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Claudia Pfeil

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If you can teach Karen and Merette to do such beautiful feathers and stitching - do you have a DVD to teach some of us that are even further over the seas and can not get to the US or Europe for classes with you.

OR better still AUSTRALIA is a really nice place to visit and have classes.

We are friendly quilters and always willing to give something a go.

Why can't some of the lomgarm tutors "holiday" in the Southern Hemisphere occassionally?


Wintery Australia

No Snow, No Frost, and heading for 20degrees celsius

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  • 2 weeks later...

I´m back from vacation......ohhhh....it was greaaaaat and I found another addiction: DIVING!:D:cool:

But now I´m back to quilt;)

Mary Beth is right....I´m working on something like a DVD - I will let you know asap!

Australia......I would love to teach in Downunder;):cool:

If you are able to organize;)


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Hi Claudia,

welcome back from vacation.

If Theo van der Heijden is carrying your suitcase I will carry your diving equipment :)

and follow you to Australia.

Isn't there anybody in this forum who's got a travel agency? A trip to Australia, a trip to Birmingham, a trip to Ste. Marie aux Mines etc. and of course a trip to Kansas!!!

Gruß nach Krefeld


P.S.: Claudia, the missing boxes of my Millenium arrived Tuesday, I will built her up this afteroon!!!!

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Sue, Have you thought of contacting Tracey @ Constantine Quilts? I dont know where she's located from you, but it was a thought.

She could also advertise in her web newsletter she sends out monthly. Maybe post something up in her shop? Just trying to help you out.

I for one, am DEFINITLY taking Claudia's feather's class next year at MQS. Seems like she's always booked up, so this year, i'm filling it out a.s.a.p. to reserve my spot!

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origineel gepost door Kerstin

Isn't there anybody in this forum who's got a travel agency? A trip to Australia, a trip to Birmingham, a trip to Ste. Marie aux Mines etc. and of course a trip to Kansas!!!

The only thing missing is winning the lotery!


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Hi Sheri and everyone

I'd love to take Claudia's feather class too. Steve and I would be very pleased to host her here as we have done with other quilters previously.

Prior to March 2000, there hadn't been an international longarm quilter visit Australia to teach longarm quilting but we invited Marilyn Badger and Mark Caraher in March 2000 and Marilyn taught 30 longarm quilters over 3 days in our home. This was so well received that Marilyn returned a year later to teach advanced classes for some of the first students and teach beginner classes to newbies. We have also hosted Stan and Dee Dee Townzen for Compuquilter owners.

Since Marilyn's visits, other longarm quilters have visited Australia to teach us and give wonderful trunk shows. Since 2000 we have had visits from Dawn Cavanagh, Linda Taylor, Deb Geissler, Kathy Olsen, Marcia Stevens, 2 other which will be nameless because I can't remember who they are right now:o, and in May this year Sharon Schamber visited Sth Australia and Queensland. This works out at one international quilter per year. We are getting much more opportunity now to learn from prize winning quilters without having to leave Australia which is great.

Last year Sue Patten and I were talking about the possibility of her bringing the Wild Women to Australia and they would love to visit, but their schedules are very busy so anything planned now would not be possible for another year. Now wouldn't it be great if the Wild Women and Claudia could do back to back classes, they all work awesomely together.

If you are an Aussie or New Zealand quilter (any brand machine) and would like us to host an international tutor, send us a message to say who you would like to visit and we'll see if it would be possible. If there is enough demand we could look at holding classes in various states.

Best wishes

Sue in australia

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Me! Me! Me!

Sue I would love you to host Claudia & I am sure Satu would be up for classes as well.

She is at the Quilt show for the next few days so I will add her in too.

I bet Maree would travel over from Tassie...we could round up lots of girls!

I bet Lyn, Karen & Susanne would make the trip south too!

Do I sound excited?

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Oh Jenny, I somehow knew you would be first to reply!

You don't need to tell me, I put you on the list already!! I've also had 2 U2Us since I posted less than 5 mins ago.

If you are interested, please send me a private email smorris@comcen.com.au letting me know who you would like to see over here, and your availablity and we'll go from there.

Best wishes


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Hi Claudia

March and April and September, October and early November are great for the weather. Lets get together off the list and see when you are available - I see my husband getting his barbeque tools out ready for your visit - he loves to cater for us all.

Maybe see you down here soon then Susanne.

Anyone interested in classes, drop me an email with your preferred dates and we'll see if we can get this happening.

Best wishes

sue in australia

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Ooooh, longarm quilting AND diving!! How about that? Claudia, if you teach in Australia, I'll go and dive with you, too! I'd have to study up on the Australian fishies (I'm current on most of the Florida and Caribbean swimmers), but I could do that for you....... Think about it, quilting some days and diving others, with your own personal Fish ID Specialist;)

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