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Your 2009 goal

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Wow all of these are such good goals and many of them are, or should be on my list.

1. Spend more time with my Lord and taking better care of my ministry

2. Get organized; this is my worst downfall

3. Improve my client base and business by any means necessary whether it be classes, advertising, web page etc.

4. Make time each month to just sew.

5. Lose those 20 pounds that also went south when I quit smoking. ( maybe we could start a club) :D

6. make time each week to work in my yard/garden.

7. take time to post here instead of just lurking so much

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I will work more on the free side of my millie. I will slow down when I quilt and take the scenic route. I will use all my goodies I have bought thus far in designing my own custom quilts. I will make time for my friends more often. I will not stress out about not having enough business. I will find the joy in my life. While I still miss him terribly (my father) I will smile when I think of him and remember all the wonderful moments I had with him. AND while it may be a very long time until I see him again I WILL see him again. I will try to be a better wife, friend, mother and grandmother. I hope all of you have a wonderful New Years all through the year.



Washougal WA

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1. Work much harder and with consistentcy on improving my health and how I look each day.

2. Improve my relationships with family and friends.

3. Work hard to touch every single thing in my house, now that all my children have flown, time to sort, donate, use,clean and store correctly all of it.

4. try hard to finish most of the oldest quilting UFOs, one from 1968!!!!

5. Smile and be a positive force in the world. Don't beat myself up when I slip, just go on again.

6. Log on on Dec. 31,2009 and be able to say I did a great job this year.

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I will reorganize my quilting room and am doing it as we speak. Hope to cleanup and keep clean,lol;) Increase customer base for quilting and not other things getting in the way. But more available time for Grandkids and children. Finish remodeling this year. I am sweating already.

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I will lose 25 pounds.

I will finish my exchange blocks by end of Jan.

I will finish grandchild quilt end of Feb.

I will finish daughter's t-shirt quilt end of March.

I will finish hankie quilt by end of May.

I will learn to quilt from the front of the machine.

I'll finish at least one UFO before fall.

I will watch tv with my sweet DH sometimes when I'd rather be quilting because he is my BFF.

Join the forum lose weight club (I never smoked but boy do I like to eat.)

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  • 5 months later...

Pat....so far I have done one of my resolutions. It was one that I wrote down for our quilt guild. It was to try something different in my quilting. I tried trapunto. Boy do I like the results. I may even enter a quilt this year or next in a show. Bonnie Botts is going to hold my hand, all the way from New York, as entering anything scares me.

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almost half of the year gone and my ufo's look pretty much like they did 6 months ago. I did finish a few quilts but not the ones that I thought I would. I have however made a new resolution to be completed next May of 9 ufo's done by our guild quilt camp.

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Well, those washboard abs I put up on my goal board are still hidden under what seems like a "ton" of fat.... My "omentum" is out of control!

I haven't had more customers, I've only sold one house, and my new house isn't yet on the horizon... but it's only June 13th! So why worry!

I HAVE done 6 or more quilts, one chair, traveled some, gone to the gym EOD, and got my first SS check! So, I guess I've done SOMETHING this year!

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When I started reading this I thought I hadn't achieved any of my goals. However when I looked them up, I have. I have completed some of the stash quilt tops and some are even quilted. I did finish and send out the 30's blocks and my BIL's quilt has been in use since late January. Alas the house is still trashed and the stash is not at all organized. I am going to try to do better by the end of the year.


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I've made 3 quilts, but not from stash or from my UFO's so I would say my goal is a total BUST at this moment in time...but then there is still a few more months of this year before I really and for surely fail this task....


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Ha! :D I went back and found my goal I wrote and remembered... yes, I actually achieved my goal. I am so glad I did. I learned so much through the process. I am still learning, still trying to be brave with my quilting........ I have a new idea for next year's MQS South of the Border theme.... it is a little daunting for me because this will be a new thing for me to try. I hope it works from "conceptual" to "reality"!!!

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2009 Goals:

1) Get a few more customers (have two already) and make them all HAPPY or as close to with my quilting.

2) Take care of my health to better quilt.

3) Like Sandy Darlington - only buying fabric needed not just wanted 'cause it's pretty. Need to use up a lot of my fabric-holic purchases.

4) Be as supportive as possible for anyone for any reason.

Ooooops - didn't know this had started in 2008!

Good going for all of you that have achieved some if not all of your goals!!!

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