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I hate Monday!

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Is anybody else sitting at their day job wishing it would get over quickly! I am having a true Monday. My desk looks like a bomb went off and I'd like to take everything throw it in the trash and start over! Scares me that I'm having a bad Monday because I have that dreaded quilt to go redo and I sure don't have time for frogging! Sigh!

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I'm with you Heidi. Even if I wanted to work, people keep coming by to tell me how great their "4 1/2 day weekend was!!! Just what I want to hear since I had to work last Friday:mad:. However, I was able to "find" my desk on Friday because no one came by or phoned.:cool:

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I use to love the day after a holiday when I would be the only one in the office....and the phones weren't ringing and the others wouldn't be in as they usually had more vacation time than I did, or I was saving mine for Christmas. Its amazing how much you can get done when you don't have to stop and answer the phone or listen to those who just pop in.

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Originally posted by IBQLTN2

Trying to get back into the groove of work instead of loafing around the house, sleeping in and eating way, way too much is tough, but hey, it is only for a few weeks and we will be back in vacation mode for Christmas!!! Hang in there quilters!!

Jeanne I got robbed! I didn't sleep in or get to loaf. I did however get to visit with my son & DIL and we had a great visit. Mom did her usual task of making the holiday miserable but we had fun in spite of her. I was still dealing with that yesterday and it won't go away anytime soon. Maybe I need to move to Alaska!

My desk was all cleared when I left work last Monday. Now it is a disaster and one problem after another. Oh and our server just went down so I can't get any of my files as they are all gone! Yup it is a Monday! Hopefully this will all stay at work and I'll be able to get the quilts done that are at home and waiting!

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I'm with ya' girls! Sitting here at my desk and trying NOT to fall asleep. I, unlike you girls, am having a slooooow day at work and wish I was home quilting! From Oct. through Feb. we are very slow at my day job so my employer and I have worked out a winter schedule....2 1.2 days instead of 3. I just can't stand sitting here all day doing nothing!! I swear it's worse then being swamped!! But at least I get to catch up on the forum here!!

Wishing you all a speedy Monday!

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Wow, Heidi...I just got caught up on posts and noticed you had a bad day yesterday, too. So sorry for you having two bad days. Hopefully that's it and things will start looking up for you. As for your mom, well I got my husband's approval to get HIS mom a bag of coal for Christmas because she's on the naughty list this year. Does that make you feel any better? ;)

Fingers crossed that the quilting will go smoothly after you get home. We won't even mention that "Fr" word.

Hang in there Heidi and others having work issues today.

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I also had a house full for the long weekend, I had 3 of my grandchildren, son, daughter, MIL and still slept in. Don't know exactly how that happened, but I sure didnt get any quilting done!! Had a great time with the kids and grands and looking forward to Christmas. I just love having a full house, we made Christmas cookies early with them as they wont be back until the week after Christmas, We made embroidered gingerbread men ornaments and we didnt worry about the mess till Sunday after they all left! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff! I will have to download some pictures for ya!

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Thanks for the support girls. I'll let you know how it goes tonight! Only 1 1/4 hours to go and I'm outta here. Hoping that traffic won't be a bear. As for mom I don't think coal will work. I wrote her and my brothers a 4 page typed letter and told them what I thought in the nicest way possible. Mom's response was what I pretty much expected. She told me that the letter was mean and all I did was say how "I" & "me" felt and that I was self-absorbed. Well there you go. Since it was about how I felt and what I would put up with or not put up with then I guess one could say she was right. She demanded that I not send it to my brothers. Too late they are in the mail. She then told me that she might just have a heart attack and it would be all on me. Yup sometimes life sucks. Oh well isn't the saying that you can't pick your family? This is normal for this time of year and this too shall pass. This time I just don't know that I'll be around for it next year. It's all good. I know I'm not alone and my hubby thankfully is terrific support and always holds me when I'm sad. I'm truely blessed just having a not good Sunday or Monday!

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Heidi, really sorry for your mother problems. Life is too short to be miserable. If MIL is not happy (and only money seems to make her happy), she's going to do everything in her power to make life miserable for others, too. Then she claims she doesn't think she did anything wrong. Oh, I'm not going to keep going on that subject. Just know I (and probably a lot of others but not putting words in their mouths) think you're so nice, giving, and caring (Maddie's story especially) and so glad your hubby holds you up when you need it. Saying prayers to get you through it.

Leave the bad stuff at the door when you leave work. Listen to some good tunes on the way home.:cool:

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You gals are great. I'm home and traffic was very mild! I'm going to watch the news and then head to my studio. I'm going to give it a good clean and throw out the current bobbin and get moving again. I'm hoping to finish this quilt by 8 and have time to load the next one. Hubby will be on a business trip the rest of the week so I can quilt all night if I want.

Cindy I know I'm not alone with mother stories. It sure would be nice if my MIL were better but she has a whole other set of issues. LOL on Thanksgiving little Maddie was playing with my hubby and got a high pitched screech and my MIL says, "Boy I wish they came with a mute button." Nice. My moms comment was to Maddie and she told her that her Aunt Heidi was going to spoil her to death because she came to me and wanted me to hold her. Yup spoil her I will isn't that what they are for to give them lots of hugs and kisses? My mother always got onto me about hugging on my kids too much. I don't think there is a too much. My kids will tell you that I'm loving and firm. I do believe in rules and will hold you to it but I also love hugs and kisses and just enjoying the time. Maddie has us wrapped pretty tight. It looks like we might even get her for Christmas and we'll go to my sons house in NC! Keep your fingers crossed because we will have so much fun. She'll have 4 adults to love on her and just make memories!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Originally posted by hmerrill

[...Mom did her usual task of making the holiday miserable but we had fun in spite of her. I was still dealing with that yesterday and it won't go away anytime soon. Maybe I need to move to Alaska! .......

Sure, you can come up here and live with me.

You never know! I can always tell mom they don't have phones in Alaska!:P:P:P:P

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Well I am retired and it still has been a Monday for me. Mike and I went to Target for some additional ornaments for the tree and I left my purse in the buggy. Didn't miss it until I got home. God Bless the folks there; I called customer service and they had it in their vault. Whew! There was not one thing disturbed in that purse! So shop Target if you get the chance. I know here in Hattiesburg they are top-notch people! And in the mix my DH put the tree up, put on the lights and added all the decor. Hurray that this Monday is over!:D

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Sylvia you are so lucky and I'm so glad you are! I'm sure that you were just sick about doing that!

Shana - Mmmmm maybe I could put my mother in and igloo and freeze her until she plays nice :D:D:D!

Figured out my quilt tension too. The thread had come off the L bar and that was why the tension was off. All fixed and quilt is almost done.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

.....Figured out my quilt tension too. The thread had come off the L bar and that was why the tension was off. All fixed and quilt is almost done.

OK! :o So it was "OPERATOR ERROR!!!" (also known as the "1-D-10-T error" ;););) OK fine,,, Go ahead and blame it on the poor little bobbin. (poor bobbins they always gets blamed for stuff...) :(

OK so what is the "L" bar? Let me guess,,, it's that thingy that's shaped like an L? Except it's laying on it's side so the top part of the L is glued to the machine and short part of the L is pointing down? Is it that L shaped thingy? :cool:

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Originally posted by hmerrill

.....Figured out my quilt tension too. The thread had come off the L bar and that was why the tension was off. All fixed and quilt is almost done.

OK! :o So it was "OPERATOR ERROR!!!" (also known as the "1-D-10-T error" ;););) OK fine,,, Go ahead and blame it on the poor little bobbin. (poor bobbins they always gets blamed for stuff...) :(

OK so what is the "L" bar? Let me guess,,, it's that thingy that's shaped like an L? Except it's laying on it's side so the top part of the L is glued to the machine and short part of the L is pointing down? Is it that L shaped thingy? :cool:

Me too...what's a "L" bar....new word.... might be necessary for me to know these things as I now have a higher tech 'chine....

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

OK so what is the "L" bar? Let me guess,,, it's that thingy that's shaped like an L? Except it's laying on it's side so the top part of the L is glued to the machine and short part of the L is pointing down? Is it that L shaped thingy? :cool:

OK Bonnie & Shana - the L shaped thing is after the tension disk and you go down under that "L shaped bar" then up to the arm thingie. Follow me or do we need pictures? I left that darn bobbin in the trash too! No more chance for it. I'm sure I bounced it off the floor!

I got the quilt all done and packed ready for pick-up. Loaded the next one and did the first row. I am going to love the quilting on this one. I sure hope it keeps going like this. Maybe I can even get it done tomorrow night and be back on schedule! Wishful thinking I think!

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