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MQS - So far....FIXED!!

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I picked Linda and Donna up at the airport yesterday. Marilyn Badger walked in front of us, but since she doesn't know me...I didn't want to look like one of those people gawking at a movie star so I tried to act natural...I'm sure see felt the stare :D On can only hope that the talent would drift across the way in the airport and run into me:D:D

Then Donna told me she sat with Myrna on the plane from Denver. How fun would that be!

We dropped Linda and Donna's suitcases at the hotel, grabbed a cookie, then off to help set up Claudia's classroom for today's class.

Here is someone...sorry, I don't know who these two people are...setting up machines....The two people on the left are Dawn C and Sherry Dolly...


Then Dawn C hard at work....


Once the room was ready, we headed off to eat dinner. From left to right....Linda Card aka Ramona Quilter, Mary Beth, Birgit, Donna Smith aka Sam's Mom, and Claudia.


Poor Bigit had to hurry to eat because she had to make an airport run and had to leave. We were then joined by the every wonderful Loes and Theo....


Pictured above...Loes, Theo, Claudia, Linda, Mary Beth & Donna :)

A great time so far....wish you were here!!

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No missing pictures...I forgot I had my camera when Marilyn B (Or MB as I fondly call her :D) and Myrna Ficken came by. You know how you get in the presents of "stars"?:o

I think my caption is right...I keep looking at it...What should I call it??

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Ok, sorry, I thought you said left to right and I'm pretty sure that's Theo and not you that's second from the left - LOL.... But, what do I know - nothing!!! Sorry!! I'm just thankful you are showing us our "chat girlfriends" and guys!

Still wish we were ALL there havin' some fun & learnin' some new stuff!

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Mary Beth~

I got all your pics and followed it perfectly. Even the iced tea props show up. :D You did good, can't wait to get there. I won't arrive until late Wed. night.

BTW, can anyone explain in detail how to get my pic on my avatar? I can't figure it out.

Thanks and see ya soon,

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Thanks a bunch MB for FIXIN' it. I thought I was having a senior moment.

Did you all carpool to the RR, or was it walking distance? I walked between the Marriott further down, and the one beside the CC. But I didn't go anywhere else.

Fun, Fun, Fun. I really appreciate the pictures and descriptions so far. Keep 'em coming.

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