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Mary Beth, your volcano decided to erupt this morning...

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Guest Linda S

LOL Mary Beth! If they had named the volcano after me instead of Georg Wilhelm, it would undoubtedly be something similar to that! :D


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When we were in Seldovia last May on a fishing trip we could watch Mt Redoubt vent. It smoked off and on the whole time we were there, about 5 days. Had a great time.

Hey Mary Beth take your husband fishing with Tree Tops Lodge you can sit on the deck with binoculors and watch it. However they don't start taking people until May 15. And we loved Alaska it was one of those before we die or are too old to do things. I had wanted to fish Alaska since I was about 10. My father passed without being able to go. So we went last year for our 25th anniversary, about 6 months late, but better late than never.

Enjoy Alaska, wish I was there. Maybe next year. We decided not to go this year, the hubby has too much work coming up. He quit to go last year, they told him the day before we left that he couldn't have his vacation, so he said fine I quit, walked out the door and we went to Alaska, came home to 45 meassages. He went back to work when he had scheduled it. They only had 4 months notice on his vacation. So he decided not to push his luck this year. He has only been there 31 years.

Anyway we thought it might blow last year, love the pictures and will have to go to the link after hubby gets home and show him.

Shirley by the way it is snowing again in Wyoming. It was spring (68 two days ago). Now it is winter again.

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Oh yes! Ninilchik is right there where you can see all those beautiful mountains and all of those volcanos on the Cook Inlet. There are many volcanos along that area that seem to erupt at different intervals over the years. And Seldovia...oh yes that is another very sweet little fishing village. I visited Seldovia in the early 80's. I love the Kenai penninsula; Homer, Ninilchik, Anchor Point..all those spots. That is a breathtaking spectacular place. That area is the place to slay the salmon, too! :cool: I've lived here since 1976 and the sheer vastness of open space still blows me away; it humbles me. I need to get down to the kenai this summer and do some fishing. DH and I live about 400 miles north, so we need to make a trip down there. We have a piece of property on the Kenai River near Stirling and we haven't been there in years! So this is the summer, I've decided that we are packing up the motor home and heading down there! Yup!

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Hi Shana,

Poor Andre. I'm sure he wishes he could get home to his lovely wife. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer before the planes are able to fly safely.

Linda Steller,

Hey, that is really cool to be able to trace your ancesters all the way back and to have such a cool story and claim to fame. See you in a few weeks at MQX.

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Mary Beth had I known that you were such a volcano buff, I would have walked you up to Mt. Tabor. The only volcano (inactive) within city limits in the US! It's only about 2 miles from our house, and Randall and "your boyfriend, Toby" (the dog) have been going up there quite a bit of late. Next time you're out here, we'll head up to the cindercone. There's a basketball court there now, and a concert venue.

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Mary Beth,

You realize there are very few states that have volcanoes. Missouri is definitely not one of them!! I know, you live just across the border from another state, but Kansas isn't one of them either. :P What is a volcano buff like you doing living in the midwest?!

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these pictures are totally awesome, unbelievable! I love Alaska - my son and family lived in Whittier for several years and we visited them, got to travel all around Anchorage, Palmer, Wissala -- you live in a different world, kind of a last frontier. And we met so many interesting, neat people. Would love to go back --

Patsy in NE

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Originally posted by BethDurand

Mary Beth had I known that you were such a volcano buff, I would have walked you up to Mt. Tabor. The only volcano (inactive) within city limits in the US! It's only about 2 miles from our house, and Randall and "your boyfriend, Toby" (the dog) have been going up there quite a bit of late. Next time you're out here, we'll head up to the cindercone. There's a basketball court there now, and a concert venue.

You are kidding...I was that close and I missed it!! That's it! I'm coming back for sure now. And tell Toby I miss him ;)

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Originally posted by Chocoholic

Mary Beth,

You realize there are very few states that have volcanoes. Missouri is definitely not one of them!! I know, you live just across the border from another state, but Kansas isn't one of them either. :P What is a volcano buff like you doing living in the midwest?!

This is where I was planted several years ago ;) Missouri is exciting too...I love tornados and would be a chaser if DH would let me. I have even checked the Twisted Sisters web site to see if I could go on a chase with them. DH said "no". He is such a great guy...but sometimes he is a party pooper!

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Originally posted by hollyc

Mount MB-oops that sounds funny

How about Mount Magnifico Beautifico Quilto

The first one...I don't think so..."sounds funny" doesn't quite describe it :D

Second one is a little long....

Since my full name is Mary Elizabeth...we could call it Mt. Saint Mary Elizabeth...or what is wrong with Mnt. Saint Mary Beth? Hey, I kind of like that!

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Well, I'll put my vote in for: Mount Saint Mary Beth....has a nice righteous ring to it.:cool::P;) Does she get an alter as well.....we need a place to lay flowers and light candles!!!! ;):P I think I can smell candles already....

Oh, I'm sorry that burning I smelled wasn't the candles, but her DH's BBQ pit.....sorry, my nose must be on the fritz today!!! .;):P;)

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

I need to get down to the kenai this summer and do some fishing. DH and I live about 400 miles north, so we need to make a trip down there. We have a piece of property on the Kenai River near Stirling and we haven't been there in years! So this is the summer, I've decided that we are packing up the motor home and heading down there! Yup!

Hey Shana - we're coming up in August...probably won't get to Fairbanks this time, tho. Will be in Wasilla a bit then we'll be doing a little fishing in Homer and down around there.

I LOVE Homer...not sure why, but I've always loved it there. When I was young (LONG time ago) we used to be able to camp out anywhere on the spit and have a big ole bonfire. They have a few more rules about doing that now than they used to.....but it's still a great place.

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Originally posted by Mary Beth

...we could call it Mt. Saint Mary Elizabeth...or what is wrong with Mnt. Saint Mary Beth? Hey, I kind of like that!

Mnt. Saint Mary Beth? I am OK with this name except for the "Saint" part. That girl aint no saint! ;):D (just teasing) I vote for Mt. Mary Beth.

Originally posted by Sherri


I LOVE Homer...not sure why, but I've always loved it there. When I was young (LONG time ago) we used to be able to camp out anywhere on the spit and have a big ole bonfire. They have a few more rules about doing that now than they used to.....but it's still a great place.

Sherri, re: Homer. I think when God was creating the earth, he wanted to have a nice spot to vacation, so on the 6th day, he spent a little extra time doing his magic there. Homer is a beautiful place. Oh yes, I remember the "good old days" when you could pretty much do anything. It's all getting regulated now and really touristy. But it still has its charm. Homer is one of my favorite spots. The Mat-Su valley is another place that is getting really populated! Last time I drove through Wasilla I was rubbernecking at all the changes! :P I remember when Wasilla was basically a wide spot in the highway. The Mat-Su valley is so beautiful. I love those magnificent mountains. You can almost reach out and touch them.

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