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NQR What's your most embarrassing moment (that you can tell)

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OK...so, I ask this question because of the news story tonight about the lady that lost her balance and fell into a $130 million dollar Picasso putting a 6 inch tear in it.

Well, I'm sure there were many more, but this one reminded me of the time I was taking a photography class and we were in line in the dark room waiting to develop our pics...and I leaned against the wall with the light switch! Yep...can you imagine the horror on everyone's faces? :P:P:P I can laugh now...but I was mortified at the time.

If you dare tell it, it can't be worse than ripping a Picasso and making the national news. I actually feel horrible for her, don't get me wrong. And I've had so many embarrassing moments that I adopted the motto "Blessed is she that can laugh at herself for she shall never cease to be amused."


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OK - you've all heard about walking out of the restroom with toilet paper streaming behind you????? Well, what about a seat protector? I'm not saying another word, but if you see anything like this on "peopleofWalmart.com" then you'll know the identity of this mortified woman!:P:P:P

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OH, that's hysterical...I needed this laugh tonight.

That's similar to a manager of mine that had her long billowing skirt tucked into the back of her pantyhose. :P:P:P Our office didn't have a bathroom of it's own, it was at the other end of the hall of many offices and she sashayed all the way down the hall and through our office before she found out.


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I'm among friends so I'm sharing mine. Did you ever put a load of wash in the dryer and have so much static electricity that everything just sticks together - even thought you used fabric softner? Well, I wore a pair of pants to work one day with my underware still clinging to the outside of the pants from the static electricity. And, of course, these weren't my best pair either. Needless to stay I always check my clothes now to be sure there's no undergarments hanging on.

Actually, that's probably instyle now since everyone is wearing their underclothes on the outside:D:D:D:D


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here is mine...

i was in my late 30's and pregnant with my youngest. i had a terrible cold and was towards the end of my pregnancy, feeling sick and ugly and fat. i had a checkup and went into the waiting room of my ob/gyn. i looked around and saw all those sweet young things sitting with their attentive young husbands. my hubs was working, after all, we had been thru this twice before. i walked up to the window and told the receptionist i was there. my back was to the waiting patients.

as she opened the window, started coughing and coughing. i coughed so hard, i farted VERY LOUDLY right at all those sweet young things. i said to the receptionist,

'i'm meg, i'm old and tired and i coughed so hard that i just farted right in the faces of all these young women and their husbands.'

she said, 'oh, we've been waiting for you, meg. come right in.' she came around and let me in the back. thank God i never had to face those people.

at my next check up - i brought the receptionist flowers to thank her.

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I was walking through a local department store with my sister and my friend, I turned my ankle, my other ankle gave out and I went down. I was laughing so hard I couldn't get up. My sister and my friend just kept on walking ... LOL...

I also had this happen to me walking to church. My ankle went out, my purse fell off my shoulder and hit a dog who had walked up next to me. Then my other ankle gave out, I slipped, and kicked the dog in the behind. My husband was walking with me , he about lost it he was laughing so hard. .. just two of my many embarrassing moments...

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Oh funny, have already been laughing.

This was not to embarrassing:Pbut certainly funny. A few years ago, as we were finishing up our annual shop hop, I was dropping off the second to the last lady, and as I backed out of her driveway, I said the my last passenger "gee where did all this fog come from? I can hardly see out my back window" We were, by this time on the maiin highway through our town, and my friend looks back and then, trying so hard not to laugh, says " Judy, you forgot to close the trunk" I was trying to look through that little half moon space . We laughed pretty hard and she had so much fun sharing that with EVERYONE at my surprise 50th birthday party. "you know judy is getting old because........."

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Ok, here's one of many.

It was after my first hip replacement, I was still walking (badly) with a cane. We were walking down a sidewalk in a national park when I lost my balance and fell head first into the arms of a complete stranger that was walking toward me. Thank God he was there, a fall could have had bad consequences at that time. My husband heard me cry out and turned around to see me in the arms of this man. The poor guy was so surprised to suddenly be holding me up! But I was so embarassed!

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Ok, here's my embarassing moment.

First family dinner with hubby's whole family. Grand parents, Aunts, Uncles.

We are all sitting around this huge table, foods been passed around, and we are all digging in this wonderful meal Jason's mom made.

I decided it would be best NOT to use my fingers, and elected to "cut" into my dinner roll.

As I proceeded to "stab" my home made hardroll (dinner roll) my fork slipped and my roll went skipping across future mother in law's plate, bounced off..skipped across future Grandma's plate, and PLOP! Right into my future father in law's plate, right in his gravy.

I think you get the picture. I wanted to crawl UNDER the table, dig a hole and DIE! They were all rolling laughing and tears strolling down they were laughing so hard. THANK GOD they thought it was funny!

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If you tell anyone, I'll deny it. When my daughter was still nursing, she would wake about 4-4:30. I would nurse her in bed, leave her with her daddy and go grocery shopping.....alone. One morning did just that, got dressed in the dark, went shopping, only to discover half way through my list that my pants were on, yup you guessed it, inside out. Now, luckily not many people shop at 5 in the morning but all the stock people must have had a good laugh

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You all are so lucky your most embarrassing moments are G rated. Unfortunately mine is not.

Here is a little background information:

About 5 years ago we just adopted a 3 year old dog with far too many issues to list. One of his issues was that his original owner let him pee in his unfinished basement rather than getting up and letting him out at night. The dog was only with us for a few days at that point in time so I was paying carefull attention to not let him get into that bad habit in our home especially since we had a finished basement.

Our backyard slopes downward and is fully fenced with a 6' high cedar fence.

I wear glasses and can't see a darn thing without them.

My hubby is a carpenter and has worked in the construction field for several years.

Five years ago I was 34.

So.... one nice summer day around 10 AM I was about to step into a nice relaxing bath when the dog started wimpering to go outside. It was hot so I decided to skip the towel and live dangerously (nor did I put my glasses back on). I approached our glass french doors cautiously and made sure that neither neighbours to the left nor the right were not nearby. The coast was clear. I leisurely opened the glass doors and let the dogs out,. waited about 5 minutes to let them back in, then I got into the tub. No harm no foul.

About 5 minutes later my hubby came home and said "were you just outside naked?" How could he possibly know. I was dumbfounded. I then asked him "Why would you ask me that?"

His response left me speachless:

"There is a roofing crew on the roof of the apartment building across the road and they work buy the square and not by the hour. The ONLY way they would all be stopped work and staring directly at our backyard is if you were outside naked."

My method of dealing with the entire situation was to tell myself "I didn't see them, so they couldn't have seen me."

Apparently I still believe in fairy tales. Oh well, at least by not seeing them I am not sure who I should be embarrassed in front of.;)

I dare you to top that one.


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My first visit to my future in laws included my telling a very attentive future MIL that her son had told me she had taught him how to break beds and I'd always wanted to learn. Where upon my soon to be fiance hauled me into the other room and asked, "Did you mean that?!" "What? I've told you I want you to teach me how to bake bread."

Spoonerisms, ya gotta love 'em.

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Well girls you certainly have given me a good laugh this morning.

OK here's my story. Hubby was deployed and of course that means that you get to do all the chores. It was summer and hotter than blazes. I had taken the kids to the pool and had my clothes over my bathing suit. I got home and decided that while the kids were entertaining themselves that I needed to get the lawn done. I started mowing the front and got way too hot so I thought, well shoot I have my bathing suit top on under this shirt so I'll just get a little extra sun while I'm at it. Ripped my shirt off and threw it up on the porch and start to proceed with the task at hand. I glance down and see that I no longer had my bathing suit on but had my bra on! I forgot that I had changed when I came home!!!!! Needless to say I made a quilt run for the front door and prayed that nobody had seen me. I then laughed my way through the lawn!

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