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Calling all prayer warriors!!

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I'd like to ask for prayers for our oldest daughter.. she was trying to take a window out of her mobil home, when her hand slipped, went thru the glass. It cut two tendons on the back of her hand.. They were reattached yesterday and she's feeling like someone smashed her hand today.. Single, new job, Ins. just started July 1.. will be off work 5-6 weeks, therapy, special brace to get, etc... I'd like the prayers to be that she doesn't try to rush the healing and do any permanent damage, and for peace of mind during the next 6 weeks.

She doesn't like being inactive.. and loves her job, has no fear of losing it.. the bosses want to keep her. ..

Many thanks.. RitaR

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I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt Mary, I will be praying for her.


I've been a single mom and know the struggles that come with that very difficult job. Top it off with an accident like this and it is just really bad. I will add your daughter to my prayer list, that she will have a speedy recovery.

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Thank You, everyone.. Am sure Dawn will feel the prayers, and Mary also.. meanwhile.. I also pray for all you prayer warriors.. as well as other members of this board.

Dawns veging and just a bit dopey from meds.. she's our accident prone very adult kidlet.

Son In Law had brain tumor back in mid 90's he recovered quite well.. looses a word now and then, and lost hearing in one ear..

God is good, and sends us all blessings every day.. thousands per day.


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