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Australia - Quilt blocks for those affected by the bush fires

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Hi everyone

I've just had a call from an APQS owner in NSW to let me know that she needs help. Her group, Caring Heart Community Quilters are making tops for bushfire victims and she has already quilted 8 this week and has another 6 in her car, with more on the way next week from her group. As well as that, a shop in Penrith has set up a room with sewing machines where ladies can go to make tops that will be sent out to quilters to quilt.

She has asked if there are any quilters in the Penrith area who would be able to quilt any of these tops. They can be picked up and dropped off at the shop in Penrith, although there is no reason why quilters from other areas cannot help, apart from arranging for them to be picked up or posted.

Backing and batting can be supplied.

If you think you may be able to help in anyway, please contact Anne Thomas 0404200872 and she will be able to give you more details.

Best wishes

sue in australia

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Hi Linda

I am sure ANYTHING (fabric, needles, thread books) would be most appreciated. At the moment, the problem would be getting these comfort gifts to the people who have lost everything because they are spread out all over the state. Some are with family and friends, others are living in tents organised by the army, in nearby towns. The fires are still burning and there are still towns on alert, ready to evacuate if needs be. We have plans to help the APQS longarmer who lost her machine but first she needs a home.

I can't imagine how much fabric was lost by local quilters and I guess their groups' charity quilts have been destroyed too. If you want to put together some things, I'll ask around to see what is most needed.

OK, here's a thought, maybe we , on this forum, could all make blocks for charity quilts to be raffled off. The blocks would not be expensive to post to Australia and I would be happy to piece them and quilt them, if there were more blocks than I could handle, I know lots of APQS ladies who would help out. We have a major quilt show that will be in Sydney in June and then in Melbourne in July. The quilt could be on display and raffle tickets sold at the show and the proceeds could then be distributed to the community quilt groups in the affected area.

What do you all, especially our American and Canadian and European friends think? We'd have to decide on block size and colour way. I'm sure we'd get the batting from our Australian batting distributors.

Waiting to hear what you think.

Best wishes

sue in australia

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Hello Sue,

I am more than willing to help in any way I can. There are a lot of quilters in the Brisbane area, so we should be able to get them to help with the actual quilting.

What is really needed is one major co-ordinator, with helpers in every state......... or at least someone who has contacts and is willing to telephone around and field questions and co-ordinate efforts.

The Lady organising the Caring Hearts Quilters and the Penrith QS seem obvious to continue in NSW. Perhaps with your and Kay's (Gammil Distributor and all round nice lady) knowlege of who has machines and where, the two of you could use your mailing lists and contact quilters to find out who is willing to participate in quilting.

I am sure that Queenslanders will be more than willing to help out as well. My quilting skills leave a lot to be desired (No honestly....... I am not kidding!!!!) but I am a mean piecer and am happy to bind etc (remember I am still working full time for money!) I can get some time of work (paid believe it or not, if I can justify that the time is actually spend on community service).

I like the idea of Chairty blocks as well. I would be more than happy to make blocks and sew together quilts when the time comes. The blocks would be a real and tangile way in which out Overseas friends can show their support without breaking the bank! Since you brought this up, how about you decide what size block and we go from there!

I am also happy to be a point of contact here in QLD.

I have one lady, Yvonne, who is a New Zealander, who also wants to make a quilt and send it over.

As far as distribution of the quilts.......... there are so many communities that have been wiped out......... eventually we would be able to get the help form the red cross, local government, local churches etc to get contacts of those who are in need. Maybe a community morning tea can then be organised at which time they are distributed. Let's get the quilts in and not too far ahead of us, because this could end up being a massive job. (At least I hope to think it would be;))


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Good thinking Jenny,

Maybe we can stretch their friendships and ask for two blocks........... one in bright, primary children colours and one non descript block for adults.

I think that the girls and guys who lost their homes, not only need something servicable, but something that is pretty too. The fires where so ugly, somehow we need to add some "sunshine and warmth" back into their lives.

As you said, winter is just around the corner.

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Great idea ladies,

Lets keep this to our APQS family forum members, from all over the world.

So what about 8" finished - two if you can manage it, one primary colours/prints, the other darker colours, star block or nine patch.

Lets get this rolling. Please email me if you are making a block so that we can get an idea of how many we will receive and get some APQS longarmers in Australia ready to quilt them if we get heaps.

My mailing address is: Sue Morris, 46 Island Point Avenue, Waterways, 3195 Victoria, Australia

The news just now said that there are now fires in another 3 areas and we have APQS longarmers in all of those, and these areas are less than 1hr from the centre of Melbourne.

Looking forward to receiving those blocks from everyone

Best wishes

sue in australia

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I just sent you a U2U twice & it didn't go through so I will just post here.

Steve is on full alert as the fires are far from under control.

Diamond Creek is full of smoke & has been for days so I can't even open the windows. My washing has also taken on a revolting smell but...I am grateful to have clothes to wash!

I am happy to help you sort & assemble blocks if we manage to get some. Fingers crossed! You didn't happen to score any of the free wadding off Victorian Textiles, did you? That would make life a bit easier. I didn't see the email until it was too late.

Keep in touch

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I will be making blocks to send. I think I will make friendship star blocks--quick, easy, and appropriate for our friends there. I think I will sign them in the seam allowance so the piecers will be encouraged by the long-distance good wishes.

If anyone wants to join me and make some blocks, send them to me in Washington. Enclose a dollar with the package to offset postage charges and I will express the bundle to Sue Morris. Any extra money from the postage (if any) will be included in the package. I will put a 2 week deadline on this so we can get this to them quickly.

So quilters, send 8 1/2 inch unfinished (8" finished) pieced blocks to Linda Rech 2713 Wiggins Rd Olympia Wa 98501.

Include a bright kid's block and your choice for adults. Enclose a buck for help with postage if you can.

I will post photos of received blocks. Deadline is for me to receive them is March 1st. After that you will need to mail them yourself.

Let's cover our Aussie friends with love!!:)

Prayers for the safety of people and property and hope for the ones who have already suffered a loss.

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Hi Linda

Thanks for thinking about the deadline!!!

Sounds like we are on a roll. Friendship stars are a great choice - thank you for offering to collect them.

Jenny - thanks for the update on your husband - he is a gem and so are you. I was to late in reading Tony's email about the free wadding but I've got a roll here I can use that. I don't expect to get more blocks than a roll of batting would take but if we do I'll ask Tony - he's very generous.

I'll take you up on assembling the blocks that would be great.

I'm off to check on the cfa website to see how the fires in Belgrave and Ferny Creek are going they are so close. Hope they are under control.

Hi Mary Beth

My address is Sue Morris, 46 Island Point Avenue, Waterways, 3195, Victoria, Australia but Linda has also offered to collect blocks and send them on so you have two choices (see her post above)

I sorted through my stash after I posted the last message looking for suitable fabric for sashing and borders if we decide to go that way - there was plenty. I'll get busy making some pieced backs in single bed and queen bed sizes tomorrow.

Thanks Bobbi and Diane - we'll look forward to receiving them.

Hope lots of others on this list will join in too.

Best wishes

sue in australia

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That sounds good, Sheri. Of course, any design will be welcomed I'm sure.

Nine patches for the kids would make a nice top and also mix well with others.:)

I plan to include a yards-worth of plain blocks in a generic bright kid's fabric so the piecers will have something to stretch the pieced blocks with. I have received several emails about this--the response is gratifying.

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