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MQX 2010-Do you need a business blog?You Tube Videos?

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Just wanted to tell everyone that I am scheduled to teach a class on creating a business blog at MQX...I will be sharing how to do this for free and the advantages of using a blog over a website and we will also actually go through and set up the blogs. The other scheduled class is on how to use YouTube to promote your business or share information to increase business. If you are interested, registration is ongoing. Thanks, Marion

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The classes are scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The You Tube Class...The Business Blog Class (called Blog Cabin Blocks with Twitter Embellishments) is taught on thursday and Friday and the YouTube class is on Saturday. Hope you can make it a part of schedule and if you know anyone who might be interested, encourage theme to register so that the classes make :) Thanks, Marion

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Glad to hear that some of you are interested in the classes...I would LOVE, LOVE to meet those of you who are on the forum and, as I have told my students at Innovations, know that if you have any questions after the classes, I am always available to help you. Again, if you are interested, I would suggest registering soon so that Mary will know if the classes will "make". One more thing...the YouTube class is Friday and the second class of blogging/twitter is scheduled for Saturday. In my excitement, I am not sure if I wrote that correctly in my earlier post. Have a great weekend and I hope to see you in Providence! marion

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I would love to attend your classes as they sound very interesting! However, I will not be able to make it to MQX. Can you offer any suggestions as to how we could learn about this if we cannot attend your classes? Are there online classes anywhere? Will you be offering any kind of information at a later date? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks and good luck teaching!

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I had a question regarding whether or not I have any online info available for my class and on business blogs. I am curous as to whether there are any more of you who might be interested in an online class on topic of business blogs and twittering, using other social media such as facebook and linkedn, etc. If so, let me know...I have taught and designed online courses for universities and enjoy that sort of thing, so it would be a fun adventure for me and a minimal cost to participants. Otherwise, if you would like to know what other locations that I will be teaching the class, I would love to let you know about that, too. Thanks!

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I would be interested in the online classes. I don't think my husband will let me go to anything other than HMQS in SLC. He said I didn't need to take any more classes. I just said sure honey. I guess I probably ought to register for classes and ask for forgiveness later. It will probably cost me a new snowmobile or motorcycle.


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Hi Marion,

I think most of us from overseas would love to have online classes and would be very interested.

I would have NO idea of where to start..... should however know how. I think the internet is now such an integral part of any (serious) business... at the same time, you can spend a lot of money, not very wisely or to best effect if you don't know what you are doing, let alone the waste of time better spend quilting!

I would love to attend an online class if it were made available.


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I have applied to teach at the Houston Quilt Market in October. The deadline is Feb. 15, so I will know definitely about that option after that date. I also have applied to go back to Innovations in Sept...this will be my third year if they accept the proposal. Since many of you seem to be interested in an online option, I will seriously try to get that going...I love doing online classes and this is one that is truly fun. Thanks for all the feedback and I hope to see some of you in Providence at MQX and others later this year or online.:)

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