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NQR...What do you do when your not quilting

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I grow tropical fruit & coffee. As of a few weeks ago I have been making jams & jellies for our local farmers' market. Then there's diving, snorkeling, kayaking and an occasional hike. Because, think about this Heidi, I DID retire early. I am unhappy about the lack of grandkids, but my youngest is only 32, so maybe there's still time.

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IF I had some spare time I would crochet a scarf for the Special Olympics. Check out the web site www.coatsandclark.com and click on the Special Olympics info at the bottom of the opening page. I will pick up some yarn at Joann's tomorrow. Looks like a quick and feel-good project!

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I sleep and eat. I need nourishment and rest in between those quilts, ya know!!! Ask my DH. He's starting to cook my dinners so now if I can get him to clean house I'm set! ;)

It's all part of my training regime; I heard they are adding quilting to the summer olympics in London 2012, so I am training for the games. Oh, and I also spend entirely way too much time reading the chat pages and flapping my yap here, including right now when I should be putting on my jammies and gettng ready for beddy bye. Nitey-nite, friends.

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Well, I try to quilt as much as possible but I have a quilt shop to run and the shed business plus we do rent to own's on the sheds so basically we have 4 business in one here and the majority of the time I am by myself. Tough but most times I love it. Then there are the 3 kids, one not a kid he will be 21 on the 31st and my daughter is a senior this year and then the youngest, he will be in 6th grade. Then to top it all off DH just had to buy me a new puppy for my 45th birthday. This is Bandit, he's a yorkie-poo and just adorable when he doesn't potty in the house:)


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Barns are bad enough, but I have to start painting the house this long weekend, and have a final summer picnic with some friends.....it needed it when we bought the place, and have just now slowed down enough to do it...or finally got the fire built under the DH to help. To big for just me, and besides that he won't let me play with his commerical paint sprayer...OH DARN!!!!!

Sheryl....love the Sara Snack....I wanted a tiny baby when I got Sara, DH wouldn't let me have a pocket dog. I wanted one small enough to fit in my hoodie pocket when I would go into a store....;)

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Mary Beth: Gabe is a great hunter and DH takes him hunting in the fall; but most of the year he's my spoiled baby. This morning it was plenty cool and he decided he wanted in bed with us. So at 5:00am I have a 60 lb baby snuggling with me - DH sleeps thru the whole thing - go figure! Then the alarm went off at 6:00 - I need a nap!!!

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Originally posted by countrystitcher

...Gabe is a great hunter ......but most of the year he's my spoiled baby. This morning it was plenty cool and he decided he wanted in bed with us. So at 5:00am I have a 60 lb baby snuggling with me ....

Sharon, I am assuming that "Gabe" is your 60 lb dog and not your 60 lb son. LOL!! :P :P :P

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Originally posted by Karen in Georgia

Okay, you wanted us lurkers to start participating...so here is what I do: I knit, read, eat, clean up after the dog, bird and husband, feed the birds and pond fish outside and read this forum. I can't knit socks, I've tried several times, but I knitted a felted mobius bowl and a cute little purple urn.

I can't knit socks either. :)

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what do I do when I'm not quilting, cook clean, play with my granddaughters ( Hannah starts school tomorrow 1st day kindergarden) and Bonnie like you I want to learn to knit socks I have bought several books, needles and like you I don't get it I can knit purl and even a few decorative stitches but circular needles and 3 needles I don't get....we should try and get together maybe between the two of us we could make one sock what do you think????

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Well I can tell this forum is going to get addictive...quilting is my passion...every aspect of it. I love to read and reread and buy every quilt magazine that comes out. I do like to decorate also. I tried to knit but I found I :Dneed a machine to regulate my tension...I'm too tense and end up with a little tiny thing when it should be three times its size! Would love to learn stained glass. I have done some beading. The last thing I did was little collars that go over Christmas ornaments. Kind of victorian looking...can make a plain ball look fabulous! Was going to braid chair pads for all my kitchen chairs but only got one done before I was off in another direction. Somebody had asked how many UFO quilt projects people had. I wouldn't even venture a guess!

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Okay, Colleen, Judith.....we need to plan to get together and learn how to make socks....and since Colleen knows how she can be teacher.;);)

Robin....man at least to keep you busy as well, there is winter coming and the drifts can be high in your area. I lived in Miles for several years, and it was almost as bad there....one of my SIL's is from Antelope......

Glad you came out to play....and good luck on your move next spring and I'm sure we will see you around this winter...Montana winters can be nasty...so you have found a nice snuggy warm place to play....

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When it's stormy at our house (lightening) and I can't quilt I crochet hats. My sister started making them last year while recouperating from knee replacement. She made over 40 from my yarn stash, I made fsome or my grandkids and some of their friends. We ended up sending a total of 3 dozen hats plus some scarves to the shelter in Springfield.

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So you want to learn how to knit socks? How about a giant sock and call it a Christmas stocking? This is a pattern handed down by my DH grandmother. It's hand written but I learned by looking at DH's and following directions for a traditional sock pattern.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/51026226@N00/2803184045/" title="Christmas stocking by Nuts and Bolts Quilting Company, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3241/2803184045_f336b5d819.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Christmas stocking" /></a>

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The way I figure it....I more than likely could SOMEDAY get a sock done...but getting two that match might be a stretch...so when that ever happens I plan on having aWHOLE bunch of mis-matched sock...on purpose so 1) ya all can talk about the old lady with two different socks & 2) so I can at least brag that I finally got one made.

Love the sock in the picture and since its spelled correctly, ya'll can send it up here...I need a new sock.... My BIL spells my name Bonny:o

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I've been thinking about this and all I could think of is quilting has taken over my life. But I just thought of

some of the other things I do, here goes.

Silk painting

Making cosmetics

experimenting with different mediums to paint on fabric,

bar and liquid soap making,


referee my kids

Op here's DD bus gotta go I'm sure I could think of more.


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I love to bead, knit, hand dye fabrics...just about any hand craft! And I'm a band mom, which keeps me hopping! But the truth is that I work WAY too much, and have to travel a lot for my job. That sure cuts into the quilting time! I am always sure to take some sort of handwork with me when I travel. It is comforting to know it's there, even if I don't get very much done!

I just got the two at a time socks book and am anxious to try it!

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