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successful King Tut users: how?

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Hi, all you charmers of the ol' Pharoh, King Tut! How do you get his thread to behave on your Millie besides saying Oh, Divine One, son of Horus etc. I crave your indulgence. Make run my thread run smoothly so that I may please you with my quilting?

I read Dawn's tip but my King tut still gets a lot of breaks and when it breaks it seems to snap back all ful of twisted loops. can you tell the charm or incantation or method you use?

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Carol, I am LMAO you are funny. :P

Well, I have gotten the Pharoh to bow at my knees and Pharoh knows how to behave. I am the Queen;;; the dominator of Tut! ;)

Secret for me? Use 4.0 needle, set your bobbin tension loosey goosey. What I mean by loosey goosey is so it's falling (drop test) pretty fast but not so fast that it's out of control (know what I mean?) so it's sliding down in a smoth consistant roll without stopping. Make sure your bobbin assembly is spanky sparkly clean (WD40 and oil real good).

Don't use a cotton thread in bobbin; I use Bottom Line which is slicker. I thread the machine through all three holes in the tensioner, and set the top dial so the tension bottoms out between 7 and 8 on the clock. Give that a try. You want to make sure you are not TOOO loose on top or you will get little loopy knot things on your backer (not good---that means you are too loose on top) so run some tests and gradually (very gradually) tighten top until it seems to work for a nice balanced stitch on both sides. Takes some tweaking but you can do it. Go slow; not too fast. Pretty soon Pharoh will be bowing to Queen Curly Tail. :)

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I wish I could give you the magic formula but I don't do anything special. I switch from So Fine or Bottom Line to King Tut with just minor tweaking of the upper tension. I always run Bottom Line pre-wound bobbins. Maybe that's it, I really don't know. Of course now that I've said that, I will probably have problems. I hope not since I have two more borders to go on my daughter's wedding quilt. It's got a batik backing and mostly batiks in the top. I'm using a blue variegated King Tut (De Nile) on the top and brown Bottom Line in the bobbin with a wool batting. The tension is fine and I haven't had any breakage.

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Shana and Holly are giving great advice! If your KT is breaking, first make sure you don't happen to have a bad spool. Switch to another cone. If you still experience breakage and the twisting issue, try changing the three hole guide thread path again.

If you are already going into the top hole, skipping the second, and then down into the third and you're still seeing issues, try changing the direction of the wrap. For instance, if the thread spirals off a cone in a clockwise direction, the three-hole guide is supposed to spiral it in the opposite direction to "straighten it out" as it enters the tension disks.

To do this, insert the thread from the underside into the first (right) hole on the three-hole guide (the one above the tension disks). Come out, insert it into the underside of the center hole, come out again, and insert it into the underside of the third hole. This puts a counter-clockwise twist to the thread to straighten it out.

If you encounter a thread coming off the cone counter-clockwise, (some Signature threads do this, for example) then insert the thread from the TOP down into the first hole, come out and around, and go TOP down again into the second and again into the third. This puts a clockwise spin on the thread.

Thread breakage is also caused by the top tension being too tight. Loosen it up quite a bit and see if it helps. Good Luck!

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Is it a dark color? sometimes they are over dyed and tend to be breaky. If I have this problem I either try a replacement color and set the tension to it and then retry the original, if there's a noticable difference call Bob Percel and see what he says about a replacement. Sometimes you do get a bad roll.

I also put a spritz of water on the thread, rebag it and stick it in the freezer overnight. Got this from an old quilter I met somewhere, seems to work! ( helps with the slip as cotton tends to drag)----Dave B.

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Hi! I think my Milli must run at a tighter tension than most, if I thread according to the instructions I can set the top tension so loose I actually remove the disc and the bobbin thread still comes to the top with every stitch no matter how tight I have it!

So when I thread my machine now I only use a single hole on the 3-holed guide instead of using all 3, and I put the thread straight down through that hole and not twist it at all. This is the only way I can either get King Tut or Aurifil to run in my machine. I have the top tension really really really loose (so the discs are barely touching), and the bobbin tension slightly tighter than is recommended (so when I hold it it only creeps down the thread when you give it a good jerk). I tried the suggestion of putting a scrap of batting in the guide that sits straight above the thread but again that adds too much tension to the thread.

Hope that helps!


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Hey! Dawn, maybe that was the problem on my last quilt, I was using variagated Superior thread, (already know that variagated is a bit more tricky....but the color was PERFECT for the quilt), had BL in bobbin, only way I could keep the thread from breaking was to unwind from cone as much as I could w/o tangles and then rewind it back on to the cone, as long as I did that it worked great! Perhaps it was a counter clockwise spool, will have to try your tip or else I am ready to pitch the spool. (Brad says I already treat him like a god..... he says it is because I am always serving him burnt offerings)

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I was just experimenting with some King Tut variegated on a baby panel. I checked how the thread was coming off the cone and it was COUNTER clockwise. I did have my machine threaded the way Dawn advised. Then I thought I would try using Magna Quilt Delight bobbins. That is Glide thread from Fil Tec and it is slick. Worked great ! I started with a 4.5 needle, but didn't like the big holes. I switched to a 4.0 and it worked just fine. My stitches on front and back were uniform. I was doing crosshatching, so it was pretty straight lines. I'll experiment another time quiltin with loops, etc. to see how it works. :)

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Also if all else fails....I have turned the cone upside down and let it come off that way as well.

Originally posted by lym95

(Brad says I already treat him like a god..... he says it is because I am always serving him burnt offerings)

Gene gets these as well....at least once a week.....:P:P:P

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Susan, at first I had a lot of tension trouble trying to use King Tut thread on my Lenni. I would get tired of messing around trying to get the "perfect tension" and find a different thread to use. But what I finally figured out is that if I use So Fine in the bobbin instead of Bottom Line, then the King Tut (regular and variegated) works beautifully. So that's what I do. I use my bobbin case that is set just a little looser and wind my own bobbins with So Fine and I can quilt like crazy without any problems. :D

So I would encourage you to experiment until you find the combination that your Millie likes the best. :cool: :cool: And then maybe there won't be so many instances of the smoke alarm going off because you're wrestling with loopies!

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for all the tips, and I have lots of times been happy with King Tut, and used it quite a bit. Last night, I wanted to quilt with it, but the top thread kept breaking, so I worked the tensions and changed needles, nothing helped. The thread is very strong as I tried to break it and it wouldn't. So, finally, I tried a So Fine! of the same light yellow color and it quilted perfectly. I was using SuperBobs, (Bottom Line, pre-wound) as my bobbin. Although at first I tried winding a bobbin with So Fine! to use with the King Tut and it really worked best. I should have stuck with that. I guess.

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