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NQR - I'm Sitting On Top of the World

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Green....I'm just green with envy. I would like a house in that meadow on the hill in the first photo. Of course, I'd need a helo pad to get me there. :D

Seeing how beautiful this place is in the waning summer, I bet it is just as breath-taking in a thunderstorm or with those wildflowers in bloom in spring.

Great photos, Deb. Thank you for the virtual vacation.;)

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Deb, those are really stunning photos of our beautiful Canada! My DSIL is from Nova Scotia and my DD and her boyfriend were there this summer, but they didn't get the photos you did, as it was raining when they were there. They didn't care though, had a wonderful time anyway! Thank you so much for sharing such stunning scenes, just breathtaking.

Love to see you photos too, Shana. Sounds like an adventure!

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Debbi, i love the photos you posted, it brought out the geologist in me again looking at the rocks. I actually have a friend named Debby that grew up on Cape Breton, it is such a beautiful island.

Shana, i geocache too!!! It is a great activity that we enjoy doing with our kids and it can take you to places you would never normally find if your traveling, that's what i love about it.

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Hi all. Just got back from another trip down the east side of the island. Every bit as spectacular. We are at the bottom of the mountain with huge waves crashing against the rocks on the beach that was mostly surrounded by cliffs. An hour later we had an encounter with a bull moose on a hiking trail. Then a couple hours later we were at the bottom of the mountain on the other side whale watching.

On top of all that, I got to spend about an hour today with Ann Morrell Robinsion. She is a well known fibre artist, known mostly for her folksy applique quilts. We went to her quilting studio here in Cape Brenton for a visit. It was fantastic!! And a totally satisfying day. Four more days and this is all over with but the memories will last forever. :D

Now it's off to enjoy some wild blueberry pie fresh out of the oven.


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Hi Debbi,

I am so glad you had a fun trip to Nova Scotia. It looks amazing!!! I'm sorry... I probably should NOT hijack your thread here and post photos... I hope you don't mind me being rude. Please forgive me! :) .......

.... Below is my foot next to some bear skat. I'm pretty sure it was a black bear, but could be grizzly. The stuff you see in there are remnants of berry seeds. ;) Lots of piles of this stuff were on the trail. It was really "interesting" to say the least and just in case a bear was nearby, we made lots of noise and chatter while we were on that trail doing our geocaching!


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This is one of the geocache we found along our trip to/from Valdez. There are literally hundreds of these things. You use your GPS coordinates to find them. Log into this web site and register...


From there you can download your route and then stop and try to find the hidden treasures. This particular one was "kid friendly" and contained some cute toys and action figures and stuffed animals. It's a great way to get the family out into nature and find things in clever places. Andre says that very soon (probably within a few months) there will be over 1 million geocaches staged around the world. These things are world wide in all countries; some are hidden in cities, the country, under the ocean or tops of mountains, but most are easily accessible by road so little kids can find them, too.

This is a typical geocache. This one was large and in an ammo box with lots of goodies inside. Some geocaches are very very tiny (the size of your pinky finger) and are more tricky to find. We had a blast during our "adventures" along the road.


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Here we are tromping around in a mountain pass on the high mountain tundra and rocky outcroppings about 20 miles from Valdez. You see the vegetation has already turned color. The red is low bush cranberry. I found some blueberries, too. And these little purple flowers and I even found some little fuzzy (furry) catepillars crawling on the rocks.


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I love your pics Shana. Someday I want to visit Alaska.

Here's a few from our adventures yesterday. The first one is a rocky beach we came across. It was very windy with high waves crashing the rocks. I didn't know until later that I caught a huge splash against the rocks further out from the shore. Very cool, but I'm glad I was on land. You wouldn't survive very long in that angry water!!


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This one is the Cabot trail on the east side of Cape Brenton. It goes through the highlands and is very scenic. At every turn you felt like you were going to drive off the edge into the ocean. :o We did a couple of hikes along the trail, and stopped at an Acadian restaurant. The food was excellent!!


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The last hike we did yesterday was to a lake about a mile inland. You were supposed to sight a lot of moose along the way, but we didn't find any until we were almost back at the start of the trail where we came across Bullwinkle about 15 feet from where we were. There were a few other hikers around and we were all so excited (but cautious!!) to see him so close up.

Shana - We found a geocache on this trail. I didn't know what it was at the time. Now I do. It sounds like a lot of fun!!


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Debbi & Shana, thank you SO much for the virtual vacations! I LOVE all of your photos,Bullwinkle, the marmot and the geocaches are all so interesting and entertaining. :cool: My daughter used to geocache out in California, she really had a lot of fun with it. The bear scat was cool too, we've examined owl scat here.

It's so cool to think that you two are not so far off the same latitude and vacationing in two similar yet so different places. :)

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Hey Debbi, Here in Alaska, it's moose hunting season during the first two weeks of September ... and your Mr. Bullwinkle would be a big prize trophy! He's beautiful. Just last week on August 31st (day before hunting season opened) I was driving through my neighborhood, and spotted a very young bull with a small rack. He sure was a handsome boy. As I drove past, I yelled out the window "Run Forest Run!" but I'll bet his days were numbered and somebody got him.

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Yep. He was a big boy Shana. I've never seen one in the wild before so this was a first for me. I'll bet you see them all over Alaska. We did another trail that was on a bog. Supposedly you could see a lot of moose there. We didn't see any. We figured cuz it was the middle of the day and quite windy.

We came on Bullwinkle shortly before dusk. It was funny. I walked by a trail and saw the tracks and pointed to it for the hikers behind me. Then I looked up and there he was. It really startled me and I'm surprised I didn't scare him off!!

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Debbi and Shana, thanks for sharing these incredible photo's. I had never heard of geocacheing(?) Sounds fun. Also, I love the picture of the waves hitting the rocks. Debbi, you should enlarge that one and have it framed. It is spectacular! I love wildlife and it appears you both were able to see some fabulous sights. Thanks for letting us have a lovely vacation vicariously. :cool:

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