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NQR- if you have a dog in your life you will love this

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I am so very sad for your loss, but yet very excited about the new paws to join your family!!!

Rescued animals are so very special in all their own little ways, as are the other pets in our lives. But rescued animals are a bit different. They bond with a special love, I think it comes from knowing that you give them unconditional love and know they have lived through some very bad times.

Hunter came to us through Pet Finders! What a wonderful service, and I send blessings to all the hearts that pour out to help with it!!!

You can see Amelia, my daughter, and our wonderful Hunter. He is chessie/choc lab. He is truly an angel with paws!!!

Love the heck out of Maggie and cherish the paws that left prints on your heart!!!


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Penny, thanks for sharing your touching story with us. I'm sitting here all teary-eyed at work......so happy that your story has a happy ending! Enjoy your new, special friend! You will come to love her very much. We are "lab people" too. We are on our third one, this time a yellow lab (the first two were black ones). We have loved them all very dearly. Our current buddy is Gus. He is 4 years old now and absolutely the most wonderful dog ever. He was 8 weeks old when we got him and he has been our constant shadow ever since. Don't know what we'd do without our four-legged friend! Being a dog lover, I'm sure you feel the same way.

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WOW.....tissues for sure....I was so upset for you this morning when I read about Chloe. Such a sad event, but a happy ending. My BIL has 4 labs...2 black, 1 yellow, and 1 chocolate....ALL of them are the best friend to each other as well to the humans. I would steal Bart, the big yellow one in a heart beat.

I'm so happy you have a new friend, and I hope your neighbor realizes what harm he did you and your family. I hope he learned his lesson and will think before being so stupid in the future. I don't know what I would do if "Mr. Grumpy" my next door neighbor did something to Sara. He is so nasty to me when I see him in the yard, I don't even want to think about what he could or might do to her...and she is never further from the house than her chain will let her go unless Gene and I are with her.

What a beautiful face on Maggie....and you can see she needed you as well.

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OK I am sitting at my desk at work and tears are streaming down my face. What an amazing story. Wow. So sorry you had to go through the poisoning of your beloved Chloe, but so glad this man learned his lesson and asked to be forgiven and went to this enormous effort to help make amends with you. What a heartwarming story. I know that you and Maggie will be BFF.

I don't have labs (I have the German Shedder Dogs) but we have a friend with a black lab (his name is Gus -- I call him Gussie Wussie) and he sometimes comes for sleep overs when his humans go out of town on vacation. Gus is a sweetie-pup to the maxxxx. I think I love Gus more than my sheps. He is a love. So smart, too. You will love the lab. Everyone that I know that has a lab loves them.

Dory, Violet Fur Pants (cute name btw) is so beautiful! Love her black and white head! Love the pit bulls. I have never met a pit bull that was mean. I have met quite a few pit bulls that would lick my face off or beat me to death with their wagging tail, but never mean pit bulls...only loves. Pit bulls are sweet dogs too. It's too bad that these dogs get the bad rap in the press.

Anyway, so glad you shared this story. :)

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Being an animal lover, I detest any kind of animal cruelty. As difficult as it may be, forgiving is a good thing.

I ditto all of the above messages. My gosh, what a community this is..I am new to this forum. I'm sorry for your loss but as they say, all things for a reason. As much as I sometimes hate that saying, it is true. I'm sure Maggie will bring you lost of joy. My daughter has a yellow lab and loves her Chance. He is truly entertaining and has a real personality. I'm positive Maggie will bring you losts of laughs and will be good company for you.

Take care and thanks for sharing even though it must of been very difficult for you to share. Lots of hugs ...

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So sad to read this thread. Some people have no sense and can be very cruel to animals. I am not sure that I would have been able to forgive a neighbour for that, but I am glad that you could.

We had to have our hamster put to sleep this week, and although she was small, she was still part of the family and I cried and am still thinking of her. Losing any pet is hard - but I would imagine harder being a family dog for many years.

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What a beautiful story! Hope your neighbor will turn out to be animals' best friend, including cats. (They really are the most fabulous "people.") I know how difficult it is to lose an animal--and I am a "professional" rescuer, so I should get used to losing them as well--but I don't.

Good luck with Maggie! Labs make a great family!


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What a wonderful story. And to see the turn around in the neighbor to find you a wonderful rescue dog. She is beautiful. Our rescue Dylan (Golden Retriver) has a girl friend next door Agnes who is a black lab. You will have a great time with her. God does work in mysterious ways.

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Great! I did not read all the posts, but what the heck possessed him to begin with to poison your dear puppy????

Now, have lots of fun with your new baby!!:D:D

I also have a German Shedder, like Shana! We have friends who have a yellow lab who is almost 17; and she just doesn't have the heart to put him down. He's deaf now, and sleeps a lot, and sometimes has accidents. Our kids all grew up with that dog!!

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