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multiple color bobbin thread on back

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How do you or your customers feel about different colors of bobbin thread showing on the back? If I use a soloid backing and want to use multiple color threads on the front of quilt would it be better to use a single color in the bobbin.Would lke to try feathers on a quilt,but the backing is solid muslin.Thanks,Becky

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I normally use a solid on the back if I use a varigated on the top...I pick one of the medium colors of the thread and go for that..... But you can use varigated in the bobbin if you want to...but don't expect it to match...so might get light dots on the dark threads, but its okay as long as the customer knows it can happen.

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Personally, I like to match my colors top and bottom too. I am okay with multiple color threads on the backing...always have been, even when I sent my quilts out to have quilted. I use wild backings, so it never bothers me. I did a quilt recently where the lady had a muslin backer. She was adamant that she wanted dark rainbows variagated on top...cream on bottom. I made it work...and boy did she pay for it! Your tension had better be right on to make things like that happen!

If you are doing this for a customer...I would suggest asking them before using multiple threads in the bobbin. Some may not like it. Also, if you stay clear of muslin backs...that helps alot! :)

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I guess I should add a P.S. to mine...when I started quilting the varigated threads were almost triple what a solid color was so I got into the habit of doing it that way and never got out of it....but since the price is much different now I guess it wouldn't be a cost factor anymore.

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Originally posted by Tracey

Hey guess what??? My dorky husband just came over and read what I was typing. Of course not knowing the conversation....he thought I was talking about bras and underwear LOL until I got to the part about customers:D:D:D What a weenie;)

Men... sheesh! ;) Like bras are all that we talk about....and it's the main topic of our every day thoughts. Ohh.. maybe it's in the forefront of his every day thoughts. You better go show him that your undies are matching. That will ease his mind a bit...

Originally posted by mcmullen

How do you or your customers feel about different colors of bobbin thread showing on the back? If I use a soloid backing and want to use multiple color threads on the front of quilt would it be better to use a single color in the bobbin.Would lke to try feathers on a quilt,but the backing is solid muslin.Thanks,Becky

Really, I think it just depends on how your customer wants the back to look. Sometimes multiple colors of bobbin look OK, sometimes not.

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It depends on my customer and on the design I am doing. If it is a boring design and/or the back is very busy, I use a Bottom Line that matches the back. However, if it is a plain back and the design is interesting, I will use: 1) verigated, 2) whatever I use on the front, 3) something to contrast with the backing.

Of course, this all depends on the customer. Some customers want the thread to blend in, even on the front, but those who don't care or who like the look of designs in color on the back, I do all sorts of different things. It's one of the things that I love about my Millenium. The tension is so easy to get right, that I rarely get pokies and then I fix it so I don't have them anymore.

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I have a customer that when I gave her back a quilt with multiple colors on the back, she loved it. In fact, she was even embarrassed because she said she liked the back better than the front. The next quilt I did for her, she was actually disappointed because I matched the thread to the back. Now, when I do her quilts, if the quilting shows on the back, I just match top & bottom and don't worry about the colors. That's what she likes...

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