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NQR - American Idol

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Well, I thoroughly enjoyed last night's show...it was definitely my kind of music! The duets were awesome! I've come to the conclusion that we maybe don't need one top idol this year...I think we should have four!!! When I heard that Allison was going to sing Janis, I thought "oh no" because people usually murder her songs....but Allison totally rocked it. I was so proud of her. I was kind of hoping for Bon Jovi from Danny but I think he did ok, too.

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Yep, I was expecting some Pat Benetar...didn't even expect Janis Joplin, but she did okay, I thought. Of course Adam....what more can you say? He is very, very good, and someone should have signed him up a long time ago. I just wish Simon would not say things like, "The others will not be able to top this." Or at least I hope they couldn't hear that....seems like that would burst your bubble from the start. I like Chris or Kris or how ever you spell his name....but I really think he will be the one to go....but I think he has a very bright future. Danny....I love his voice...I would buy his CDs today!! But I think he had a hard time with that song...yes, Sandra, you are right Bon Jovi would have been perfect!

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I agree. Unfortunately, Kris will probably be the next to leave.

Simon is RUDE RUDE RUDE. And, personally, I DONT LIKE HIM! LOL! I dont care how much $ he has, I dont care "anything....!!!"

The man really doesn't THINK before he speaks on that show, and has no consideration for the remaining contestants, once he's made his mind up of who HE wants to win. PERIOD.

The duo's last nite were GOOD. Including Adam and Allison. I think they nailed it when they said they should make an album together. I also loved Danny and Kris's voices together. It's like they "belonged" as well.

Cant wait to hear Paula A. sing tonite! That should be fun.

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yes... last night was pretty good.. i LOVED adam/alison duet... and she did a great job on her joplin song... i really hated how kris was feeling after his review... you could tell he was just crushed... like he was just punched in the stomach... that being said, i do think tonite's his night...

as for DWTS (we WERE talking about that weren't we?)... what an elmination shocker! but for someone who i had never heard of before, and who doesn't say much, and seems not to have much of a personality, he sure has two-stepped his way into my heart!

so...who's watching celebrity apprentice? :)

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I think you guys are a hoot! Especially you, Charla. I watch lots of reality tv too (although I draw the line at the Bachelor/Bachelorette). The Celebrity Apprentice final should be volatile! Two egomaniacs going at each other.

So You Think You Can Dance is my very favorite (I used to dance as a kid and I usually see what the judges see) but I'll agree that judge Mary's scream is nothing like the amazing things that come out of Adam's mouth. I can see all 4 American Idol finalists making a living in the music business and I would buy a Danny CD but I think Adam should win. Not will win...I'm not predicting, but for his star quality and stage presence and most of all his amazing command of his instrument, I think he surpasses the others.

As for Simon...I love him and I think he DOES think before he speaks and about how what he says will impact the contestants and the voters. Someone so direct is often crossing the line to rude but the competition would not be the same without his candor and acidity. I've also heard him admit, after watching the show playback, that he was wrong. I think Paula is writing out her comments in advance this year and memorizing them. She's using too many $5 words that weren't in her vocabulary in years past.

I love this forum for the quilting inspiration and advice. I enjoy the camaraderie I feel when I check the website each day but this little NQR thread has been very entertaining too. Nancy in Tucson

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I won't say what just happened on Idol....but I had a thought during the show...If it is coming to us live from Hollywood...why do the people in California not get to see it until 10 pm our time :o So...you all on the west coast don't see it live obviously....:o:o Either it is late...or this is just too deep for me :o

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OMG, I finally got to watch the DWTS results. I really liked all the quarter finalists but I was surprised Lil Kim got voted off. I love Ty and he's what the show is all about but I thought he would get the "boot" this week. Now, AI another shocker I really thought Chris would go not Alison. Next week should be interesting, I do hope it's Danny and Adam in the finals. CA should be interesting your right Joan and Annie both have big egos. I do like Joan but Annie is a game player. I think that a lot that goes on on CA is done for ratings. Before the "stars" took over the show, apprentice was going to be canceled. Ok one more, who do you want to win on the Biggest Loser. I actually got hooked on it this year, which was interesting. I hope Mike goes to the final show but I think he might have problems keeping the weight off he has a lot of mental baggage. Ok I'll stop and I don't watch the bachlor/bachlorett (can't spell), ugh.

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DH won't let me watch the BL because I cry :D:P He thinks it is rediculous....I can't watch Extreme Home Makeover for the same reason :D:P:D I almost have to beg for DWTS because he hates that show, but I have him wrapped around my little finger so we watch. After a while he is saying the judges scores right before they hold them up....it is so cute :D:D

I thought Kris would go, but I figured if wasn't him it would be Allison. I'm just glad it wasn't Danny.

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MB I'm so with you. I couldn't get DH to watch DWTS this year. He absolutely hates it! I'm a crier too!!!! My daughter still teases me for crying during Beauty and the Beast!

I really can't figure out how Chris has held on. I think Allison way out sings him. Chris is cute though and he is obviously appealing to some. I hope Danny takes it. I don't like Adam's screechy voice although I know many will want to shoot me for that comment. I'm not a fan although he obviously has talent.

Connie I'm a fan of BL. It helps keep me motivated to keep on loosing. I'm down 23 lbs this season. Sure wish I could have a 10 lb week! LOL I have another 15 to go. I'd love 20 but I just don't see it happening. When working out my daughter and I imagine Jillian and that usually keeps us going! I hope Mike takes it. You are right he has baggage but I think that he feels guilty that his brother was not able to participate. He really has done a great job. All of them in fact. I just love to see the tranformations! My only gripe about the show is the amount of hours they workout they are almost set up for failure since when you face normal life you don't have 6 hours a day to workout! Weightloss is a journey for sure! It is so easy to gain it again. Unfortunately it takes time to prepare healthy meals and it is easy to get out of the practice. Ask me how I know! I really need to get in my head that I have to change for the rest of my life and if I have a bad day or week that is ok just don't give up! OK that was my pep talk to myself! Cookies are calling me! I grabbed one for breakfast and as I walked out the door dropped it and it shattered all over. Do you think somebody was trying to tell me something? :P:P:P:P

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Heidi, MB,

The show motivates me while it's on but I need to loose weight also. After I retired from the Navy in 2007, no one was there telling me I would be seperated from my job for being over weight. I went through the stress eating while becoming a "civilian" and a thyroid problem. Anyway, I'm really anxious to see the BL team members who were sent home, they've really kept them hidden this year. There's about 4 of them that I believe didn't do anything? I love talking about quilting but this is fun (comparing notes). Oh, I cried like a baby when Ron crossed the marathon finish line, and don't tell anyone so did my DH!!!!

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Connie that was a remarkable moment when Ron crossed. He should have gotten twice as much for his charity. What an accomplishment for him! Just goes to show that you can achieve more than you think you can! I try to keep myself motivated but it is tough! I love to cook and bake but I also like to eat it! I'm getting much better at telling hubby that I'm not hungry for dinner so he is on his own! He is one of those that can eat a huge breakfast, lunch and dinner. He actually has been on a health kick too and had gained a few pounds after separating from active duty. He has lost probably more than I have and he didn't need too! He just needed to exercise again. I get really frustrated when I see how much more he eats than I do and then he looses weight! Oh well I keep reminding myself how much better I feel when I can go to the store and buy a new outfit without feeling like I'm a beached whale! Also there are lots of health issues like diabeties that I would like to bypass. My mother has so many complications due to her diabetes and my goal is to be nothing like her!!!!

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