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Congratulations Claudia

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There's no need to apologize. They only listed the winners of the top awards. All other names will be posted on the website after the show - at least that's how they did it in previous years.

So maybe there are others from this list who have won something, too, but haven't posted about it yet...

And I'm absolutely with you regarding the binding issue. I'm having a hard enough time getting my bindings stitched down at all. I'm not stuffing anything in there as I want my bindings to be narrow, nice and flat along those weird edges I like to use...


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Originally posted by Ferret

No my mother hasn't entered a quilt but one of my quilts is called Mother. I did a pair of quilts what needed titles before a show. I couldn't get permission from the models to use their names in time so they became Mother and Daughter.They are of Bonnie McCaffery and her one of her daughters.



Thanks for the explanation. Now I feel really dumb!

It sounds as though you do your binding much like me. I have to say I haven't noticed the stuffed bindings but I will look more closely now.

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not to use them this time......for the "South of the Border" Quilt!;)

But we will see.......:cool:

Give me some more weeks to think about.....;)


BTW.....the binding: I don´t stuff it either:o

My binding is really small and flat.....the corners are closed with handstitches.......and the binding has the same width top and back! But I can tell you, it was a hard time to learn...I remember the comments of the first entries....olala:cool::(

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Wow! I didn't realize how picky the judges could be. I wouldn't like stuffed binding either. And mine are never the same size on the front as the back. It doesn't really matter because I'll never quilt as brilliantly as you all do. And that doesn't bother me either. Congratulations on having your quilts hung!

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Congrates to ALL!!!! Are there photos from the show someplace - or will there be please?? I have not seen Birgit's Chocolate Orange Cocktail (I might have missed a post) ..... I know I did see the other one in person and Claudia's too..... can go see Ferrets on her website - right??

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Congrats Claudia and Ferret. I've also seen Fire and Ice in the flesh and it is simply gorgeous. So what they didn't like the crystals!! Ferrret I haven't seen yours in person but what I see on the forum is also gorgeous. Hope to see it in person one day.

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Thank you so much for all your congratulations everybody.

Judi - in recent years, the pictures of all the award winners (including the Honorable Mention winners) were posted on the website sometime after the show. Go to http://road2ca.com/index.html and click on the Winners link in the navigation bar on the top... There's nothing from this year on yet, though.


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It is such a crap shoot: judging. It so depends on the judges and their tastes and background. I spent a long time "art quilting" a Hawaiian appliqued wallhanging and was nailed for not doing traditional quilting. ARGH! So toss their comments aside and move on. You do fabulous work. I loved going off on some of the foodie links on your blog. Your friends eat well.


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Hi all,

Got back last night from R2CA. Read where Claudia had 55,000 !!!!! beads on her quilt. I was blown away. Saw Ferret's and when I turned from one section to the one her quilt was in - it stood out. Was quite beautiful. Heard from some of the teachers that the judges are getting stickier as to what is on a quilt, how it's quilted, etc. I guess for the beads "less is more"?

Tired but had a great time. Especially meeting and taking classes with Meg, Carmen and Sue Richardson!

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The teachers I had didn't say specifically what judges were looking for. One class we were told that some judges use a magnifier to look at the stitching tension! It's interesting though to see what they do put up as award winning quilts. Hopefully all the pictures will be up next week from R2CA. I know I was very impressed with quilts that didn't get awards.

Maybe, it's all in the judges "perception and opinion"? Makes neophytes like me very, very reticent to enter for a long, long time!

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:) you wouldn't need to use a magnifying glass to see my tension sometimes drifts. Not a lot, but it does.

I think more people need t enter so judges get to see a wider range of quilts and techniques. Consider the effect on a judge of always seeing quilts from the same people. Most people improve with every quilt they do so all the judges would see is a steady improvement in a few styles and techniques. I'm sure lots of us have different ways of doing things but if we don't show the quilts the judges never see is and will never get used to it as a valid technique.

Having asked a lot of people about raw edge applique I've concluded that what I do isn't really that at all. One lady suggested I should rename what I do quiltlique. I think she may well have a point.

Give it a go, it really is a lottery and you do have to enter to have a chance.


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Thanks for posting the link - I will be checking for photos.... just love to look at all the quilts!

I know I wouldn't want the job of judging the quilts - it is such a personal taste thing too - as well as construction and such. The one with the most awesome Purple and bright colors would get a ribbon from me!!! :D:D (I don't think I would look twice at Civil war type quilts, just 'cause that fabric does nothing for me) Personal choice.....

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Big congrats to my two favorite German quilters!!!:P:P Ferret and Linzi, don't despair! Your quilts and quilting is over the top GORGEOUS!!! You will win in another show! I think the judging differs greatly from show to show. One show wants a 4' hanging sleeve and another wants a 5" sleeve. So, what would you do? take off one and put on another?? I guess.

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