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NQR first day back at work!

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Hi All,

OK so I'm whinning! This is my first day back after being gone for 2 weeks! It is definitely Monday on top of that. I started off by forgetting my breakfast but I did bring coffee. My center is having an event today so I had to put that hat on quickly! It is 11:30 and I'm just starting to dig! I sure hope my whole week isn't like this! My boss is a little energetic, way more than I am! LOL those of you that know me, know that I can get a lot done in a day but really he makes me look like I'm sleeping! I have guild meeting tonight. HOpefully I will get back to my machine tomorrow. I need to repack the gear box and sure hope that goes smoothly! Hubby is gone until late Wed. so I'm on my own!

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Ouch!:o No breakfast and coffee on an empty stomach! If that doesn't get you fired up in the first hour, I don't know what will. Better scoot out and get some protein and complex carbs so you can make it through the whole day.

I hope everything goes well in spite of the rough start. Welcome home! And the pictures were just lovely!

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Well you knew what you were going to have to pay the piper when you came back home after 2 weeks.....geeees....,but who what the dumby who forgot breakfast or all things. I guess you were lucky to have coffee....:P:cool: NO sympathy here kiddo...GLad you home.

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Hi Heidi. Glad to know you & DH made it home safely driving back from your wedding trip.

I recently had to change out the grease in my gear box. It's not too difficult, but you will need to slide off the leveler bar to the side so you can take the machine off the carriage and turn it upside down. Have two pillows on the floor ready so you can make a smooth transition picking up the machine while turning it on it's back so it's laying softly in and between the pillows for support and cushion. That machine head is 50 pounds, so it's heavy. You might consider waiting until DH gets back to do this, or if your daughter is home, she can help you. I think you should have someone there to help you just in case. The last thing we need is for you to hurt your back or hurt your machine head.

Also, when you are sliding the machine head off the carriage, try to keep it level so you don't tweak the horizontal wheels. Same goes for putting it back on the carriage after doing the repack job. That's why it helps to have two people.

Be safe. Think the process through, first. :)

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Your just repacking that gear box now? Did it get louder since I heard it back when? If you have any questions or need help, let me know. I've done it twice now. Letting it sit overnight upside down is a little nerve racking thinking it was going to topple over at some point in the night. The hardest part was taking it off the machine. Thank goodness for my brother who live next door to me. He is a huge help when it comes to my machine.

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Shana thanks for the hints!

Joanne - yes it is louder!!!! Everytime I use it I hear you in my head!!!! I put it off until after the wedding but no longer. I really need to get it done. I'm hoping that it won't be too bad to get off. If it is then I'll just have to wait. I had wanted to get it done yesterday but I had to unpack and that meant I had to reorganize our storage area in the basement. It was a complete disaster!!!! I hate messes and right now my yard and house are ready to push me over the edge! It took me all afternoon to get the basement together. Hubby did the yard so there was no way I was asking for help with the machine. Do either of you have the front spool holder? I'm guessing I have to take it off to stand the machine on its head? I was hoping to get it done tonight but I have a guild meeting so I guess I'll tackel it tomorrow night.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

...Do either of you have the front spool holder? I'm guessing I have to take it off to stand the machine on its head?

Yes, I have the front spool holder, too. . No biggie to remove... Just takes a phillips screwdriver to uscrew it off and then put it back on later.

Have lots of paper towels nearby to wipe your fingers -- you'll need these when cleaning out that gear box. :) It's not a big deal, really. Make sure when repacking with the new grease you push your finger around way down in there to get any air bubbles out. Rather than fingers, I actually used a skinny spatula to push the grease around all inside the nooks and crannies. Easy to do, a little messy, but kinda fun, too. Plus you get to smell gear grease under your fingernails for a day or two... :P Show the guys at work that you're not afraid of a little grease and that you have some under your nails to prove it!! :cool:

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Shana - I think I should pull off the machine and bring it into work and let these gear heads have fun! I just want to quilt! Everybody at work is teasing me because I had nails put on for the wedding and none of them have ever seen me with polished nails! LOL Thanks for the tips! I wonder if I could put the grease in a pastry bag and pipe it in?

Jeanne I'll keep reminding myself of that because right now I want to run as fast as I can away from this place! They couldn't even decide where to put a used desk and chair while I was gone! One of the guys asked if he could give me a hug because he really, really missed me! LOL that was pretty funny. Nice to be missed but boy waht a mess I have! Oh well I'll get to it sooner or later!

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Now if it was a girlfriend of mine, she would so do it that way...she can't GET anything on her hands...she can't even make meatloaf.....poor child has now gone 5 years without it. That's cuz I'm not there to do it for her. I wonder if it would work.;)

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The pastry bag sounds like a good idea, at least you(a super baker) know how to control the flow and can fill in all the gaps!

I just posted all of the pics that we took on my webshots if you want to see what it looks like from an amature's standpoint.

We used sawhorses to support Millie and padded them with batting.

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You just need to quit that day job and become a fulltime LA quilter. with your talents you would be a sensation!!

who needs the 9 to 5 anchor, set yourself free and soar with the Eagles!!

Wish I could take my own advise, but am the primary breadwinner for now. Husband has been reduced to part time and someone has to pay the bills.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Originally posted by hmerrill

I wonder if I could put the grease in a pastry bag and pipe it in?

ROFLOL! :P Yes, I suppose you could do that. :P Too funny

Shana, Laugh all you want but here at work we use pastry bags for applying adhesive to very tight areas. :D:D Some of the guys at first thought it was crazy and could do it with the large glue gun that is operated by compressed air.;) Well... after 2 hours of clean up they tried the pastry bags and now purchasing orders 5,000 at a time. At least grease would not heat up the way the adhesive does due to the cataylst.


Also I know what it is like to be the "breadwinner". My DH is semi-retired and works only 30 hours a week!! At least in his spare time he is finally building me a design wall. :)

I thank God everyday for the position that I have being able to pay the bills and spend some on my quilting. 7 months ago I was out of work and DH was recouping from major surgery. We made it and the bank account toke a hit.

One day I will be just working on quilts. It is nice to have a dream to achieve.

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