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See Why I Can't Get All My Quilting Done?

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These are about 30 feet from me and my millenium. Another reason why I can't get all my quilting done like I should. Already had to chase one OUT of the fenced in yard so she wouldn't eat what's starting to come through the dirt for spring.

What's your excuses for not getting all your quilting done like you should?


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I wish I had your problem for my not quilting! What a beautiful view.

My excuse is that I took a fall on the ice yesterday and bruised and scraped the side of my face, my chin, am sore on my shoulder, shoulder blade, ribs all the way down to my waist. It doesn't help either that Linnea is so darn funny! I have been laughing all morning thanks to her.

Ouch my side...she is too funny!

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Well, I haven't any great views from my basement...only tire/wheel wells when I look up and out...so I'm always bopping up here to check on the forum and then something shiney catches my eye and I'm off in that direction... this time I came up to pay bills...did that and you would think I would get back to the basement. But no, and now its time to find food and other shiney objects...:P:P

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The deer are so much fun to watch! We have them here, as well as turkey and a variety of other wildlife and birds. What breed of dog do you have? She is beautiful! And Monika, yours are precious! I can't imagine trying to keep up with all of them! :P

Kristina, Ouch! I hope you recover quickly from the fall. I think you are amazing, getting everything done with all of the demands of a family! You must have a high energy level, or some very good vitamins! :D

My main distraction is Sam, who demands a lot of my attention and wants to help me piece quilts. His bed(s) are cardboard boxes with old pillows and practice quilts. I got a nice bed for him and he immediately shredded it, so he gets to sleep in a box until he learns some manners. :mad: :D


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Sam's got that, "Who me?" look down pat. What beauties and wonders that keep us all otherwse occupied.

My Mom had needlepointed a pillow that said, "For needless perplexities and untimely projects, Oh Lord deliver us." I wonder, did she think her four daughters were perplexities, surely not untimely projects.....

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April, good excuse.

Carmen, Sam's so cute and sounds a little onary. Mine is a cocker spaniel. I started quilting the year I got her. Every once in a while she likes to surprise me where I find her, like in the middle of a pile of fabric I'm trying to sort out.

Rebecca, more good excuses. They are cuties, too.

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Kristina, hope you recover quickly and sorry about the laughing part, but laughing always folllows that kind of ouch!!!!!!! So here is one of the three daffidils that opened yesterday. Spring has to be around the corner somewhere but we are getting a freeze tonight!!!! Bummer!


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I am really sore today...but good thing I didn't have far to fall...being short has it's advantages! It just made for a really bad day, that's all. I will survive...and start moving quicker in the next couple of days! The swelling on my face is starting to go down...and the scrapes will heal. A little stoved up is all. Thanks for the concerns.

Beautiful daffodils...wish it were spring here. This darn ice has got to go!!!:)

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