I did email Dawn to check on her, and bless her heart she has her sense of humor. She is recovering from her surgery and I think she is coming along well.

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Oooh, thank you for reminding me! I am in the office a couple of days next week and will use the white board there to draw out directions...or maybe it will be next week's "Quilt Talk" topic if I can get my son to do some more videotaping for me.

He is one of those kids whose knowledge of all things technical, digital, or computerized is vast...which means he rolls his eyes back in his head whenever I attempt anything more involved than snapping a photograph:).

Have a happy Fourth of July!

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Thanks Dawn - the rose bud is darling and I plan to practice 1st thing tomorrow.

Also, I wanted to comment on how well written your directions are in the Millie manual as well how nice the DVD is. Besides putting my machine together, I have had several chances to go back on the manual and DVD - needle change, loosen the wheels, cleaning, etc. Very easy to understand. Thank you. Each day, I become more Millie friendly......:):):)

Have a great weekend and I hope you recover quickly;)


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Mary Beth,

Your buds looked just beautiful on your quilt...and the last one you did was easier than the first, right? :) I've had a bit more practice than some of you, that's all. :)

As for my surgery, I'm recovering nicely. Thank you all for the kind words. Suffice it to say that you had all be wearing your sunscreen or I'll threaten to show you my "before" and "after" skin cancer photos and gross you all out!:P

Keep the suggestions for articles and videos coming, everyone!

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Regarding sunscreen...I'm with you girl!! My parents had a place on Bull Shoals Lake in Arkansas when I was growing up. We were in the water from Friday evening till Sunday morning...and during vacation it was all week. We used tanning lotion but not sunscreen - that was reserved for my fair skinned daddy. So far I have not had any problems with skin cancer, but I am very watchful. My dad worked outside in construciton...he is 80 years old and still has them removed. DH works with safety specialist...one of them told him a couple of years ago that he won't let his daughters go to tanning beds either - they are just as bad if not worse than the sun. I see so many young women who need that tan and thing tanning beds or booths are the way to go, they are not.

Glad to hear you are on the mend.

About the bud...I was doing my lapel before the outer area...I'm going to try it the way you have it on your video...makes more sense.

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This may seem simplistic, but I think many of us could benefit from them.

Let us watch you do things like:

1. Stitch in the ditch. When and why.

2. Securing a quilt to be custom quilted. I think this would be especially beneficial. I've bought numerous DVDs and watched many longarm shows on cable and QNNTV, and most start by saying: "I've already secured this quilt." But I'd like to see just how.

All the fancy, wonderful work is great, but if you don't get the basics down first (like securing the quilt) the fancy work doesn't always work.

3. Line dancing or whatever it's called. With and without rulers.

4. Masculine freehand designs for quilts, such as Quilts of Valor.

Thanks much for asking for our input. I loved the rosebud design. I've watched it, printed it, and practiced it, first on my whiteboard and last night on my longarm.....on the strip of fabric and batting I made for testing tension.

AND, PLEASE take care of yourself. We need you.

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Dawn, I just wanted you to know also that I really enjoy reading your column in the Fons and Porter "Love of Quilting" magazine. I find myself refering back to them often.....Thanks for so much info and please take care of yourself, you are too special to everyone.


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I love it and if the curves keep curving, I will definately be trying this out. I think I have just the quilt to do it on, too.

Thanks for the demo, time, and thank your son for his help, also.. it is appreciated..



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