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I need some ideas please! Finished

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I'm sure there are patriotic pantos available, maybe with stars and loops, and maybe ones with small flags along with the stars and loops. I haven't looked at what's available, but I think people will write in to make better suggestions for you.

I think I even have one of Linda V. Taylor's stars and loops pantos, so ideas should be out there for those pantos.

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OK line dancing just means that you go around a line and do a swirl, continous curve or whatever you want. There are so many options you could do. I can't really tell how big the hst are but I would guess that you could do a swirl into the center on the long side of the tringle and just continous curves on the sides. You could do a terry twist or just an arc. For the stars and stripes I would probably just mark off the location for my stars and then connect them with a curving kind of stripe. Does that help?

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I bought the CL Star Dance just for QOV. It is so fast, not too dense so the quilt is crushable and looks great. It's fabulous and the QOF ladies I do it for think it's beatiful. I have used it on customer quilts too. It has to pay for itself you know!! If your triangles aren't too big for this, think about starting at the point, making a long loop up to the top then on either side do a curly Q up to the top and back down. This looks good in small triangles. Then I'd just loop and star the border.

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Carmen - the quilting was done continuously and it is just something I adapted from all the books I have from all the wonderful designers out there!

I was able to start at the beginning of each row, do half the design to the end of the row and come back to the beginning by filling in all the empty places.

It takes me some figuring to do this. I get out my big white board, draw in the piecing lines and then map out my quilting route - beginning to end.

It is a very fast way to quilt!

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