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North Pole

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National news tonight led with story of North Pole having a stake in the inclusion of the stimulus bill, "Pork project" ! wonder how many of our own cities will be caught up .....Oh my, saw my former state, Iowa, on the receiving end of $400,000 for the abatement of swine smell.....!!!! You couldn't make this up?!

Hi Shana, North Pole made it to the big time!

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Well campers, there is a big ol' chunk of money to be carved up, and deciding who gets what is always interesting. Even the famous "bridge to nowhere" benefited somebody (actually, it provided access for lots of people to an island where the only other way in was by float plane. The question is, since those people chose to live on an island with limited access, why do they now need a bridge?) Sorry, got off subject!

Be outraged if you like, but all that moolah goes somewhere besides out of taxpayer's pockets. I have been given no voice in it's generation and none for it's dispersal. I'm just quilting along, hoping for the best.

Laurel MS doorbells were part of a package to renovate subsidized elder housing in great dis-repair. The doorbell part was a request from their residents, not the heart of it all.

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So now we'll pay for all of this crap and it won't generate economic impacts but the way the administration can cut costs is to attack Military Retirees! I got this from a co-worker the other day. If anybody want the full email feel free to email me off line. Here is a portion of it and a few links. If any of you out there are retiree's or dependents please take a look! This really burns my butt! These guys gave 20 or more years of their lives and their families sacrificed a lot. Now we'll get hosed over again. I don't use my military benefit right since I'm working and my work insurance is much better. It costs me a pretty penny every month but at least I don't have to worry about good quality care. Sorry these kinds of things really get under my skin! Here is part of the message: Now a heavy assault has begun on Veterans'/Retirees' benefits to pay for other programs our President Elect promised during the campaign . An it is a high priority of his administration. The one item most of interest to Retired Military is in Article 189. If approved by Congress the first assault wave would hit in 2011 and would hit hard. It would initiate cost sharing to require retirees to pay the first $525 of medical cost and 50% of the next $4,725 for a first year cost of $2,888 per person. It would be indexed to increase with inflation. A reason given for this action (for PR effect) is "overuse" by Retirees. For those of you who are covered by TFL you will want to pay attention (Below) to what BG Bob Clements has surfaced about the future of TFL.

In any case, on page 189 of the Congressional Budget Office report, see the note below on how to get to that spot, there is a strong recommendation to eventually eliminate the program as it is too expensive. Just another move to slight those of us who dedicated much of our adult lives to the defense of our country. Strongly recommend that you contact your elected officials and register your strong opposition to the elimination of the TFL program. Heads-up from BG Bob Clements,USAF Ret(P38 Bob)

The following has been added to the Congressional Budget Office Web Site www.cbo.gov/

a. Budget, Options, Volume 1: Health Care


You can read more at these sites by doing a search for TFL (Tricare for Life)!

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Sorry to hear this, escpecially about the retired military.

I am just glad that the people I voted for in this past electon were the ones that voted no to this stimulus bill.

I didn't vote for this president because of his politics, and so far since he has been sworn in, he is living up to exactly what I thought he would do. And the current congress is on a spending frenzy. The more they spend the less confidence I have in them and the more determined I am to pay off my debt and save, save, save.

I will continue to help out in my local area as best I can by offering my special and by cutting back on what we normally spend of our disposable income, for the "just in case scenario" but besides that the only thing we can do now is wait out until the next election 2010 when alot of congress is up for a vote again. So remember if you don't like what they are doing VOTE THEM OUT of OFFICE!! :)

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I was having some lab test done today for my upcomming surgery and there was a retired Air Force vet there at the same time. He served in the air force for 30 years and was recently diaganosed with cancer. He found out yesterday about the cut in his military benefits. :mad:

This should not be happening in this country...since when does the goverment care more about special interests, and pet projects over the brave men & women that serve in our military?

It broke my heart :(

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Holly I don't mean to disagree with you. Yes we spend money on uninsured children and that is not a bad thing but when we give all this money to bail out the automotive plants that made bad business decisions and banks that made bad loan decisions or people who go bankrupt because they were living beyond their means then darnit don't go after military health care for any reason! Those people served their time and are entitled to their benefits as promised! Our country would not be what it is today without them. They shouldn't have to worry if their medical bills are going to be covered and certainly not like the retired airman that Joann mentioned who is now facing cancer and the added worry of how much he can or can't afford. I've been on the bad end of military health care and had treatment denied that would never get denied in the private sector. I've had to search out doctors who would still accept TRICARE because they doctors quit accepting it because they don't pay. My husband served for 22 years and we don't use any of our medical coverage because there are very few doctors in our area that accept this healthcare and when we moved here there was no hospitals that accepted it. I've had 3 major surgerys since I've been here (6 years) and I've never once had a claim denied or had to worry about it. The last surgery I had while hubby was still on active duty was a major surgery on my lung. I was in the hospital for 8 days and they paid my surgeon a total of 1,800 for doing the surgery and all post care. Even I think that is rediculous! If we're going to bail all these people out then come up with the money another way. Perhaps not giving them the tax cuts that tax payers get is the better answer. I'm tired of having my benefits cut so that people who are irresponsible get the handouts. The pork that is mentioned at this beginning thread is what needs to stop! There is so much waste out there. Note too that congress doesn't cut their medical benefits!

I can tell you that while my husband served for 22 years we gave up a lot. For a long time we qualified for food stamps and never accepted them. We stretched our meals and paid for everything. All the things we thought we'd gain are almost gone now. There is no security in it any more. Yes while in the military our pay was much lower than the civilian counter parts but we knew that we'd get a pension when he was done. Now I wonder if we can count on anything.

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I don't think alot of people realize how military families live and what they give up just to serve their country. And if you listen to those who come back injured from the middle east, most of them are ready to go back to help their buddies after they heal. Their dedication to our country is remarkable. I wish we had a congress that was more sensitive to our military and veterans.


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I did 27 years in the Navy was away from my family most of those years (yes, it was my choice to be in the military). I was promised medical care for life. I retired and was told that I could no longer use the military medical facilities, on the other hand when I had a mini-stroke last year the local hospital could not admit me unless the military hospital sent a non-availability (no beds) statement. I was in the hospital 2 1/2 days the bill was 15,000 (not to include doctors, radiologist, therapists, etc). Tricare allowed a payment of 4,000 for the bill, hummmm, :o I wonder why no one wants to accept Tricare of any kind. My supplemental insurance which I pay out of pocket had to foot the bill. Oh, Tricare isn't free either there's and annual cost plus co-pays. Gotta love government promised health care.:(

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This discussion of government health care always has me stymied. In a country like the USA I can't see why they can't get it right, or better anyway. People seem so scared of government-run health care. I know that I am not really educated in this but let me tell you how it goes in my province. A fee is paid to the health care system thru' my income taxes at tax time. This covers my dr fees and hospital fees. There have been cut-backs sometimes, which results in having to perhaps buying crutches, for instance, if needed, etc. My grandson recently spent almost 48 hrs in hospital for his broken arm, had to be put out so they could set the bones, and has had approx 3 xrays in the last 6 weeks to keep track on how it is healing....how much has my son paid for this ~ only what it cost him to park at the hospital. Before my husband died we went thru' 2 months of medical procedures. Over 20 of his last 60 days were spent in hospital. A lot of tests and procedures were done. We also spent four days in London being evaluated to see if Greg would be a candidate for transplant. I can't even begin to imagine what the bill was for all of this!...and I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with a big medical debt especially with him gone. There is no quandary about who deserves health care...because we all get it! I know there are flaws in our health care system but I'm sure glad that we have it.

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Sandra C looks like we could take some lessons from your country. I will fight nationalized healthcare all the way. Been there done that and it sucks! Connie's care is pretty norm for retirees and dependents on active duty!

Vicki yes they are a dedicated crew and yes my husband would go in a heart beat if needed! He still feels guilty for retiring! Too bad more Americans can't feel as dedicated to their country and helping to fix the problem. Too many of them just have their hand out! OK off my soap box. Sorry guys this really just gets to me. I hate to hear about abuse of our tax dollars for things that have no impact as shown above. I am all for helping those that really are in need through no fault of their own. We are truly in this mess because our economy was based on debt! Not many people were spending money they actually had! It was all credit and if you give somebody credit who doesn't give a darn of course they aren't going to pay it back!

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I want to thank you all and your husbands for serving our country. Without you ALL I would not have the freedom I do right now. I remember the day after 9-11 and the silence in the air with no air traffic. It was the most frightening time in all of OUR lives. But I also new who was there to protect us. YOU ALL

As for our new president, his middle name is Hussein, he wasn't even able to show an American birth certificate,

he will raise taxes, which means People we will pay more taxes. That means less in our pocket.

And most importantly to me is his record on voting for "Born Alive" abortions. IL has said, YES if that baby comes out breathing when we have tried to kill him, throw him away.

If we throw away these little ones we are throwing away our future.

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I too respectfully disagree with Holly. I know your thoughts are good but the way it is being handled is all wrong. My husband served in the Army for 25 years and even now is a military contractor making sure our troups are getting the proper schooling they need in order to survive combat. We have military insurance and I don't want anything to change. He is 60 years old and deserves every penny his insurance pays. You know, if folks out there are just so conserned about the lack of healthcare of a child or the food needs of a family. It is easily solved. Take food to a family or pay the healthcare premium for a child. There is no reason to punish an entire group in order to correct a problem. There are Millions of $$ wasted each day in Congress with their drivers and planes and such. Their health care is free. Lets start with them. Sorry, enough said by me. I just think we are on a fast train to socialism.

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Watch Glenn Beck if you really want to get mad. Problem is, the government is supposed to work for and answer to us, the people. So it amazes me when one of them says something to the affect that we the people are naive and don't understand what we want. Then they vote FOR something that they received an overwhelming amount of mail about NOT voting for. The people actually taking the time to contact them are not stupid, but generally well informed. I thought they were supposed to represent us. Yes! We are on a fast track to socialism.

Funny, I heard a comment by a former government Big Wig saying the 2nd amendment was in the Constitution exactly for the people so they can protect themselves from a tryranical government. Revolution anyone? Gee, I really hope it doesn't ever get that far, but the government doesn't listen and people are getting disenfranchised.

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Originally posted by Suezquilts

As for our new president, his middle name is Hussein, he wasn't even able to show an American birth certificate,

he will raise taxes, which means People we will pay more taxes.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears that you are implying something negative with the presidents name. Since when does a name make one a bad person?

As far as I know, Hawaii is part of the United States and was so when President Obama was born there, as his birth certificate shows.

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