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tx home has sold

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:D:D:D:D:D Guess I should let you get settled first. I know it's a load off your mind getting the house sold and I was teasing you about the retreat. It will be great for you to be close to your daughter and you can be there before the snow flies. I wish you the best on your journey Tammy.


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WOO HOO GT! Now your closer to ME! I'm starting to think of road trips.....8 hr road trips.....winding interstate 80.....seeing evergreen trees.....aaaaw, seeing that beautiful face, super smile, twinkling eyes...and aaah yes, that laugh!

Congrats hun!!! I've been thinking about you, hoping you'd get that sold. And, with the market the way it is today...im soooo dang happy 4 u!!!


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Originally posted by ramona-quilter

WooHoo, good for you Tammie. Look out Colorado, she's on her way. :D

Woooo HOoo!!!! We're ready for ya Ms Tammie!!!1:P:P:P:P

Can't wait to have ya here! End of Sept, woo hoo!!!

I hate to rub in in guys, but she says my house is only 20 miles from her new house. Though, she's down some remote roads and it will probably take my 40 min to go that 20 miles. It'll be worth it!

Oh the mischief we can get into. :cool:

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