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Hobbs 80/20 Bad roll?

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Hobbs uses a chemical scrim--thus the scratchy feel that disappears after washing.

Most other brands have a poly scrim that is sandwiched between layers (which is why Warm & White cotton lists a percentage of poly on its label--that is the scrim. It also keeps the cotton from stretching when you tug on it.)

This educational snippet brought to you by a Warm Company rep who visited our guild this year.;)

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Originally posted by penelopefabric

Hello friends!

I purchased a roll of h 80/20 white and a roll of h80/20 natural.

Does it always feel scratchy, bumpy and make a strange noise when you streTch it?

I was making batting sandwich samples for a friends class and i hate it.

After using Silk , wool, and warm and white, it definetly is different. Could i have gotten bad rolls?:(

Also if you use the steam of your iron or your clothes steamer...and just steam the batting...it makes it softer to use and take all the wrinkles out if there are any....its the scrim that is making it scratchy and the steam just makes it softer and not so nasty on your fingers. I love how it quilts up, but sometimes the feel is a big big turn off.

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I too toss mine in the dryer with a damp cloth for about 5 minutes on high heat. That softens it a bunch. However, in the past few months, I have noticed that new Hobbs is not the Hobbs of old. I am not sure what they changed about it but it is not what it used to be. Once it is stitched out, however, it is soft and supple.

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Hi Penelope,

I'm glad someone else has noticed the "new" rolls of Hobbs 80/20 are rough! I buy it locally at Beverelys and use a 40% off coupon and buy a whole roll. I went to buy it a few weeks ago. It was still in the plastic but there were a few holes in the plastic. I felt it ---and it was so rough and lumpy feeling. I just couldn't bring myself to buy it. I also felt the open roll of Hobbs and it was even worse!

I don't know what has happened---but, it's bad, whatever it is.

I ordered 25 yds. of Legacy online from Hancocks of Paducahs Fabric instead. I haven't used it yet, but it feels wonderful! I would say the Legacy is a mix between Hobbs and Warm and Natural. Thinner than Warm and Natural.

I've also tried the new Quilters Dream "Orient"---for a baby quilt. Oh my---it is lovely! Pricey, but oh so nice!

I'm sad about Hobbs---it used to be my favorite batt. I'll still keep checking out the rolls when I go into Beverelys. Maybe it was just a fluke that they turned out a rough batch of batting.

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The man who was the inventor of HOBB 80/20 has left this company and moved to another location and taken his invention with him.... From what I understand and correct me if I'm wrong, the man who did this is now the person who is making the new PELON batting and its the new Hobb's 80/20 if you will.

Hobbs is making a look alike, but it does not have the same ingredients as the first hobbs so we are seeing a major change in the texture and how it washes up. Those of us who have old Hobb's 80/20 will see a huge difference when we go to find the new stuff.

Can't remember who told me this, but I'm pretty sure I learned this from the forum last year when he moved on and started to work for another company....if you can find the thread it has his name and which company he moved to.

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Hi Bonnie and everyone,

I guess that I have the new H. D. Willbanks "Legacy" batting. I ordered it online from Hancocks of Paducah. It looks and feels very nice as compared to Hobbs. (there really is no comparison)---it is soft, smooth and has a nice light to medium weight and feel.

While I'm here---I want to say Thank you everyone for letting me still hang around even though I don't have an APQS machine and frame anymore. I just think you all are the greatest and inspiring bunch of quilters I've met on the internet! I don't want to leave unless you disown me!

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I notice that Donita Reeve www.lovetoquilt.com sells the new Legacy batting. It is sold in 9yd boards as well as packaged and by the roll. The 9yd boards look like a good trial size and are quite reasonable price wise. I haven't seen it in any of the stores in my area so I haven't been able do the feel test.


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Originally posted by Sparkle

While I'm here---I want to say Thank you everyone for letting me still hang around even though I don't have an APQS machine and frame anymore. I just think you all are the greatest and inspiring bunch of quilters I've met on the internet! I don't want to leave unless you disown me!

Your silly.....nope can't get rid of us that easily....:P

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I had not heard of Hobbs changing it's batting, although did hear Willbanks left. I didn't think 'taking secrets' with him would be part of his leaving - as those would belong to the company, not an employee, right? However, what do I know????

I will be making a trip to the factory pretty soon to pick up some more, and am anxious to see how it is. I do know they are advertising the batting is now made locally - I wonder if this has something to do with it? Also, since QD is/was having some problems with manufacturing, and that makes me wonder if perhaps Hobbs is also? Interesting.

But then again, what do I know????

Debbie in Austin

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Originally posted by dgroby

I had not heard of Hobbs changing it's batting, although did hear Willbanks left. I didn't think 'taking secrets' with him would be part of his leaving - as those would belong to the company, not an employee, right? However, what do I know????

I will be making a trip to the factory pretty soon to pick up some more, and am anxious to see how it is. I do know they are advertising the batting is now made locally - I wonder if this has something to do with it? Also, since QD is/was having some problems with manufacturing, and that makes me wonder if perhaps Hobbs is also? Interesting.

But then again, what do I know????

Debbie in Austin

Debbie the way it was told to me...and this sure isn't gospel, but it was explained that his taking his patent was part of his compensation/severance package.

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  • 2 months later...

I am amazed at the rumors still running rampant in the quilting world and I am terribly disappointed in H.D. for not putting a stop to this misinformation. H.D. does NOT and NEVER did own the patents to any of the batting products produced by Hobbs. Hobbs manufactures the same 80/20 that they always have. I agree that there was a short period of time that there was a problem with an overspray of the resin bond making it rougher than we were used to. Although it still quilted and washed beautifully. This has been corrected and the last 100 or so rolls I have received have been very soft and light with a tiny bit more loft, pure perfection! H.D. is with Pellon now and the 80/20 they are producing is thermal bonded ( per HD.)which means you get 0% loft and no definition with your quilting as the 20 % poly is heated( melted) to bond it to the cotton. It also does not wash or drape anywhere close to Hobbs 80/20. Please know that Hobbs goes 110% to produce batting that we long armers want to quilt with and our customers prefer. It sounds like " Beverly's" has a lot of old inventory as this was the store referred to the last time this came up on the forum. Anytime you have a question or concern about a Hobbs product please pick up the phone and call Joseph Hensley at Hobbs 254-741-0040.I promise he will take care of you. Or if you prefer, call me at 913-492-8877. I sell Hobbs batting to long arm quilters retail and wholesale. Please trust me- as a quilter myself - I would not be a distributor for an inferior product.

Lyn Heilman

2006 Millie

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Thanks Lynn for all the great information.

I've been using the new Legacy, and not noticed it being any less lofty than Hobbis. Next time I'm in Beverly's, I'll take another look at Hobb 80/20. I miss the availability of just being able to buy a whole roll of Hobbs whenever I want locally. Thanks

(Quilt of Valor with Legacy batting)


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