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Help me find the Stars...Revisited

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Okay, guys...I'm posting a picture of what I've done so far. The star is in the center of the picture (red fabric w/dark blue center). I've done two styles of feathers in all the white spaces (amazing how well matching thread hides bobbles:D)

The blocks in every other row have a diamond shape in colored fabrics with white on the outside (one is visible on the bottom left of the photo) and the stars have the colored trianges in the middle that I've left open for now (dark blue bit). Pretty much everything has been SID.

So...how to tie it all together? The squares with the diamonds definitely need something...but what? CC on the white and then crosshatch in the middle? CC everything to have a "flower effect"?

I couldn't do circles around the stars as Heidi (I think) suggested as I had no way to make a circle:o I am soon to become the proud owner of an HF though, so that should help with that problem if/when it comes up again!


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So Dory, i'm assuming that ALL the white has the feather's in it, correct?

I'd also feather those 2 large triangles, the ones in the center of the star, then cc the outer smaller triangles.

This should give the illusion of the cc's surrounding the center feather'd area. Also, have those feathers spread out half going to the left of the triangle, and the other half to the right.

(Dang it, i need one of those note pad thingies.....)

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Sheri I tried to translate your ideas in my doodling. Is this what you were suggesting?

I added a feathered wreath, some crosshatching, even curved, and that little triangle doodad someone suggested in one of my quilts.

Hope it helps. And thanks for posting such a big picture--it makes it easier to copy and doodle on in Paint.

Dory, you have a great beginning. I'm sorry I put the crosshatching where you already have the feathers. oops


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CC's look like pumpkin seed but you do one side in a wiggle then back the other way in a continuous curve. Quite difficult to get neat ones freehand...

Dory, the quilt looks lovely and fresh - I like the feathered wreath and curved xhatch ideas - more work, I'm afraid!

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Okay, I'm currently suffering from a lack of sleep as well as a little extra stress in my life right now (my mother-in-law has just spent her second night at home, alone, being released from the convalescent hospital after breaking her hip in January. She's 93 and very independent...sort of...we got a call at 1:30 this morning because of an "accident.":() ; however, you guys have me all confused:D Quit laughing--a 2 year old could confuse me right now;)

So...Sheri...you think that I should do the same feather pattern in the dark inner triangles on the quilt--the ones inside the stars?? If you look at the first picture, that is the correct orientation of the quilt--it has a top/bottom. The feathers in the stars now are on the top/bottom, this would mean adding stars sideways in white thread on dark colors!! YIKES!! And, yes, every white bit, except the small bits around the diamond/squares has feathers.

Kristina...you're saying cc the small white triangles around the diamond and then treat the diamond as one block (rather than four triangles) and cc that as well?? I'm sort of thinking of treating the diamond as four triangles because then the cc would make a flower...sort of. :o

And Bonnie...based on your doodles, I want to rip out all the feathers in the big white diamond shapes and do crosshatching. I won't...but I should have!!!

Bekah & Abigail...thanks for the compliment!!!

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Kristina, I'd send you a hug, if I could figure out how!!:)

First thing I asked my boss this morning is what the office policy is on sleeping at your desk? Then I went for more coffee...

I'll post when its done and send you tickets if you still want them!

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Dory, I'm sorry, I really thought you were joking or teasing when asking us to help find the stars. They are a bit obscure, but pretty. Glad you found them, and I love those feathers in the white, Quite a catchy way to handle it.

It's beautiful.


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OK, I'm probably late to this party.

But I think that if you want to make the stars show, you have to tell the eye where they are.

The scrappy prints are wonderful but the eye has no place to rest.

Put a box around some of the stars and leave some out. All this does is build a fence (with SID maybe with a shade or 2 darker thread than the white) around the stars.

Look at the photo and see if that makes any sense, Dory. I love this quilt. I think it must be the white. It just reminds me of quilts hanging on a clothes line, all fresh and clean.


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Dory, I hope the situation with your mother-in-law stabilizes very soon. Bless you for your care and concern for her!

Please don't let my doodling confuse you. Just look at it and walk away if it puts doubt in your mind. Your feathers in the white are very nicely done. Linda is so perceptive--imagine drawing blocks around the stars with your quilting motifs. That's a great idea. Is it too late? I'm not in a position to judge that since I can't see the quilt in person. You will find a way to finish it and it will be gorgeous. I liked Linda's description--

It just reminds me of quilts hanging on a clothes line, all fresh and clean.

Try this: (((((hugs))))):)

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Originally posted by RitaR

Dory, I'm sorry, I really thought you were joking or teasing when asking us to help find the stars. They are a bit obscure, but pretty. Glad you found them, and I love those feathers in the white, Quite a catchy way to handle it.

It's beautiful.


Oh, no, Rita...I NEVER joke! Read any of my previous posts, you will never see any humor there...none!!:P:P

Linda...its never too late to join a party (especially for those bringing tequila:D) I like your idea...I'm going to see if I can incorporate it somehow. Thanks!

Bonnie, thanks for the hug...it worked great!!!

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Hi Dory! :) I didn't get a chance to pop in yesterday (busy at work and home) but wanted to say I love your quilting. You are doing a beautiful job. This type of quilt is a little tricky to get the stars to pop out because you already know the design tends to recede and also tends to pop out depending on how you look at it. I like how Linda Card separated the stars. Can you use a different color thread for the receding areas so the stars quilted with white background pop out more? Sorry I am not much help but wanted to comment that it's really pretty.

Regarding care for your MIL: Ask yourself, How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Also tell yourself you are doing the best you can and yes, you really are a good girl and good daughter in law. I can tell you really care so much!!!

Same goes with tequila. One shot at a time... So you go and blend yourself up a marg and relax. You deserve it. :)

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I'm going to do some outline planning like Linda suggested...if I can figure out how. Unfortunately, the quilt is 6 stars wide by 6 stars long (yes, that's an official measurement:P) I may have to just outline some randomly to make it work? I haven't quite wrapped my brain around it yet.

Thanks for the vote of confidence on the MIL part. I'm trying, but I'm really not very good at these types of things. :( That's why all my kids have four legs, but then again, they're all spoiled rotten:P Going over tonight to help her take a much needed shower...not sure how that's going to work out. You'd think I'd be better at this since my mom was a paraplegic and I often helped her out with various tasks....

Best of all...tonight is TEQUILA THURSDAY. Yippeeeeeeeee:D:D:P:D

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